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Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Bazoukas on 6 August 2002, 12:47

Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: Bazoukas on 6 August 2002, 12:47
La tomorow I will have La cable again because La money are not la short anymore.

 Tomorow La Windshit will la blow away and La AOL will kiss my la ass since I already used their 62 Hours from the 70 free hours they offer.

  I didnt want to use DialUp with RH. It just doesnt feel right.

Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: Refalm on 6 August 2002, 13:13
La AOL, so easy to use, no wonder it's the #1 attraction for idiots  :D
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: sporkme on 6 August 2002, 13:24
yup, once you go cable you wonder what is wrong with a dialing up computer.

i even looked at the network settings before i saw the aol icon (at work).  then again, they have dual cable and dual dsl and i have seen some speculation about triple dsl.
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: sporkme on 6 August 2002, 15:47
oh and aol is like aq bug zapper.  just think about it--- i will solve the riddle tomorrow.
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: choasforages on 7 August 2002, 05:22
dialup feels real good under unix, espeacally when you use a 14.4 modem to dial out, from a serial line. i need to get a 14.4 modem and use it give telnet connects away
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: TheQuirk on 7 August 2002, 05:47
they're both useless?? (get a damn shoe and kill the bug.. lol)  :confused:
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: Bazoukas on 7 August 2002, 11:33
Well this sucks. The cable outside is damaged. They need to bring a special crew in to fix it.  :(
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: Nevermind on 9 August 2002, 22:10
a "special" crew? a "normal" crew cant fix a wire? thats pretty pathetic now isn't it
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: Bazoukas on 9 August 2002, 23:42
Yeah i know man.  
 He said he cant connect the subs or some shit like that.
Title: Am weting my pants
Post by: Kintaro on 10 August 2002, 19:04
Im will be getting cable, but the phone line here is shitty... My dad does up old cars and well he has a cable wound up in the roof to go to the shed. Except it hasnt been setup to the shed so its a large coil and we get SHIT connections!