Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Bazoukas on 6 August 2002, 12:47
La tomorow I will have La cable again because La money are not la short anymore.
Tomorow La Windshit will la blow away and La AOL will kiss my la ass since I already used their 62 Hours from the 70 free hours they offer.
I didnt want to use DialUp with RH. It just doesnt feel right.
La AOL, so easy to use, no wonder it's the #1 attraction for idiots :D
yup, once you go cable you wonder what is wrong with a dialing up computer.
i even looked at the network settings before i saw the aol icon (at work). then again, they have dual cable and dual dsl and i have seen some speculation about triple dsl.
oh and aol is like aq bug zapper. just think about it--- i will solve the riddle tomorrow.
dialup feels real good under unix, espeacally when you use a 14.4 modem to dial out, from a serial line. i need to get a 14.4 modem and use it give telnet connects away
they're both useless?? (get a damn shoe and kill the bug.. lol) :confused:
Well this sucks. The cable outside is damaged. They need to bring a special crew in to fix it. :(
a "special" crew? a "normal" crew cant fix a wire? thats pretty pathetic now isn't it
Yeah i know man.
He said he cant connect the subs or some shit like that.
Im will be getting cable, but the phone line here is shitty... My dad does up old cars and well he has a cable wound up in the roof to go to the shed. Except it hasnt been setup to the shed so its a large coil and we get SHIT connections!