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Miscellaneous => The Lounge => Topic started by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 04:54

Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 04:54
2.95858% - Poser (
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: suselinux on 9 October 2003, 05:23
30% Total GEEK!  :D    (http://smile.gif)    :(    :rolleyes:    :eek:
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Laukev7 on 9 October 2003, 05:31
18% - Geek.

Maybe after going to University and learning a programming language or two (other than HTML) I might raise my score to 20%.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Stryker on 9 October 2003, 05:46
33%... i'm going to go sulk.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: JesusRocks on 9 October 2003, 05:47
51% Super Geek.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 05:52
I think the reason I ranked so high is because I like Highlander, Buffy TVS, I occasionally watch Star Trek : TNG, I've read comics in the past, I play online games and I build computers. ;P

[ October 08, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Stryker on 9 October 2003, 06:29
Originally posted by Viper:
I think the reason I ranked so high is because I like Highlander, Buffy TVS, I occasionally watch Star Trek : TNG, I've read comics in the past, I play online games and I build computers. ;P

all that and only 3%... i dont like this test, its not acurate. I dont mean to call you a geek or anything, but really... that's enough to get more than 3%
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Faust on 9 October 2003, 06:56
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Stryker on 9 October 2003, 06:58
it doesnt
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 06:58
Nahh, I don't consider Highlander or Star Trek: TNG geek shows(seeing how they are aired on Spike TV...the mens' network ;P). Well, Star Trek is a little geeky, but I don't really watch it that much. I do watch Highlander anytime I see it on though.

I don't read comics now. I did when I was like 6 years old.

Alot of normal people play online games.

The geekiest part about me is my knowledge of computer Hardware and watching Buffy. I don't put computers before my friends and woman though. I would toss my computer out the window in a heartbeat for my wife(as if that would ever have to happen).

[ October 08, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 07:02
Originally posted by Faust:

It depends on how often you wear black shirts. You gotta have variety in wardrobe color for fashion/styles' sake man. ;P
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Xeen on 9 October 2003, 07:02
Originally posted by Viper:
Nahh, I don't consider Highlander or Star Trek: TNG geek shows(seeing how they are aired on Spike TV...the mens' network ;P). Well, Star Trek is a little geeky, but I don't really watch it that much. I do watch Highlander anytime I see it on though.

I don't read comics now. I did when I was like 6 years old.

Alot of normal people play online games.

The geekiest part about me is my knowledge of computer Hardware and watching Buffy(I don't really watch it that much).

[ October 08, 2003: Message edited by: Viper ]

Hey what do you know, we have something in common. I love Buffy too.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 07:04
Originally posted by xeen:

Hey what do you know, we have something in common. I love Buffy too.

Oh hell no! I take that back. I hate Buffy!!!!
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Laukev7 on 9 October 2003, 07:34
Originally posted by Viper:

It depends on how often you wear black shirts. You gotta have variety in wardrobe color for fashion/styles' sake man. ;P

Steve Jobs always wears a black shirt, and is hardly a geek.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 07:44
Originally posted by Laukev7:

Steve Jobs always wears a black shirt, and is hardly a geek.

LOL! Jobs is as big of a dork as Bill Gates. He just isn't as rich.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 9 October 2003, 07:48
20.11834% - Geek


Yeah, the extensive Star Trek, Star Wars, and Babylon 5 knowledge got me.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Laukev7 on 9 October 2003, 07:52
Originally posted by Viper:

LOL! Jobs is as big of a dork as Bill Gates. He just isn't as rich.

And how exactly does fortune corelate with dorkiness? You might as well say that Michael Dell is dorky with that reasoning.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Zombie9920 on 9 October 2003, 08:04
I didn't say that fortune had anything to do with dorkiness.

Gates is the richest man in the world and he is pretty dorky. For crying out loud, he wears his trousers like Steve Urkel. LOL!!!!!
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 9 October 2003, 21:47
I don't think he's the richest guy in the world. Maybe in Washington.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Fett101 on 9 October 2003, 10:08
36.29191% Yeee Haw!
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Stilly on 9 October 2003, 10:40

hi tops are geeky?
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: NikS on 9 October 2003, 11:06
21.10454% - Geek

Or was I supposed to answer NO on "Do ya read Russian literature after classes?"  :D
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 9 October 2003, 12:14
I guess that makes all Russians geekier.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: jasonlane on 9 October 2003, 12:43
45.75937% - Super Geek   :(    :D    :rolleyes:
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: cahult on 9 October 2003, 16:08
9,86193 % As long as I
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Refalm on 9 October 2003, 16:43
24.45759% - Geek
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Laukev7 on 9 October 2003, 16:59
Originally posted by cahult:
9,86193 % As long as I
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: cahult on 9 October 2003, 18:48
Originally posted by Laukev7:

What's the difference between a nerd and a geek, anyway?

I think of nerd as a more raw, hardcore version of geek. You know, the kind of person who doesn
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Fett101 on 10 October 2003, 00:33
geeky adj.

    Our Living Language Our word geek is now chiefly associated with student and computer slang; one probably thinks first of a computer geek. In origin, however, it is one of the words American English borrowed from the vocabulary of the circus, which was a much more significant source of entertainment in the United States in the 19th and early 20th century than it is now. Large numbers of traveling circuses left a cultural legacy in various and sometimes unexpected ways. For example, Superman and other comic book superheroes owe much of their look to circus acrobats, who were similarly costumed in capes and tights. The circus sideshow is the source of the word geek,
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: jasonlane on 10 October 2003, 00:42
Originally posted by cahult:
9,86193 % As long as I
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: M51DPS on 10 October 2003, 00:42
Lo and behold, 31.55819%.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Laukev7 on 10 October 2003, 00:51
Thanks for your insight, fett. Better to be a geek than a nerd, then. As Viper said in the other thread, some geeks are actually proud of being geeks. If I interpreted this correctly, being a nerd is being both socially inept and geeky.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Fett101 on 10 October 2003, 02:07
Geek or Nerd, it's better then being a meat head jock   :D
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: psyjax on 10 October 2003, 03:52
Im a supper Geek  :D ! 49.something percent.


Guess all that computer knowledge tiped the scale. Plus my love for anime, russian litterature, Duglass adams, comic books, etc.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: JesusRocks on 10 October 2003, 04:10

     n : an insignificant student who is ridiculed as being affected
         or studying excessively syn: swot, grind, wonk, dweeb


     n 1: a carnival performer who does disgusting acts
     2: a person with an unusual or odd personality syn: eccentric,
         eccentric person, flake, oddball

Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: NeMeWaHa on 10 October 2003, 05:23
"60.74951% - Extreme Geek"

Not nearly high enough to please me, but at least I'm on the right track.   :cool:
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: mushrooomprince on 10 October 2003, 05:29
There were a lot of things in that test that I wouldn't consider "geeky".  But at least they had characteristics of people who do not care for "Microsoft" etc.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: suselinux on 10 October 2003, 10:40
I have a feeling that the Linux users will win this race
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: badkarma on 10 October 2003, 13:53
Originally posted by Viper:

Alot of normal people play online games.

Remarks like this make me realize just how stupid the world actually is ...

(remember, normal is a relative term)
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: rkmaster26 on 10 October 2003, 17:49
Originally posted by Viper:

Oh hell no! I take that back. I hate Buffy!!!!

   :D      :D      :D

[ October 10, 2003: Message edited by: Microsoft Corporation ]

Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: xyle_one on 11 October 2003, 01:00
18.14596% - Geek

That means I'm almost 82% cool rite?
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Fett101 on 11 October 2003, 01:11
Originally posted by suselinux:
I have a feeling that the Linux users will win this race

There's more to being a geek then using computers.   :D
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: suselinux on 11 October 2003, 13:29
Originally posted by Fett101:

There's more to being a geek then using computers.    :D  

The type of person atracted to one Platform is different from the other.

I would like to say that the more enlightened of us choose the "open" platform.......

Feel the flames a comin'
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 11 October 2003, 15:50
Or maybe the more paranoid of you.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Enmity on 11 October 2003, 16:21
33.13609% - Total Geek
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Parrott on 11 October 2003, 17:51
5.52268% i spose im the out cast now... get away from me you uber nerds!
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: AmericanBastard on 11 October 2003, 18:58
19.72387% - Geek
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: AmericanBastard on 11 October 2003, 18:58
19.72387% - Geek
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: jasonlane on 11 October 2003, 22:44
Originally posted by ecsyle:
18.14596% - Geek

That means I'm almost 82% cool rite?

No you're only 81.85404% cool, Duh!

  :D    ;)
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: HPC GUY on 12 October 2003, 01:58
12.3% geekish tendancies

they should have other things that deduct from the overall gek score, like have you gotten laid. have u done any illegal substance. have u ever beaten someone up and the like.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: HPC GUY on 12 October 2003, 02:04
oh and since when is anime considered geeky?
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 12 October 2003, 02:34
Anime is geeky when someone over 15 years old is obsessed with it.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Fett101 on 12 October 2003, 02:40
Hey damnit. FLCL is the shit. So is Boba Fett, gadgets, and Wierd Al.
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: Commander on 12 October 2003, 23:10
10.24...%  <- THAT'S IT?????  :eek:    :mad:    :(    (http://smile.gif)    ;)
Title: How big of a geek are you?
Post by: xyle_one on 22 October 2003, 23:52