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Miscellaneous => Intellectual Property & Law => Topic started by: suselinux on 20 August 2003, 11:57

Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: suselinux on 20 August 2003, 11:57
web page (

   :rolleyes:   idiots

In Hollywood, 2003 is rapidly becoming known as the year of the failed blockbuster, and the industry now thinks it knows why.

The problem, they say, is teenagers who instant message their friends with their verdict on new films

great idea for a cell phone commercial:

a guy writes to his friend  --movie licks dick, going to bed--   and then slumps in his chair and falls asleep

==then the narrator comes on==

when the movie only gets slower, tell your friends how bad it is faster.....AT&T (or what ever)

[ August 20, 2003: Message edited by: suselinux ]

Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: jasonlane on 20 August 2003, 14:07
HA! I would have thought the solution then would be to actually start making good movies. Not expecting us to believe that just because it has a budget of 300000 Gizzillion it has to be good. Point in case, the las Bond movie...... Utter shit, the last Terminator..... Crap.

But hey at least Arnie won't be acting as much now right!?

Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: Stryker on 20 August 2003, 14:10
hmm, why make better movies? i wouldn't be surprised if they tried a lawsuit against the SMS providers. i still wouldn't be surprised if they won.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 20 August 2003, 20:29
People are stupid.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: M51DPS on 20 August 2003, 21:57
I really liked Finding Nemo and Pirates of the Carribean, and the movie industry sucks. It was obvious that The Hulk, Charlie's Angels 2, and Gigli (and nearly everything else for that matter, but I still need to see Terminator 3 and Tomb Raider 2) were going to suck. Industries should stop blaming, they're almost as bad as the american public.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: Laukev7 on 20 August 2003, 22:43
I'm getting tired of all the rubbish spewed by the American film industry. I find them unsubstantial, repetitive and full of clich
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: bigsleep on 21 August 2003, 14:04
I pretty much gave up when someone decided that computer animation could act.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: cahult on 21 August 2003, 18:18
Originally posted by Bigsleep:
I pretty much gave up when someone decided that computer animation could act.

Then you should blame James Cameron for that. His movies (Terminator 2, The Abyss, Titanic) are filled with these "acting" computers.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: hm_murdock on 21 August 2003, 21:02
T2? I was under the impression that was Robert Patrick. How was I to know that he'd been replaced by CGI?!?!

Cameron balances the CGI and the real actors in T2 and The Abyss. T1000's FX were just that, FX. The goo never got to perform anything but transitions.

As for T3, it was nowhere near the quality of the the first two, but it was entertaining in a "ha ha, TX is so fucking incompetent that it's slapstick" kinda way.

I mean, who didn't love the scene of Arnold driving up in the hearst and blasting her with a GIANT ROCKET from a BAZOOKA
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: HibbeeBoy on 21 August 2003, 21:33
I don't think it has dawned on the movie industry (or the music industry for that matter) that the product is overpriced shite ! I mean, $9.00 to see a movie ? Who ever went to see Gigli should get a refund. I rarely go to the movies and only go to take my kid. Last movie I paid to see was Something About Mary which I enjoyed.

A good movie where there are no "live" actors on screen is Shrek, it's prety funny. Still wouldn't pay $9.00.

I saw Star Wars on cable, what a loadyfuckingshite that was !! Ewen McGregor, ye cannae act son, give it up.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: M51DPS on 21 August 2003, 21:52
I didn't like shrek very much, and couldn't figure out why everyone liked it. Go see Finding Nemo, it's great (considering it's all computer animation).
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: Refalm on 22 August 2003, 01:24
The new Dumb and Dumber sucks. Why did they turn a half-assed funny movie into a piece of shit? I feel sorry for Jim Carrey...
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: cahult on 22 August 2003, 01:47
I actually like the computer movies from the 70
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: avello500 on 22 August 2003, 02:30
automan was a good one.
v was pretty damn good too.
i figured most people here where just semen when those hit the tv.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: Pissed_Macman on 22 August 2003, 04:36

But you have to admit the leap of quality in both TV and film from the 80s to the 90s.
Title: MPAA blames text messaging for bad ticket sales
Post by: raptor on 22 August 2003, 05:31
I dont care what anybody says, i dig the matrix. I like the last one that critics said was utter-crap. I also like the LOTR trilogy with the last installment coming in december, it should be a thriller to watch.

SWAT was a pretty good movie/remake of the old television series SWAT. Pirates of the Carribean was awsome, but most of the rest utterly sucked!

Die Another Day was a disgrace to Ian Fleming. So were the others, except goldeneye!

Star Wars Attack Of the Clones - was terrible also!

Some of the upcoming movies ( look fairly interesting!

[ August 21, 2003: Message edited by: raptor ]