Stop Microsoft

Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: anphanax on 5 August 2005, 19:07

Title: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: anphanax on 5 August 2005, 19:07
This has been in several versions and it doesn't appear to be getting fixed. I have sent those "quality feedback" things along with descriptions of what I was doing when it happened.

For some reason, JavaScript keeps crashing my firefox (I am up-to-date, 1.0.6). Certian pages (particularly advertiser's stuff) takes down the browser and it's really annoying.

Not bad enough to make me consider using MSIE again, but annoying enough to make me consider Opera.

Yes, i've tried browsing the web with JavaScript disabled. When you do that, you seem to run into lots of problems, since so many people think they need to use "javascript:" links.

EDIT: I tried re-installing, and no, i'm not considering IE. As for the linux comment, i've been trying linuxes out in a PC emulator :|. Right now i'm looking at DSLinux (Damn Small Linux) which doesn't seem to include a C/C++ compiler, yet comes with a Perl interpreter... (in other words, GCC was nowhere to be found).
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: worker201 on 5 August 2005, 22:32
If you're considering IE, that means you have a Windows problem, not a Firefox problem.  This link should fix you up nicely.
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: xyle_one on 5 August 2005, 22:49
I am not having any trouble with firefox and javascript. Im using 1.0.4 on Windows (at work bitches, shut up).
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Aloone_Jonez on 5 August 2005, 22:58
I'm not haveing any problems either and I'm using Firefox 1.0.6 (you really need to upgrage) on Windows (at home and if you have a problem with that fuck off).
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Lead Head on 5 August 2005, 23:35
Under linux and windows i have no problem with javascript under 1.0.6. I would try re-installing firefox
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: toadlife on 11 October 2005, 07:11
I've had thihs problem too. It was affecting Firefox 1.05 and 1.06 - and possibly earlier versions on FreeBSD. The problem did not affect me in Windows. I am at 1.07 on FreeBSD now,It's REALLY annoying when you have seven tabs open and firefox just disappears into thin air.

I'm thinking it could have been a profile issue. At work I was having strange issues with firefox on my Windows machine and deleting my profile and the firefox install directory and reinstalling solved the problem.
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Annorax on 13 October 2005, 17:49
I had javascript problems in Firefox all the time. I fixed them by using Opera. :)
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: HeroicRaptor on 15 October 2005, 06:09
Get the NoScript extension.
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: some bum with red shoes on 15 October 2005, 11:50
oh sorry had to but try the web devolper extention for firefox, it has many options including disable java and java script at a simple click of a mouse get it here (
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Narf Man on 15 October 2005, 12:17
I like the picture!
(I'm partial to retro-ish ads).
Where'd you find it, some bum?
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Aloone_Jonez on 15 October 2005, 12:29
No, I think I'd rather use a real browser.


How about adding some browser smilies?[/OFFTOPIC]
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Narf Man on 15 October 2005, 12:46
You know, I instaled Opera and for the life of me I can't make it play flash animations. Homestar Runner just isn't as good when it's a blank page :(
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Aloone_Jonez on 15 October 2005, 13:07
Learn how to use Opera then N008!

The great thing about Opera is you can enjoy it zoomed in. (
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: some bum with red shoes on 15 October 2005, 15:16
[OFFTOPIC]here ( at some photoshop contest site,  and opps i didndt see the warnig above:rolleyes:[/OFFTOPIC]
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: anphanax on 27 November 2005, 04:24
If you haven't, set "" to They seem to be the biggest offender in JavaScript firefox crashes for me (for those of you who get them).

By the way, I tried installing Firefox again, and that didn't fix my problem. I'll consider backing up my bookmarks, and deleting my profile though, so it can be re-created. In a perfect world, I wouldn't have to do such a thing, but for all the good things the Mozilla Foundation does, I guess I can't be too mad at them for this.

For anyone who cares, identifies itself as "Microsoft-IIS/6.0". Makes sense an evil server would use evil server software :P.

Whoever the IIS apologists are on this site, you all can complain about that comment all you want. I tried IIS once, and someone broke in via the FTP server (and yes, everything was up-to-date, unpatched vulnerability). No thanks. For those of you who say, "but it's only ONE problem, give it another chance!", you're wrong. IIS has a nasty history, and I would prefer not to take my chances with it.
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: cymon on 27 November 2005, 04:45
Setting any advertisment host to is a great idea, though I'm wary of doing anything like that, BitchX just caused a Major Fuckup on my mac, though OSX reinstalls quick.
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: Jack2000 on 27 November 2005, 04:50
nope no crashes
except for some Java-Irc clients
that hurts like a bitch!
it crashes and then i have to
use the old handy
ctrl+ alt+del   [CAD]
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: themacuser on 3 December 2005, 06:11
Quote from: cymon
Setting any advertisment host to is a great idea, though I'm wary of doing anything like that, BitchX just caused a Major Fuckup on my mac, though OSX reinstalls quick.

BitchX sucks! Get XChat Aqua or irssi.
Title: Re: Anyone else having JavaScript crash Firefox?
Post by: mobrien_12 on 5 December 2005, 10:37
Quote from: anphanax
If you haven't, set "" to They seem to be the biggest offender in JavaScript firefox crashes for me (for those of you who get them).

Thanks for the tip.  I'm going to try to block that domain with adblock instead of /etc/hosts.