Stop Microsoft
All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: el_magnifico on 18 January 2003, 00:55
all this bitching about windows - sure 98,ME,XP suck - but !
Windows 2000 build 2195 service pack 3 !
it's really a wonder to run and i have only crashed it once ! - and i am a guy that likes to mess around with my OS to the fullest
P.S - I never restart or shut down - it just runs!
FLAME ON !!!!! (http://smile.gif)
Burn in hell for your sins!!! :D :D :D
Service pack 3 you say? And how many security updates have you installed? Would you be effected if I told you that all the service and security pack updates do really is give MS more control over YOUR computer?
P.S - I never restart or shut down - it just runs!
You will have to eventualy. Windows is incapable of managing memory effectively so eventualy, Windows will clog up the RAM and virtual memory so bad that it won't have enough to run. It WILL crash. It's only a matter of time.
And don't get me started on the technicalities of this.
i have the same os on one of my machines. i also screw with it to the fullest extent possible. i crash it all the time. i also have to reboot regularly. i also have very modern hardware that windows detected automatically so i know its m$ friendly. all i can say is you must be 1 of 2 things. 1: not really pushing your machine beyond text files. or 2: Dont know how to push the machine. i do extensive audio and video editing as well as heavy 3d rendering.(ya i know tux g's i am in the process of tranfering over to the light)
p.s. i know its not much of a flame but im just not a flamer.
[ January 17, 2003: Message edited by: avello500 ]
Windows isn't designed to have large uptimes. Windows 2000 only delays the time when it's gonna crash.
Windows will always fucks up, so you'll have to re-install eventually.
i am having a really hard time taking you seriousely. Windows 2000 is the most stable windows, but it still very crash prone. If i dont restart my machine, after about a week of using it, i can barely open a small word file, let alone actually use it. windows is crap. You must not actually be using the computer. :rolleyes:
hehe although i have started a little flame war you guys are more civilized then i thought (http://smile.gif) much more civilized then my fellow pilots at the Sturmovik forum - flame wars !
yez it will eventually crash but i have been mostly abroad for the last year and i am abroad now - and have this computer running for months and still working as a server for hotline and various other stuff that i like to play around with and it does not crash - until yesterday (http://smile.gif)
My Mandrake server never lasted that long (http://smile.gif)
Fuck, it seems like you just like flame wars.
BTW: My Linux Mandrake box has NEVER crashed on me. ;)
[ January 17, 2003: Message edited by: CaptainCool ]
I've had Mandrake 'bout a week, and it's already completely frozen one, and slowed to an unmanagable pace twice. :rolleyes:
OSX has NEVER EVER crashed, fooked up, or generaly misbehaved on me since I began using it as my main OS.
That, as they say, is that.
grinded to a halt 3 times now.
[ January 18, 2003: Message edited by: fett101 ]
My Red Hat 8.0 box has been up for 465 days straight now. Look at the uptime at the bottom of the page: (
Originally posted by psyjax: plain 'ol psyjax:
OSX has NEVER EVER crashed, fooked up, or generaly misbehaved on me since I began using it as my main OS.
That, as they say, is that.
hear hear. i have never had my mac crash. not once. ever.
mac r0x0rz!!
I have kernel panic'ed OS X.2 a few times. and then once i crashed cuz of my cpu temp (so i added a fan). OS X is stable, but not as stable as linux or freebsd.
Originally posted by cloudstrife:
I have kernel panic'ed OS X.2 a few times. and then once i crashed cuz of my cpu temp (so i added a fan). OS X is stable, but not as stable as linux or freebsd.
I've kernel panic'ed X.2 myself once but I have to admit that I really gave it a hard time. :D However, I have to say (judging from my own experience) that OS X is as stable as Linux. (http://smile.gif)
Originally posted by Panos:
I've kernel panic'ed X.2 myself once but I have to admit that I really gave it a hard time. :D However, I have to say (judging from my own experience) that OS X is as stable as Linux. (http://smile.gif)
I've never used OSX before, but from my experience with linux, i've never even heard of a kernel panic occur. every once in a while a program will crash and close (konqueror, mozilla, gimp), but i've never heard of the kernel itself going down.
I've never had a kernel panic in Linux either. I forgot to mention that the kernel panic in OS X had something to do with upgrading my iBook's RAM and has never occured since then. Keep in mind also that I've been using OS X for four months now and haven't experienced a crash of any kind (even in applications). I guess I was just lucky or something. (http://smile.gif)
the worst i have experienced in osX was finder fooking up, which was easily resolved. i just restarted it (http://smile.gif)
i have had a few apps crash, like chimera and flash, but i havent brought the system down. i have never had to restart the computer. whereas with windows, reagardless of which version, explorer crashes and takes the whole system down. or a program crashes and i have to reboot the computer. windows sucks (we all know that). period.
I havent crashed linux either, like osx, ive had programs mess up, but it never takes the whole system down.
and windows stupid patches and security fixes do nothing but cause more problems than they solve. a patch for a patch is not very stable. and then patching that problem will just introduce some more problems. its never ending. at work, we were setting up a computer and put 2000 on it, and then updated everything from microsofts update site. that system was very unstable. i eventually had to reinstall (big big surprise there) and decided to not update anything. it ran better. not good, but better. it still crashed way too much.
My installation of Win2k adv. server crashes every other day like clock work (apx. 9:00 p.m. est). I get the blue screen w/ physical memory dump that takes about 10 min. to reboot safely (b/c of my 1GB of RAM).
I have two firewalls configured to make sure Windows doesn't send out or receive any unauthorized packets. (Call me paranoid)
heh, i just noticed the irony that his member # is 2000. can this just be a coincidence? okay, not my best post, but this isn't the best thread anyways... just thought i'd point that out.
Originally posted by avello500:
i have the same os on one of my machines. i also screw with it to the fullest extent possible. i crash it all the time. i also have to reboot regularly. i also have very modern hardware that windows detected automatically so i know its m$ friendly. all i can say is you must be 1 of 2 things. 1: not really pushing your machine beyond text files. or 2: Dont know how to push the machine. i do extensive audio and video editing as well as heavy 3d rendering.(ya i know tux g's i am in the process of tranfering over to the light)
p.s. i know its not much of a flame but im just not a flamer.
If you want to do digital editing, get an older (around a G4 400) Mac. Linux isn't the best at those things... ( ( (
(Disclaimer: I have ordered from all 3 without problems, but I can't guarantee you will have the same experience I had)
Good. I don't like flamers or flame wars.
it's really a wonder to run and i have only crashed it once ! - and i am a guy that likes to mess around with my OS to the fullest
P.S - I never restart or shut down - it just runs!
You obviously aren't messing around with much. Quite a few settings can mess things up. Obviously it does crash, because you crashed it.
PS: Just because the fans are making noise inside the case doesn't necessarily mean that Windows is working...
BTW: Never had 10.1 or 10.2 crash on me. Ever. I didn't use 10.1 much, but I use 10.2 extensively. I've had video corruption and plenty of other crap, but that is hardware. The OS has never crashed on me.
[ January 23, 2003: Message edited by: The Muffin Man ]
Originally posted by The Muffin Man:
If you want to do digital editing, get an older (around a G4 400) Mac. Linux isn't the best at those things... ( ( (
(Disclaimer: I have ordered from all 3 without problems, but I can't guarantee you will have the same experience I had)
Good. I don't like flamers or flame wars.
Well I have to say from what I've seen, only 1 our of about 15 people I've talked to that used ebay actually had a good experience with it. The rest had a bad time and swore never to use it again. But that's still only 14 out of thousands, but I wouldn't suggest it. I've never heard of those other 2 links so I can't say much, but I always have bad luck with ebay. If you are looking to buy something then pricewatch ( is good.
ive already fallen in love with macs i just cant afford one at the moment. the one that did it for me was a daul 1 gig with a very large flat panel display. i went around to all the high end units and fiddled. the mac was incredible while the others were not worth the display area.
im all for linux also i like the feel of it sooooo much more than wind'oh, there really is no comparison.
[ January 23, 2003: Message edited by: avello500 ]
[ January 24, 2003: Message edited by: avello500 ]
Originally posted by fett101:
grinded to a halt 3 times now.
[ January 18, 2003: Message edited by: fett101 ]
Maybe it
Nope. All I was doing was listening to MP3's browsing, and probably had a movie open. And it just trrruuuddggeesss to a standstill.
Besides, the whole "it's not you it's me".. just. no.
Originally posted by fett101:
Nope. All I was doing was listening to MP3's browsing, and probably had a movie open. And it just trrruuuddggeesss to a standstill.
Besides, the whole "it's not you it's me".. just. no.
Well, it must be me then. :D (http://tongue.gif)
i don't know what ur problem with win2k is...
i have it on every computer in my house (3 in all), and FOR WHAT I USE IT FOR, and shuting it down when i'm done (i'm not running a server, and i do not let it run endlessly), i have very few problems with it. granted, programs crash much more often in win2k then in my redhat8 linux, but i have maybe once had to reinstall windows2000 in the year i have been using it. i have never gotten the BSoD in win2k, but i have in winXP (just wondering, aren't they supposed to *improve* as they go?)
but, on a less dangerous note to talk about on this forum, linux has crashed on me only once, and that was when i was trying to use WineX to run a windoze game...
edit: also, i do like to meddle with my OS, and i try to push it to see how long it goes b4 i get the occasional crash
[ January 26, 2003: Message edited by: Siplus ]