Stop Microsoft
All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: Predator on 12 May 2004, 14:28
It sucks ass! It's too... cute. Most of the time good old Dos Edit works better than XP!
I think it's a lame attempt by Microsoft to copy the innvative easy-to-use part you find in Mac OS X (which came before Windows XP).
And the fact that the default GUI looks like an episode of the Teletubbies.
Fwa hahahaha. That's exactly the way I see it. Like a telletubbies episode. Microsoft is a telletubbies episdode, only that the brave, fearless programmers at Mcrosnot can't say he-oh and they still wear their diapers. Bwa hahaha
Windows XP Screenshot ( :: Teletubbies (
I think WindozeXP is way too much User friendly. This is so user friendly, that this makes your work much slower.
For example you wanna search file. In earlier versions you just type f3, fill fields, and hit enter. Now you press f3, stupid assistent appears "what do you waaaant?" so you have to mouse-click option, what to find, people on net, computer, or file. then you click additional more 5 times with mouse and only then search process begins.. LAME!
And there are so many fuckin shit i dont like. Lots of baloons appears "you have files waiting to burn into CD.." , "you used startup configuration utility last time blah blah".. BTW do mikerozoft people thinks that users is just dumb kids? I need to write office document, and i realy dont care most of the shit, this just not even annoyz.
You can disable most of that shit.
Originally posted by Fett101:
You can disable most of that shit.
True, but I still get that motherfucking message when I put in a CD that asks what I want to do with it. I always say "Do nothing" with the box checked that says "always preform this action" or whatever, and it still pops up when I put in a CD. Goddamnit!
I also hate it when the fucking task bar freezes up. Or when explorer freezes up all together.
I also hate it when a program freezes up, I try to "end task" or "end the process" and the fucking program does not go away. I DONT GIVE A SHIT THAT THE PROGRAM IS BUSY, I WANT THE MOTHERFUCKER TO GO THE FUCK AWAY! FUCK!!
now I need to catch my breath...
Originally posted by Fett101:
You can disable most of that shit.
Yea..but the fact is that most people don't know how, or don't even know that you can. I know tons of people like that. Because of them, these "features" become "standard".
Originally posted by Paladin9:
True, but I still get that motherfucking message when I put in a CD that asks what I want to do with it. I always say "Do nothing" with the box checked that says "always preform this action" or whatever, and it still pops up when I put in a CD. Goddamnit!
Get TweakUI. Under My Computer>Autoplay>Drives unselect your cd-rom.
As for your other stuff... I wouldn;t know because I don't ever experience that :D
All that shit is there to help noobs who wouldn't know how to turn it on if it was off by default. I wish they'd have an "Disable all the stupid shit" checkbox in system settings somewhere.
[ May 12, 2004: Message edited by: Fett101 ]
I never liked xp! Infact, thats the OS that made up my mind that I should switch.
On top of a really stupid gui, you have STILL have all the bloat and bugs to deal with. ITS STILL not secure. You have to buy other apps such as av software and a good firewall not to mention some sort of add buster program! Even after that it still can get infected or because of all those above needed software or the OS itself, patches currupt the damn thing! Or makes it worse! After all M$ claimed that THIS OS was to be the MOST stable and secure desktop and ITS STILL pathetic.
What makes xp differnt from other M$ OS'es is that more DRM and hidden files are put in place of the OS! If you delete a file its not only still there but nearly impossible to get rid of.
From an end user prospective. The hole OS is just plain sad. From an attackers prospective. XP makes things just that much easier!
I have made a vow to never every install Windows XP, no matter what. The same will most likely apply to Longhorn.
There is no reason to ruin a perfectly good Linux, Win2k or even Win98 installation with bloated, spyware/DRM infested, ultra-colorful WinXP OS. No reason.
What really makes me sick is the people who try to tell me that they like the interface. Ugh! Give these guys a Mac, or let them try out KDE 3.2 or Gnome for a day.
Personally, my biggest issue is the spyware/DRM, which is there, no matter what the M$ fanboys tell you.
I also agree that XP is waaaaay to user friendly. And the worst thing of all is that annoying popup message when you put in a cd. It sucks ass! And it takes fucking long to load? Damn!
yadda yadda yadda XP is a joke. Why not create a fucking bubble to use as a OS because XP does fuck all for u!
What do you guys think about XP?
I really wouldn't know. When XP came out with that oh-so-wonderful WPA feature, I went Linux instead. (http://tongue.gif) Up till now, I haven't had anything to do with XP. So far, haven't found any reason to miss not having it either. :D
Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?
For any comments saying XP is stable, I say bullshit. The piece of crap used to freeze when I browsed websites, regardless of the browser, and listened to audio files at the same time. BSODs were also common. I reinstalled the shit but it still bsods every now and then. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
What pisses me off even more are the numerous retarded "features", some of which can't be disabled and you can be sure that they are scattered around and hidden in the OS so you probably can't find them all by yourself. Do I want to be informed ~5 times that there's a new device found (my video card without drivers at the moment because I'm updating them)? Do I want a fucking search window when I'm just trying to browse my hard drives? Why does renaming a file sometimes take 10-20 seconds?
Is the bloated GUI and all the shit that's "new" and "innovative" in WXP? Doesn't take two tries to guess right.
By the way, is it just my Winblows or doesn't CTRL+ALT+DEL not work for rebooting anymore?
I have to do a hard reboot every time the piece of shit crashes. If that's really meant to be, M$ is really arrogant or stupid to claim/think a software reboot feature isn't needed. (http://graemlins/fu.gif)
By the way, is it just my Winblows or doesn't CTRL+ALT+DEL not work for rebooting anymore?
No. CTRL+ALT+DEL does not work for rebooting. It only did so in Dos and Win9x. On NT/2000/XP it brings up the Windows security box.
Originally posted by Fett101:
. I wish they'd have an "Disable all the stupid shit" checkbox in system settings somewhere.
They have.
It's called "WindowsXP Uninstaller".
Originally posted by insomnia:
They have.
It's called "WindowsXP Uninstaller".
The have that in WindowsME as well. But when I tried to uninstall it, it fucked up the system royaly!