Stop Microsoft
All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: Darkwarrior on 22 May 2002, 11:07
Ok, the only reason I use Windows is because of game-compatibility. No, I'm not Windows fact, I hate Windows. But gay Microdick has to have a monopoly on the OS industry, so games only work on Windows (which is always slow, bug-ridden and has no security).
Anyway, I ramble. I just wanted to ask if there's a distro of Linux that has a Windows emulator good enough to run games like Morrowind, or DirectX 8+. From what I've heard though, DX only works on an OS/2-based environment, so would I be right to say that only games that use OpenGL or Glide work on Linux?
Well gaming can be a tricky thing.
There are ways to get some DirectX based games working on Linux. The best method costs money though. ( They have a product called WineX, it allows you to install and use some DirectX based games in Linux at native speed. There are plenty of games that work in it, but plenty that don't as well.
I will never understand why some people use a computer primarily for gaming, but if you like it, then I see no problem with it.
Fiddle with WineX and see what you can get to work with it. But be sure to read the documentation.
Lindows is soon coming out, and it has wine embedded into it to allow people to use windows products. (
Will there be a free download of Lindows, or is it just a greedy product?
seems pretty greedy to me, it costs 99 bucks, and is it even out yet? after promises of being ready for january?
Hey, I'm a gamer...what else are computers for? (http://smile.gif)
Lindows looks pretty cool. When they come out with the Windows compatibility list, maybe I'll consider buying it. That would be great if it could be 100% Windows compatible...but that's asking a lot.
it sure is, seeing as how the compatibility is basically guesswork, since windows is all closed source, do try out wine if you can i think there are free deoms of it, it emulates windows with directx, i am told, also, i am sure there's a link somewhere in these forums about a directx x clone running in linux, might be interesting...
I love games too, so I invested $300 back in November 2000 and bought a PS2. For my computer gaming needm, I have Quake, and bzflag, and thats all I need.
Originally posted by Darkwarrior:
Hey, I'm a gamer...what else are computers for? (http://smile.gif)
lol ... if computers were only for games we'd call them all consoles :rolleyes: