Stop Microsoft

All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: timrob on 19 July 2003, 17:38

Title: thankyou billy boy you friggen idiot
Post by: timrob on 19 July 2003, 17:38
Yawn...... another case of incompatibility. A friend  sends me files attached to an email from a widows network and I recieve them at work on a windows network. "application/ms-tnef" whatever the hell that means. Ask the windows tech heads and they dont know..... email him back and ask for a different attachment. What the hell is going on.  Oh hang on we're talking microstuffup here..... lets just accept it as normal and hope like hell its nothing important.  Jeez bill  ......
Title: thankyou billy boy you friggen idiot
Post by: jasonlane on 21 July 2003, 17:02
What a suprise a problem caused by M$:

Title: thankyou billy boy you friggen idiot
Post by: mushrooomprince on 5 August 2003, 08:38
You would think that there wouldn't be compatibility issues between two windows operating systems.
Title: thankyou billy boy you friggen idiot
Post by: bigsleep on 5 August 2003, 14:09
Originally posted by Zardoz:
What a suprise a problem caused by M$:


So now, instead, they send a lot of useless html crap (that isn't even true html). When someone sends me that crap I write them back and say their eMail looked like it had a virus attached so I deleted it.
Microsoft Publisher does some really weird shit as well - someone sent me an image once and I thought it was a virus.
Title: thankyou billy boy you friggen idiot
Post by: jasonlane on 5 August 2003, 16:28
Someone sent me an M$ RFT file yesterday, it was all fucked up, all the images were missing or corrupted. So my guess is that M$ RFT ain't RTF at all!

And when you mean HTML you mean MSHTML and JScript not JavaScript. I hate Microsoft.

[ August 05, 2003: Message edited by: Zardoz ]

Title: thankyou billy boy you friggen idiot
Post by: Faust on 5 August 2003, 16:39

You would think that there wouldn't be compatibility issues between two windows operating systems.

[faust starts having a coughing spasm]
Title: thankyou billy boy you friggen idiot
Post by: bigsleep on 5 August 2003, 19:55
Originally posted by Zardoz:
And when you mean HTML you mean MSHTML and JScript not JavaScript.

/me humbly begs for your forgiveness