Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: JanusChrist on 10 October 2005, 15:36
With all the Firefox bashing lately on the internet, I figured it was about time someone posted a reminder of why IE is a FAILURE of a browser. Of all the problems I've ever known about IE, this is probably the most disturbing; a line of HTML that can crash your computer. No, not just the browser and not just the OS, the WHOLE FRAGGING COMPUTER! I didn't believe it myself until I tried it. If you have the balls and a Windows OS, save your work and click this link in IE:
When I tried it with IE 6 on Windows XP, it paused for few seconds and then the computer restarted. No BSOD, no Error Report, just restarted as though someone hit the reset button. Firefox and Opera both render the link with no problems.
I discovered this little trick at:
We know ( ;)
Does it still crash in a fully-patched Windows XP system?
Hi Janus, long time no see. :)
If you don't like IE or Firefox then you can always try Opera (, it's free now (as in bear) - it's no longer adware!
Personally I think IE blows goats, Firefox is alright (I suppose it's excellent compared to IE), and Opera is brilliant!
Sry Firefox didn't crash :]
Firefox is alright
Change of heart? ([/offtopic]
I had a feeling you would say this, I was speaking comparativly of course, Firefox is shit when you compare it to Opera, but IE is shit compared to Firefox.
Firefox is shit when you compare it to Opera
That's arguable (/me thinks he knows what happens next).
but IE is shit compared to IE.
No comment :p
Sorry the last statement contained a typo, I've edited it now.
That's arguable (/me thinks he knows what happens next).
Well we've already discused this - there's realy nothing more to say.
janus, I E> your avvy.
Hi Janus, long time no see. :)
If you don't like IE or Firefox then you can always try Opera (, it's free now (as in bear) - it's no longer adware!
Personally I think IE blows goats, Firefox is alright (I suppose it's excellent compared to IE), and Opera is brilliant!
Since Opera is so brilliant, you should have no problems at all posting a comment on :rolleyes:.
janus, I E> your avvy.
Thanks. Check out
We know ( ;)
Does it still crash in a fully-patched Windows XP system?
Just tried it with XP Home SP2 with all updates. After about 10 seconds I get a BSOD and have to reboot.
wow is this because of the fact that the image is

9999999high and 9999999wide? hmmm
oh i just tryed this again on my second comp with xp pro even screwed firefox (probably because the comuter is crap on a stick)
This is both a Mozilla and Windows bug, mainly the latter since however buggey a browser (or any other application) is it should not crash the whole OS.
Nice trick :)
ps: I don't like Opera becouse it is too ... hm how do you say this ...
Overdid(overdo??)... overkill :D...
...too much bling ...
I see nobody ever has the balls to respond to my comments about Opera's severe lack of features regarding rendering that inhibit its ability to use certain important features on many popular sites.
That's because Opera is fully standards compliant and I have never had any problem with it, and if I do then I'll use Firefox to view that particular website. I don't see a problem here, to me this would be just like temporaryly switching to IE to view a couple of websites - wow that really hurts!
I see nobody ever has the balls to respond to my comments about Opera's severe lack of features regarding rendering that inhibit its ability to use certain important features on many popular sites.
What important features? I haven't noticed anything missing anywhere.
I think kintario is complaining because he doesn't know how to use Opera properly, he doesn't know how to install the appropriate extentions to use certain web features.
This is both a Mozilla and Windows bug, mainly the latter since however buggey a browser (or any other application) is it should not crash the whole OS.
Mozilla bug? How do you know (note well: know) that?
Because this issue doesn't affect Opera, also if Windows wasn't affected by this bug then Mozilla would just crash instead of bringing down the whole system.
Because this issue doesn't affect Opera, also if Windows wasn't affected by this bug then Mozilla would just crash instead of bringing down the whole system.
Does it still affect IE?
The Opera guys could be using some workaround.
How come this bug doesn't appear in the GNU/Linux releases of Mozilla? Is the GNU/Linux-specific code OK and some Windows-specific code broken?
My system hung when I tried this, using Firefox 1.0.7 and Windows 2000 Service Pack 4
Does it still affect IE?
The Opera guys could be using some workaround.
How come this bug doesn't appear in the GNU/Linux releases of Mozilla? Is the GNU/Linux-specific code OK and some Windows-specific code broken?
That's a good point.
Have you tried this in Linux?
Does Firefox crash?
My reasoning was that Firefox asks Windows GDI to draw a big fuck off bitmap and Windows crashes, when it should just terminate Firefox and display a message saying "This program has performed an illegal operation." Even if this bug isn't present in the Linux version it doesn't prove anything since X handles graphics in a totally differant way do Windows, and some of the code is differant in the Windows version.
Opera has still proved it's worth either way, you say they may've worked around this bug. Well if this is true it shows thier knowledge of Windows programming is superiour to Mozilla's.
Yes, a Windows thing since this affects IE too but this could just be a coninsidence, or you could be right. I don't know perhapps Firefox is expecting an error code to be generated so it can display a message or something but Windows just crashes, perhapps you could read the source or better still fix it.
i am using a very phucked up copy of windows XP SP2 and the my system did not hang or crash with that image, it simply loaded it in a few seconds and nothing happened.
That's a good point.
Have you tried this in Linux?
Does Firefox crash?
My reasoning was that Firefox asks Windows GDI to draw a big fuck off bitmap and Windows crashes, when it should just terminate Firefox and display a message saying "This program has performed an illegal operation." Even if this bug isn't present in the Linux version it doesn't prove anything since X handles graphics in a totally differant way do Windows, and some of the code is differant in the Windows version.
Opera has still proved it's worth either way, you say they may've worked around this bug. Well if this is true it shows thier knowledge of Windows programming is superiour to Mozilla's.
Yes, a Windows thing since this affects IE too but this could just be a coninsidence, or you could be right. I don't know perhapps Firefox is expecting an error code to be generated so it can display a message or something but Windows just crashes, perhapps you could read the source or better still fix it.
It doesn't crash for me.
If Windows GDI or whatever causes the system to crash when asked to draw a huge image, then Windows GDI needs to be fixed.
Or we could just check that the image isn't big enough before we ask Windows GDI to draw it, and if it isn't display an error message. Maybe the Opera guys decided "We needa work around this" and did something similar, and the Firefox guys said "Windows GDI is broke, not Firefox. Microsoft needs to fix Windows GDI, it's their bug". It doesn't necessarily mean that the Opera developers are more skilled than the Firefox developers when it comes to coding for Windows. Maybe they just decided differently.
Oh yes the Opera developers have decided to do things differently which has resulted in a superiour piece of software - sorry I just couldn't help myself. :D
I think , however that this is a Windows bug rather than a Mozilla of IE bug, I don't know why it doesn't affect Opera, perhapps it's because it renders pictures differently, in Opera everything's fully zoomable and may be this has something to do with this.
Don't know if you know this or not but it seems that StretchBlt(...) is causing the BSOD. The graphic card is trying to stretch that image to 9999999, causing watchdog to think that the device driver is spinning in an infinite loop. Resulting in a bugcheck...
There's patches in there to stop it from rendering the image. And suposadly, it's fixed (dunno exactly what that means) in trunk (should be fixed in the 1.5 betas).
konqueror owns :)
konqueror owns :)
All I have to say is....
Disgust. :thumbdwn:
Konqueror ain't bad. I wouldn't consider it great, but as a browser it holds its own. The rendering engine is very good though, and Safari (which does own) uses that.
Yeah, and Safari owns even more with the latest CVS webkit: This makes it even faster than the current stable version. Safari 1.0 owned IE. Safari 1.1 was faster than the latest release of firefox. Safari 1.2 absolutely owned IE AND firefox. Safari 2 is even faster. With the open-sourced webkit, it is EVEN faster. Why? Look at the changelogs. The developers put in 0.5% faster here, 0.5% faster there etc... and it all adds up. Just search the changelogs for % and you will see what I mean.
Oh, there's a new version... one minute, let me just get it...
This is so awesome that it deserves to be in my signature :)
Firefox 1.0.7 - no crash
Deer Park 1.6a (nightly build from Oct 31)- no crash
SeaMonkey 1.1a (nightly build from Oct 31) - no crash
I guess Linux pretty much fucking rocks.
Safari 2.0- No problems, just a bigass blank page. Tab closes fine.
Firefox 1.0.7 - No issues at all.
I guess *NIX systems pretty much rock.
IE whores directed to that link: 7
Windows reboots: 6
However, number of times IE whores have tried to go to said link on MY laptop to try and crash it: 7
Number of Mac OS or Safari crashes: 0
Interesting. I just crashed Windows by going to the link in H_TeXMeX_H's sig in a new window. It was brown. Sorta. I've been there before and it never crashed. But this time, BAM!, it was like someone hit the reset swich. It was with Firefox.
Interesting. I just crashed Windows by going to the link in H_TeXMeX_H's sig in a new window. It was brown. Sorta. I've been there before and it never crashed. But this time, BAM!, it was like someone hit the reset swich. It was with Firefox.
Do you feel my power now ? MUHAHAHAHAHA :eek: :D
It erased all my bookmarks. I'll get you for this. Death to H_TeXMeX_H!
It erased all my bookmarks. I'll get you for this. Death to H_TeXMeX_H!
Cool, that was unexpected, why would it erase your bookmarks ? You should have saved them anyway, I save em every month or so, upload em to my gmail drafts folder just in case they are erased accidentally. If you still hold it against me, bring it on ... I can take anything you throw at me :mad: :eek: :D
I was also thinking of putting this in my e-mail signatures to piss people off ... MUAHHAHAHAH !!! I'm so evil :D but Bill Gates is far more evil