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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: hm_murdock on 20 October 2005, 01:05

Title: Powerbook HDs, dual-core G5s
Post by: hm_murdock on 20 October 2005, 01:05
Well, the  dual-core G5s are here. The new boxes have PCI Express, and a bunch of other stuff that makes the computers we looked at two years ago look like dirt.

The new Powerbooks have higher rez screens on the 15 and 17, and better batteries. The 12" has a better battery. That's all.
Title: Re: Powerbook HDs, dual-core G5s
Post by: WMD on 20 October 2005, 03:44
Quote from: hm_murdock
The new Powerbooks have higher rez screens on the 15 and 17, and better batteries. The 12" has a better battery. That's all.

Fucking Freescale.