Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: mcfinchev on 20 October 2005, 07:04
I know that Internet Explorer has hidden files containing browser history. Does any one know if Mozilla Firefox has the same problem?
All browsers save info, whether to user files, a centralized "registry", or to .plists. Some even save the stuff to evilbad hidden death files that kill you when you think about them.
I don't think Firefox falls into the category of browser that uses the hidden death files. You're safe to think about these files regarding Firefox, I doubt that the Hidden File Ninjas will come out from behind your can of Diet Dr. Pepper and cut your throat with discarded CDRs.
Besides, who cares? The hidden file thing is so 1998. Seriously... THERE'S THINGS OTHER THAN THE HIDDEN FILES!
from memory all files are in:
C:/Documents and Settings/User/Application Data/Mozilla/Firefox/......
It can't be secret because the programs open source. Useful to fix manually fix user profiles (nondeleted lockfiles etc).
This forum is getting like a deceased church, and the owners are to busy getting rich to care :(
Yeah hopefully I'll have a life soon, had an interview the other day.
This forum is getting like a deceased church, and the owners are to busy getting rich to care :(
Heh... shame microsuck is sort-of missing. We can keep the forums alive though.