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Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: sjor on 1 November 2005, 18:28

Title: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: sjor on 1 November 2005, 18:28
ive been searching for an OS X theme for OS 9, but so far I've only come up with one result, and the download link is broken.

can any1 help?
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: worker201 on 1 November 2005, 18:45
OSX has all the aqua you need.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: sjor on 1 November 2005, 20:47
yes, i know that...

but i wanted to make OS 9 look like OS X so it would look all the same when i run Classic apps. thats all  :)

100th Post
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: hm_murdock on 1 November 2005, 21:08
It's out there. Check, or search for "Mac OS 9 Themes" on Google. I've had it before, but I haven't run 9 in years... so... yeah. Even when I did, I used the default Platinum appearance.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: worker201 on 1 November 2005, 22:03
Classic apps - how 1999!

Get with the program - X marks the spot.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: hm_murdock on 1 November 2005, 23:00
I've only got one classic app left, Photoshop 5.5. Only reason I don't have new version... I don't have the $$ to get a new one!
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: worker201 on 2 November 2005, 00:34
Hello, piracy?  It's free and only slightly dangerous.

Personally, I got the gimp, less hassle.   Oh yeah, and Fireworks is pretty damn cheap.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: cymon on 2 November 2005, 00:42
How to get the OSX aqua theme on a System 9 machine.

Insert a Tiger install cd and reboot, making sure to hold down the "c" key after the startup sound. Then install classic support. That'll cost you 120$, but it's worth it.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: worker201 on 2 November 2005, 01:12
Quote from: cymon
Insert a Tiger install cd and reboot, making sure to hold down the "c" key after the startup sound. Then install classic support. That'll cost you 120$, but it's worth it.

$120 for a theme?  Give me a fucking break.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: cymon on 2 November 2005, 01:14
Not just a theme though...
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: MarathoN on 2 November 2005, 15:54
Does anyone know of any old Macintoshes that could run System 7.5?

I have the CD here and I am dying to get it running again. :P
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: worker201 on 2 November 2005, 18:35
If I remember correctly, the original fruity iMacs worked rather well with 7.x
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: WMD on 2 November 2005, 20:06
Quote from: worker201
If I remember correctly, the original fruity iMacs worked rather well with 7.x

Nope.  You have to go pre-G3 to run 7.5.  And the last of those would sometimes only run 7.6.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: worker201 on 2 November 2005, 21:02
Oops, my bad.  I guess that was OS8.  Which sucked, imho.  But in searching for information, I did find a link to a place that will sell you an old-school iMac for $300, which is not a bad deal.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: hm_murdock on 2 November 2005, 21:50
The original bondi iMac ran 8.1. The second revision bondi ran 8.5. I think the last thing to run 7.anything was the Powerbook G3 (3500), not the Wallstreet with the 14" screen, but the little dinky one before it. All the first-run G3s require 8.0, but really hunger for 8.5.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: worker201 on 2 November 2005, 22:48
Where does one find this information?  I found specs on every computer Apple ever made, but there was never any information about operating systems they shipped with.
Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: MarathoN on 2 November 2005, 22:48
Yes, because we had a Macintosh LC 475, and that could run System 7.5 perfectly, very fast too. :D

Title: Re: Aqua Theme for Mac OS 9
Post by: WMD on 2 November 2005, 22:57
Quote from: worker201
Where does one find this information?  I found specs on every computer Apple ever made, but there was never any information about operating systems they shipped with. lists such information along with the specs.

And Jimmy is right about the 3500, although, that's 7.6, not 7.5 as asked.  I wouldn't even really run 7.6 on that thing anyway.  The Power Mac 9600/200 or 233 could run 7.5.5.