Stop Microsoft

All Things Microsoft => Microsoft Software => Topic started by: HPC GUY on 7 August 2002, 22:07

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 7 August 2002, 22:07
do not download the new service pack for xp that is going to be released. it will cause the cd key in ripped copies and some massed released corporated editions to become invalid, there is a way to circumvent that though through the registry  ;)
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: caveman_piet on 7 August 2002, 23:36
Yes - go ahead - use these ripped (sic)
copies of M$ XP -
and so serve the needs of Bill Gates.
The plan - "use passwords - force them to crack
it - then they'll start using it - giving copies to all their friends - AND so we'll again get them to spread and use our M$ products".

Why exactly come to THIS forum and rant and rave about cracked M$ products I surely do not understand.
Why even use the rubbish?

By cracking/using any M$ product - you're playing right into their hands.
An illegal organisation is allowed to use "illegal" methods to distribute products?
And an a-moral organisation will therefore
use a-moral means to distribute their goods!!!!
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: choasforages on 8 August 2002, 00:45
wow man, ill have to remember that, just what i need, more chains and shackles from big brother
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 01:38
sorry to stir your craw caveman, this is just a little warning to help those who actually use M$ that their ripped copies will become useless. Didnt mean to push your buttons sheesh..
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: pkd_lives on 8 August 2002, 02:01
Have to agree with caveman. This site is for the eradication of M$, we should not support them in any way.

Also, we should not support the concept of copying CD's and software illegally, I will not stoop to the level of mine enemy and use illegal tatics to achieve my ends.

Especially when I can use open source, and the authors are happy for me to use, copy, spread, butcher their code. Cracking would vanish pretty fast when there is no closed source code to crack open.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 02:21
Also agree 100% with caveman.  I thought it was a very good post...
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 02:22
alright fine...just trying to be helpful and get shitted on, thats ok. I dont like ms either and im not trying to promote m$ products but fuck more insight from me...
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 02:41
Then just what did you mean by your post?  Sounds like promotion when you talk about getting it and circumventing the shitty license/registration with a registry hack.  But maybe I missed something....

And I don't believe anyone has "shit" on you. Just steering you down the right path...

[ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 03:00
some people already have a ripped copy, like the one i have on my dual boot workstation at work, some people dont use linux %100 percent of the time, accept that fact. for those who Do have a ripped copy or a corporate edition this is just to prevent the future frustration of loosing functionallity of their shitty os. thats all...i fail to see how im advocating the use of xp for those who already have it. My dad only know how to use windows, so i had to use a corporate key on his computer because he lacks the learning power to learn linux and how to do all the things he wants to do.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 03:09
The point is, if you need Windows, then use it. But do not pirate it. Buy it legit or don't fucking use it.  Sheez, how hard is that?  If you are going to use it illegally then you gotta be pretty fucking stupid to broadcast that around the internet.  I'm sure you'll be hearing from your favorite company soon.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 03:22
thats bullshit, my boss called m$ to rat out best buy doing hard drive loads on customers hdd's (which is majorly illegal if they dont own it) and alot of them dont and we have proof, but M$ didnt give a rats ass and did absolutly nothing. i guess they had nothing to gain by pursuing a company that sells large amounts of computers that come with windows but either way, i could give a two fucks about m$. Dont chastise me about the way i use my software, im sure half the people here own some several gigs of warez which is just as bad so dont be singling me out! if you dont do that shit than fine you have made your point.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 03:47
I'm not singling you out dip shit.  I do this to everyone that comes here talking about warez. And I am not chastising you about your software. I am chastising you about the software that is not yours. Man, your boss must be one very tolerant sum bitch.

[ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 04:14
well im sorry i dont meet up to your high and mighty standards. Ill be sure to avoid anything to set off that big head on your shoulders. if your not prepared to read other peoples thoughts and info then maybe you shouldnt post on public sites or get your own forum and ban all the people you dont like so your opinion can be the only one, excluding any ALTERNATIVE opinions. dumbass
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 04:18
I enjoy reading alternate opinions.  I don't enjoy reading illegal ones.  I like this site and I hope that it sticks around. It's not going to with childish dweebs like yourself promoting illegal activity.  Now go find a warez site shmuck.

[ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 04:28
your the idiot who resorted to personal insult first so smoke that shit and choke. I dont happen to have a collection of warez, you dont know the meaning of illegal, i have seen some illegal shit in my time and this is by far the smallest spec of being illegal (im not saying that makes it right) by telling those who use illegal software of impending doom, didnt mean to scare you, *is that the feds at my door?!* nope sorry. check your ego at the door bud, i can understand you POV doesnt mean you have to force it down my throat. Im through, internet arguments are stupid anyway...

[ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: HPC GUY ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 04:32
"Internet arguments are stupid anyway..."

Agreed, and I thought you were the first to sling mud (maybe I misread your posts), if you see it the other way then I am sorry.  But don't be lookin' for no kisses.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 04:33
nope never meant to insult you dude, just thought you were attacking me for something not that big of a deal.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 04:38
Not at all. I just happened to agree with caveman's POV and then you got mad and started swearing. Maybe you weren't really mad. It's hard to tell the demeanor of someone by a post.  It's easy to take it the wrong way...
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 04:43
true...i use the term fuck it all the time. sorry, i just said i was getting shitted on, i guess that may have been to extreme, by bad.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 04:46
Ok then, just a misunderstanding nicely cleaned up. Peace dude, but still don't expect any kisses, I'm not like that.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 8 August 2002, 04:47
haha..nor do i expect any.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: pkd_lives on 8 August 2002, 04:49
M$ suck.

Well some one has to have the last word, or you two ain't going to sleep tonight.  (http://tongue.gif)
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Doctor V on 8 August 2002, 06:28
Lets face it, some people have to use windows.  One should always make strenuous efforts not to, but it might not even be of their own choice.  Might just be that someone upstairs wants everyone in the company using windows machines.  Thats what monopolys do.  Force people to use/buy their products.  In such a case, I'd rather their windows copy was pirated than legally bought.  Sure using even free copies of windows is bad.  But if windows is the only option, a pirated copy is the lesser of two evils, as it wont directly put money into BillyG's pocket so he can use it to build up Palladium, or buy some votes in the senate, or even make some brainwashing advertizing.  Copyright and intellectual property laws are among the strictest in the world, stricter than ever before in the past (and I just want to punch Bill Gates every time I hear him say the word 'intellectual property', he sounds like such a f**).  Did you know that copyright lasts until 70 years after the creator is dead!

Also, if he must use windows, XP is a bad choice.  Win2K  is the probably least crappy of the several Windows versions.  All XP is is a fisherprice looking spyware bloated less-stable version of Win2K anyways.

This may seem a little off subject, but as long as we are talking about piracy, I say boycott all RIAA cds, burn them and give them to friends, make mp3s and distrubute them all over the internet.  Never give any money to the Nazi record labels.  Don't let a red cent of yours go to those money-grubbers with their billion dollar lobby, and army of lawyers.  RIAA is certainly one of the driving forces behind TCPA and M$ Palladium.

I know many of you may disagree with this post, but its just my 2 cents.

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: choasforages on 8 August 2002, 07:17
gnutella and anarchy forever/*just don't assasanate me, please riaa, i deserve to live*/ o and by the way, how much would it cost to get hosted in sealand. like then we could really rant about tcpa and drm. and really encourage gnutella, cause in the u.s. freespeech doens't exist
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: saddlemagic on 8 August 2002, 07:51
The Principality of Sealand's Internet operation is run by HavenCo. (

If you dig through their site you will find the rate sheet: (
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 08:34
Originally posted by Doctor V:
Lets face it, some people have to use windows.  One should always make strenuous efforts not to, but it might not even be of their own choice.  Might just be that someone upstairs wants everyone in the company using windows machines.  Thats what monopolys do.  Force people to use/buy their products.  In such a case, I'd rather their windows copy was pirated than legally bought.  Sure using even free copies of windows is bad.  But if windows is the only option, a pirated copy is the lesser of two evils, as it wont directly put money into BillyG's pocket so he can use it to build up Palladium, or buy some votes in the senate, or even make some brainwashing advertizing.

This kind of reminds me of arguments for legalizing crack. Sure you can sugar coat it but it's a bad thing.  This time I will "respectfully" disagree.   (http://smile.gif)    I guess your company hasn't had a Microsoft audit "yet".  I have had the misfortune of being involved with an audit first hand a couple of times now and it's not a pretty sight.  The more dough the "bosses upstairs" have to shovel out the more susceptible they are to looking at alternatives.  It will drive them to find alternatives, or have them written. This is a good thing.  Sure it may be a "short term" profit on the old M$ stock ticker but it will eventually be their demise.  I still say don't do it.  I say invest that money that you would have spent on your M$ software on a programming team and on bonuses for your employees. If you can kick the M$ habit then you deserve a bonus. In fact it will mean a long term raise as you will no longer have to pay the Microsoft tax.

[ August 07, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: rtgwbmsr on 8 August 2002, 11:14
Originally posted by Doctor V:
One should always make strenuous efforts not to, but it might not even be of their own choice.

I just finished switching! Linux for my x86 machines, Mac OS for my Macs. So happy it worked! Anyway...

Originally posted by Doctor V:

Thats what monopolys do. Force people to use/buy their products. In such a case, I'd rather their windows copy was pirated than legally bought.

I'm going to have to disagree with you. Pirating software is bad in general, unless you use it for a week as a trial or something... But I do understand your argument. "If yer gonna force me, I'm gonna do it for free"

Originally posted by Doctor V:
Never give any money to the Nazi record labels. Don't let a red cent of yours go to those money-grubbers with their billion dollar lobby, and army of lawyers. RIAA is certainly one of the driving forces behind TCPA and M$ Palladium.

YES! I agree here! And their stupid attempts to remedy piracy with their "renegade" you-pirate-it-we-break-it law.

BTW: There are TWO TCPAs:

TCPA #1: Telephone Consumer Protection Act of 1991
If you have a fax machine, you should love this. It keeps companies from spamming your fax machine.

TCPA #2: Trusted Computing Platform Alliance
Kill it! We gotta stop it before it starts people!

You won't know how bad Windows is until you use something else with an open mind. It took me a while, but anyone can.

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Tonerman on 8 August 2002, 11:56
Originally posted by Saddle Magic:
[QB]The Principality of Sealand's Internet operation is run by HavenCo.


*people start looking*

sorry.... random hobby of mine.. I hang out with a large community that is basically a small version of sealand and less serious about being real nations..

Anyhoo.. the RIAA is EVIL! They killed Audio Galaxy.. the buggers! WinMX is a poor substitute... must keep searching.... Need more.. CMX... Finnish music... coooool... sorry..

But yeah.. the RIAA is indeed evil. I havne't boought a CD in like.........4 years...maybe a lil less.. and if I did.. it was from not very mainstream MTV saturated bands like Dream Theater, Blind Guardian, CMX, Vintersorg and Iced Earth.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: lazygamer on 8 August 2002, 13:48
Sorry but it pisses me off whenever people get all pissed off at warez users. Hey doesn't one of the well respected regulars at this forum have a personal site(or link?) with DOWNLOADABLE copies of Wind0ze?

Perhaps alot of new arrivals to these forums are entrenched in MS, their willing to accept the truth, but they can't change for several weeks AT LEAST(sometimes several months).

HPC guy is fine, and YOUR NOT helping MS DIRECTLY if your not paying them money.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 14:29
Why would anyone here have a site for downloading windows? On the other hand there are several sites with good software for download: ( ( ( ( (

And yes, you are directly supporting M$ by using their warez.  We've been over this a hundred times.  Look back through the old threads and you will see how..

[ August 08, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: lazygamer on 8 August 2002, 14:58
I ain't shitting you, im sure I saw someone here who's sig or profile had a link to a site with wind0ze for download.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 15:03
If you did it was probably someone like Red Ranger Software who happens to be thought of as a loser by 100% of the people on this forum.  And it would have been removed as soon as someone spotted it.  This web site would be shut down if such activity were allowed. Remember, this is the Microsoft Eradication Society, not the Microsoft Distribution Center.

[ August 08, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Calum on 8 August 2002, 16:19
people who use windows deserve to get shitted on. i would laugh out loud if people who use illegal copies of windows had their whole computer trashed as a result of installing a service pack (i hope this happens to a lot of people.)
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: lazygamer on 8 August 2002, 19:10 (

Go here, now look for an Ex Eleven/Bob. His sig features three links, the middle one has the wind0ze warez for download.

Ok maybe he's not a "respected" member of the community, but he does have 1000 posts so he's established.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: lazygamer on 8 August 2002, 19:43
Oh wait Ex Eleven is a mod, he's a celebrity here then! So why did he change his sig to remove that link? My only guess is someone here got upset at him for this link previously.(im refering to his modern sig, in this thread you can see his old sig)

Well obviously Ex Eleven must suck cuz he linked to wind0ze warez. In voidmain's mind anyways.  ;)
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 8 August 2002, 21:55
If that is true, then you are correct about my feelings. And no, being a mod does not make you a celeb.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: HPC GUY on 9 August 2002, 22:28
yeah, it is because of warez software prices are sky freaking high. M$ just price gouges. still it is a good idea to try to support the programers and companies, after all they do have familys to provide for..
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: lazygamer on 10 August 2002, 01:16
I've heard this theory(ok call it a fact if you want, but I don't believe in it) before HPC, I have my own theory.

1)Profits are still several times the piracy loss, although the piracy loss is pretty fucking huge.(this is a fact actually)

2)Warez and the giant losses are so rampant because the prices are inflated in the first place! Prices must go up due to piracy, sure. But it's the raw price that's the problem. Prices must be so high due to

A:Giant production costs of modern ub3r graphical "hollywood quality" games.

B:Huge company has huge overhead.

C:Shitloads of marketing for one friggin game.

D:Corrupted corporate desires for massive profits.

This all raises the cost, causing those who are not meant to pirate, pirate alot.

Also remember that the losses from piracy may be falsified, and even if they're not, they include piracy losses from those who pirate and then sell the pirated copy for cash. This act causes alot more copies to be passed around(because these people can often semi-mass produce) then someone lending a game to a friend or downloading from a warez site.

Warez is not super simple to get, it's a hassle sometimes.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: choasforages on 10 August 2002, 02:35
if you actally clicked the link and looked, they were all linux iso files.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: beltorak0 on 10 August 2002, 04:01
just imagine when a new brazilian script-kiddie uses an as-yet-to-be-discovered hole in M$ XP and codes a virus that scrambles the regiustration file, then tries to re-authenticate the XP install.... i woinder how many XP users would be forced to buy the full install?

i really shouldn't say these things out load.....

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 10 August 2002, 05:52
As much as I am against warez, you can not count every warez copy of a game a "loss".  What percentage of those people with a warez copy would have actually bought a copy if they couldn't get a warez copy?  My guess is a very small percentage.  How many people would buy M$ Office if they couldn't get a warez copy? My guess is there would be a hell of a lot more people using OpenOffice or buying StarOffice.  

This is why I do not like warez.  It keeps the monopolies thriving instead of pumping up the numbers of alternatives. As long as people keep passing warez around this will continue to be the case.  That's why I believe M$ is shooting themselves in the foot with the SBA crap.  I think that was a stupid move on their part that will cause people to look to alternatives rather than scare them into paying for their crappy software.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: beltorak0 on 10 August 2002, 08:05
thier mistake was upping the price and prosecuting warezers too soon.  They're following standard crack-dealer merketing tho: get em hooked, then up the price.

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Bazoukas on 10 August 2002, 08:05
I sad it but I will said it again.

 Say what ever the hell you want guys in the Forum, as long as we dont put this Web Site intro Trouble.
  Dipshits that work for MS are looking for a good excuse to give a bad rep to the Open SOurce community.
  They want to stick the word Ware and Open Source, together. Lets dont give them the ground to dance please.

  My 2 retarded cents.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Chooco on 13 August 2002, 13:49
i think warez is only acceptable when the program is forced on you such as the case of you NEEDING Windows in order to play games like MOH, Half-Life, Diablo2, Quake and many other hit games. i admit that i have some programs for free but it sort of makes me feel better knowing that i would not have bought it if i had to pay for it such as paying 20 bucks for a program that monitors how much bandwidth i use. it's sort of like looking at a porsche 911 when you work at McDonalds. the porsche would be nice to have but if you had to pay money for it, you would not buy it.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 13 August 2002, 20:49
But in this case, the Porsche is free.  And no one is forcing you to play those M$ specific games.  Quake* runs just fine in Linux.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Master of Reality on 13 August 2002, 21:33
but half-life kicks so much ass....
I've been wonderin'; shouldnt half-life run good in wine? It does have an OpenGL mode for its graphics.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Chooco on 14 August 2002, 08:38
Originally posted by VoidMain:
And no one is forcing you to play those M$ specific games.  Quake* runs just fine in Linux.

that is sort of half true. Quake1/2/3 is made for Linux but you will NEVER see it in a store, you have to order it from a website. i don't trust ordering from websites because the house on the other side of my block has the same house number as me but the avenue is different, people mistake that guy's house with my house all the time.

another reason i don't trust the internet is because you have to give up your credit card number to order something, i'm not scared of some guy getting my number, i'm scared of some asshole company screw me by charging like 200 bucks for crap i didn't order. one of my friends had 56k internet then he switched to broadband, when they cancelled the service though, the 56k internet company charged them for payments over the next 2 years even though they had no contract. the company is being a bastard by not giving it back so he actually has to take them to court to get his money back. stuff like that happens to everybody i know, my brother cancelled his car insurance for summer because he rides a bike but the insurance company kept charging for the months of summer and they won't give his money back.when my brother cancelled his cell phone service with rogers, they kept charging for monthly service even though it wasn't a contract deal. all this stuff happens because some dickhead company has access to your bank account or credit card and they can basically rob you and get away with it, 99% of those on line purchase things say they do not accept checks or money order. knowing the incompitance of the Canadian and United States postal services, you won't dare sending money because it will just get lost like every other thing they lose.

i seem paranoid but i've been screwed by things l ike this all the time, i ordered a book through mail and it never came, i got a subscription to gamepro and those assholes never sent 1 copy.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 14 August 2002, 21:09
Originally posted by Chooco:

that is sort of half true. Quake1/2/3 is made for Linux but you will NEVER see it in a store, you have to order it from a website. i don't trust ordering from websites because the house on the other side of my block has the same house number as me but the avenue is different, people mistake that guy's house with my house all the time.

You obviously have never run Quake in Linux or you would know that Windows and Linux both use the same CD. Again, you continue to speak as if you know when in fact you don't. If you don't know something, but just "believe it to be true" you should qualify your comments with "I am not sure, but I believe it to be the case". You download the Linux version of the engine from idSoftware and use the data files from the CD that you buy in the store.  And the Linux versions of Quake I/II/III are not only free as in beer, but you can also download the Quake I/II source code if you want to modify it.  No credit cards, no signing up for anything, just download it like you do any other Linux app.

[ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Calum on 15 August 2002, 01:34
re: "i need windows so i can play all my games (drool drool)"

my comment is: get a life. Do you know how to write a letter? then fucking do it instead of whining on a bulletin board. If enough people wrote to the actual software houses and complained that their games were not available for some (widely used) platform, how long do you think it would take them to recompile and bring out another version of it?

get off your arses instead of whining, i say.

ps - not directed at anybody in particular, that, so if you got pissed off when you read it, then you must have a guilty conscience. Time to sharpen that pencil...
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: lazygamer on 15 August 2002, 04:13
Lol Calum, your obviously not familiar with the vast quantities of games for Windows/Dos that don't have a hope in hell of ever being recompiled. *drool drool*
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: choasforages on 15 August 2002, 04:15
i know, i know, i aready sent letters to blizzard about diablo II, but after the bnet.d incident, i said FUCK BLIZZARD. then agian, a linux client for war craft III would be very very sweet
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Chooco on 15 August 2002, 11:29
Originally posted by VoidMain:
You obviously have never run Quake in Linux or you would know that Windows and Linux both use the same CD. Again, you continue to speak as if you know when in fact you don't. If you don't know something, but just "believe it to be true" you should qualify your comments with "I am not sure, but I believe it to be the case". You download the Linux version of the engine from idSoftware and use the data files from the CD that you buy in the store.  And the Linux versions of Quake I/II/III are not only free as in beer, but you can also download the Quake I/II source code if you want to modify it.  No credit cards, no signing up for anything, just download it like you do any other Linux app.

[ August 14, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

YOU obviously don't have a clue here boy. go to (
click on downloads, look on that menu on the left and just TRY to click on source code. notice how you CAN'T
i managed to get a copy of the Quake1 source because one of the guys i met in a forum works for ID software. the source doesn't have makefiles or anything so it's not like you can compile it without having taken a class on programming for Linux.

on a second note, i actually own all 3 version of Quake, legal copies on CDs i bought from Future Shop and Radio Shack. all 3 versions of Quake install through a .exe file, in fact, Quake1 is simply 1 file with the .exe extention and it extracts into all the needed files. none of the Quake CDs have any instructions for Linux either.

so what was it you were saying about me, the own of all 3 Quakes, not knowing shit about Quake?

btw here is what happens when you try to download Quake2 for Linux, this link is from PlanetQuake

[ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: Chooco ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 15 August 2002, 21:44
Sigh, again you spew what you think are facts rather than asking the simple questions "how do I?" or "where do I?".  Again you get the Linux versions of both the game engine and the source from idsoftware.  Look here: (http://

Please ask if you do not know something.  Because you do not know something you state that it can not be done.  This misleads everyone else unjustly.

And I suppose you are going to tell me that I am not really running Quake/Doom/Wolfenstein for Linux using my game data files from my Windows CDs that I bought from a store like I have been doing for years and like several other people are doing on this forum.... Hmmm, I guess we must all be idiots because we could get it to work and you couldn't.

And here is the INSTALL document that comes with the downloaded Quake III for Linux:
Code: [Select]

From the FTP site just get the "" as that will probably be the easiest for you to start with.  It's a shell archive so you can run the install by typing "sh" or by making it executable by typing "chmod +x" then executing it "./". You should do the install as root.  Also, hopefully you have a Geforce 2/3/4 card. If so, download the GL kernel modules and code from the nVidia web site and install them.

And I very possibly could be your father, so don't call me boy.

[ August 15, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: lazygamer on 17 August 2002, 06:05
Off-topic of this Q3 Linux discussion...

To add insult to injury, I will soon be making a Wind0ze 95 partition(and yes, w98 works fine now) just as an extra compatibility measure. Oh boy, ain't I such a wanker.  (http://smile.gif)
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Altimas on 21 August 2002, 21:28
Hello everyone...I was recommended this sight by a friend..well actually my boss but who really cares. Anyways I have been a Windows use for all my life. I have always wondered about Linux and Unix and other OS but never really explored. Is there some way I can keep Windows on my computer and also have Linux on here as well? I would like to keep Windows for my Parents not for me. Anyways if anyone would help me out I would appreciate it. Oh and if you could please email me with the information. Also email me any links that would help me get started with Linux.
Thnx. [email protected]
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: Master of Reality on 21 August 2002, 21:46
what you need to do is first, start a topic in the Linux forum and ask how to do what you want to do. And dont ask people in a 'support' thread to email you information. This place is to help everyone and of course there are many others in your situation which would like to know what the answer is. So we will answer you in replies in the Forum.
Title: For those using ripped copies of xp
Post by: voidmain on 21 August 2002, 21:53
I wouldn't post my email address if I were you. You might want to edit your post and remove it.  Yes, you can run both Linux and Windows on the same computer. It's called "dual booting".  You can dual boot any Linux distribution that you choose and Windows with no problem.  However, if you have not done this or understand the concept you might want to do some google searches for "dual boot Linux Windows" or search this forum.  

There has been much discussion regarding this topic here.  I would say, search, read, and absorb as much as you can and then if you do not understand something post your questions and several people will offer help.

Welcome aboard!