Stop Microsoft

Operating Systems => macOS => Topic started by: sean on 19 November 2005, 02:24

Title: Greetings!
Post by: sean on 19 November 2005, 02:24
Hi group,
I found this message board by accident and it looks fun. I also belong to the message board. I don't see many topics here. How about starting a new one with introductions?
I live in San Diego and have been a Mac switcher since 2002, in which time I have aquired 2 Macs, neither of which have given me any headaches  :D  I have to use a Dell laptop ( :fu: ) at work and I have had too many problems w/ it to mention (software AND hardware!).
Anyway hello to all.
Title: Re: Greetings!
Post by: Canadian Lover on 19 November 2005, 03:31
On behalf of the Microsuck Moderartion team, I welcome you :)
Title: Re: Greetings!
Post by: H_TeXMeX_H on 19 November 2005, 03:49
Dell is not the best of companies ... but if you buy cheap then it's ok.

Hmmm ... introduction ... well I guess it's safe to say I live in Texas, I manage 2 Sony PCs and 2 Sony laptops ... soon they will all be running Linux, and I will never buy a Sony again, cuz they got fucking rootkits on 'em. I'll build my PCs from now on and buy Panasonic laptops instead. (yes I like Japanese TVs, computers, cars, swords, etc. Unless they include anti-consumer shit like rootkits)

Oh, and welcome ... and thanks for reading my intro :thumbup:
Title: Re: Greetings!
Post by: sean on 20 November 2005, 06:12
What's a rootkit??
Title: Re: Greetings!
Post by: H_TeXMeX_H on 20 November 2005, 08:24
Malware that monitors everything you do with your computer (everything that concerns $ony at least)

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