Stop Microsoft
Miscellaneous => Applications => Topic started by: worker201 on 20 December 2005, 22:19
I have the dumbest extension ever made for Firefox. And yet it has provided me with tiny moments of happiness over the past week or so. It's called Firesomething. What it does is rename the browser (in the title bar) to something random. Like where it would normally say:
Microsuck Forums - Post New Thread - Mozilla Firefox
it now says:
Microsuck Forums - Post New Thread - Mozilla Watertrout
Everytime I open a new window, or launch the program, I get a new name. Most of them are just plain ridiculous, like Iceplatypus. But every once in awhile, I will glance up at the title bar and smile.
Microsuck Forums - Mozilla Watertrout - Mozilla Webrobin
I got V1.5. It's not suppost to work with 1.5...
EDIT:Oops, it's 1.0.7, 1.5 is on my other compy. It still crashed when I downloaded it though.
Went to install it, then realized I was using safari.
That might explain the crashes....
Mozilla Moonlynx
Microsuck Forums - Mozilla Watertrout - Mozilla Webrobin
I got V1.5. It's not suppost to work with 1.5...
EDIT:Oops, it's 1.0.7, 1.5 is on my other compy. It still crashed when I downloaded it though.
You do realize that XPIs are just rebadged ZIPs, and that all you have to do to make many extensions (not all, mind you, but a good deal of them) work with 1.5 is to change the "max-version" string in the archived RDF to 1.5 and repack the archive with the XPI extension, right? :cool:
Say wah?
I think I understood most of that. Do I repackadge to ZIP or XPI?
IIRC this mas made in jest of the constant name-changes that Pheonix^W Firebird^W Firefox was going through.
Useless, but amusing, like the hammertime extension.