The computers run Windows 2000, and all of them run an anti-virus software that slows down the systems to a crawl. Everything, from mouse movements to window resizing, loading webpages, typing in M$ Turd, moves in a jerky fashion. Move the mouse, it stops midway for a split second, then proceds, stops after a second and so on; resize a window, resizing stops midway; type a few words, the three first characters appears, then the rest after half a second, click on the start menu, half the menu appears, stop half a second, place the cursor on 'programs', takes half a second before it's selected; try to resize a window, stops midway, misses the resize button and clicks on the close button instead, and so on, and so on, and so on, and IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING!!! :mad: . :mad: :mad: