its pbecuase a lot of linux user are not afriad of there systems and new things, and if some one says, X.Y.Z kicks ass, we will go see for ourselves. windiods are afriad of new things and don't want to try new things. i specificatly went through a shitload of trouble to get OpenBSD installed on my 100mhz system. i did so cuase i heard that it was fast and quite nice. in the process i have also learned that it is simpler then say FreeBSD, with less stuff./*try installing FreeBSD, youll know what im talking about*/ and once i heard that windows NT 4.0 wasn't as bad as win95, so i tried it. turns out it is better then win95 in many ways. i have experience with all the members of the windows family since 3.1, it about learning things about computers.