Author Topic: Why do you hate Windows XP  (Read 7883 times)


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #75 on: 1 July 2002, 21:05 »
i actally like FreeBSD alot, and i would use it on my desktop machine if it werent' for stuff like NVIDIA's gl drivers and WineX only for linux, linux emulations would not be a good idea under FreeBSD for WineX cuase that would just add more layers of abstraction and its slow enough as it is. maybe when i get that dec alpha ill put FreeBSD on it instead of linux
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #76 on: 7 July 2002, 07:01 »
I have read this and many other threads in this forum and while im unhappy with its spyware attempts the constantly open ports (that no firewall will cover) and the fact that it anally backs up everthing you do in hidden files
the fact is that windows xp is extremely stable (if run on the correct hard ware) i currently run a dual boot with 98/2000/xp (im going to try linux soon) and in direct comparison to 98 or even 2000 it totally kicks ass it is more stable than 98 and easier to use than 2000 whilst at the same time maintaining (sometimes improving upon)  the features of both of these previous titles as for most of the people who have tried it and found it to be buggy or unstable i would presume you were using a central processor that wasnt made for the operating system (try using a pentium four or atlon xp with at least 512 mbs of ram then make sure you have correct drivers for your hardware) when i am using xp the only times it turns off is when i have installed something that requires it to be restarted (i can leave it on 24/7 without it wiping out (i ve never seen a blue screen since ive had it) the integration of tools such as cd copying/auto tasking/auto thumnailing/displaying and zipfile browsing makes life a lot easier for me because i had to use separate programs to achieve these ends before
at the end of the day my view is if you want to get something done ie type a letter draw a picture without spending anytime on wondering how the operating system manges to do it then windows is for you (my six year old daughter is fully familiar with windows and can install program (and with supervision can install hardware just to show you how easy it is to use)       :D
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #77 on: 7 July 2002, 22:06 »
Originally posted by Whats_ALL_This:
I have read this and many other threads in this forum and while im unhappy with its spyware attempts the constantly open ports (that no firewall will cover)
Zonealarm will cover them, do not assume that Microsoft's firewalls are better than the alternatives. Zonealarm is free for the individual to use and is a lot better and simple than a Microsoft firewall.
and the fact that it anally backs up everthing you do in hidden files
that pisses me off too.
the fact is that windows xp is extremely stable (if run on the correct hard ware)
so what if your hardware is not "correct"? eh? i do not look forward to buying a new machine for every system "upgrade i endure. Linux runs on an enormous range of hardware.  
i currently run a dual boot with 98/2000/xp (im going to try linux soon)
do. It is very easy to procrastinate though, since you will have to start from scratch with linux and you probably already know windows inside out. It will be frustrating for a while.  
and in direct comparison to 98 or even 2000 it totally kicks ass it is more stable than 98 and easier to use than 2000 whilst at the same time maintaining (sometimes improving upon)  the features of both of these previous titles as for most of the people who have tried it and found it to be buggy or unstable i would presume you were using a central processor that wasnt made for the operating system (try using a pentium four or atlon xp with at least 512 mbs of ram then make sure you have correct drivers for your hardware)
xp might be the best os Microsoft have come out with, but its sociopolitical crippleware bullshit will ensure that i never install or run it. Also, why should i have to buy a pentium 4 just to run my computer? a pentium 3 (what i have) is hardly obsolete, and any decent OS will include back compatibility to about 286 level! Many programs have not been optimised for the P4, so they run slower and buggier than on a P3!
when i am using xp the only times it turns off is when i have installed something that requires it to be restarted (i can leave it on 24/7 without it wiping out (i ve never seen a blue screen since ive had it) the integration of tools such as cd copying/auto tasking/auto thumnailing/displaying and zipfile browsing makes life a lot easier for me because i had to use separate programs to achieve these ends before
at the end of the day my view is if you want to get something done ie type a letter draw a picture without spending anytime on wondering how the operating system manges to do it then windows is for you (my six year old daughter is fully familiar with windows and can install program (and with supervision can install hardware just to show you how easy it is to use)        :D  
All good comments, i cannot refute you since i will never use xp. However, VoidMain claims that his family uses red hat linux to do all that stuff, including his kids. Of course they presumably cannot install stuff because they would need the root password. Windows is a single user OS which means that any one user can fool with another user's files, or worse, with system files. This simply cannot happen in a unix environment. Each to their own, i am an advocate of choice.

I hope you are not angry after reading my response to you, whatsallthis, many people get annoyed with me for replying to them. HOWEVER i feel that your post was full of well thought out substance and therefore was easy to reply to with substantial comments.

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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #78 on: 8 July 2002, 12:10 »
Many programs have not been optimised for the P4, so they run slower and buggier than on a P3!

It seems silly that they make chips so complex that the programmers actually have to OPTIMIZE their code for them. Isn't this the chip equivalent of the Microsoft incompetence syndrome?

Why can't any archetecture(sp) changes just involve getting the input/output faster, larger, and through the chip/motherboard more efficiently? Is this why X86 sux or from it being a hack of a hack of a hack?(Teh d00d with this sig, explain this concept please)
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #79 on: 8 July 2002, 12:20 »
I  could have bought XP PRO for 5 dollars. My college has that offer for its students, but I havent.

   The thing that pissed me off and didnt even bother to learn what else is wrong with XP, is the fucking activation thing.

  Yes i know Its nothing hard to do....but I DONT WANT ANYBODY getting info about me.

 Not because i have anything to hide. But this activation shit and all that, that MS thinks of putting out in few years, are a bad omen of things to come in 40-60 years from now.


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #80 on: 9 July 2002, 02:14 »
I have used Windows XP once. I was dealing with a problem with that particular PC and the first rule of M$ is Reboot. It took a whopping 7 minutes to do so. The reboot may have taken more than 7 minutes because I only started to time it after what seemed an age had gone by. I hate having to reboot any PC. Every f*****g day I have to reboot my own Win98 PC. Every f*****g day the PC fails to shut down properly, every f*****g day the f*****g scan disk runs. Some days I switch on my PC, go away and get a coffee, return and the f*****g thing is in "safe" mode and I reboot the f****g thing again. What is "safe" mode anyway ? Safe from what ? Some days the f*****g PC just sits there with that dopey Win98 flag fluttering on my screen. I haven't tried Linux as I am gathering info from a number of places. I just hope Linux can shift Gates. Windoze users are worse than the f****g Moonies.
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #81 on: 9 July 2002, 10:29 »
i don't like FreeBSD that much, i tried FreeBSD 4.6 and it was kind of awkward. the console is not like BASH so i didn't know any of the commands, it didn't know 'ls' or 'startx' so i said screw it and went back to L00nix


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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #82 on: 9 July 2002, 14:14 »
NONE of m$ dickware so called "operation systems" are good! Every windows version has severe flaws and security issues (search the web I won't bother to provide links) The only reason I mentioned NT4 (or dos) is that even unstable crappy NT4 can actually do things better than w2kp or xPiss. (Even shit's colour can vary )

Don't bother to argue this.. I have given examples and answered for you ad nauseum.

Ok Excuse me but every Linux version has security flaws they put updates up for it so don't say just because windows is bad because it has security flaws. Every operation system may it be linux or MacOs it has to have flaws because it is  a big program and there is no 100% guarantee that it is flaw proof.
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #83 on: 9 July 2002, 19:46 »
I think you have only one good point:

It's virtually impossible to make a program that will run without ANY bugs, on ANY pc, ANY time.
Exept when you want it just to say 'howdy' or something.

But, if you'd compare what M$ delivered us until now, i think Linux (i don't know other M$ alternatives) did a far better job than ANY M$ crap.

I happen to know a little C ...

Code: [Select]

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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #84 on: 9 July 2002, 21:57 »
Ahh, but there are mistakes in your code. First you need to include <stdlib.h> or "EXIT_SUCCESS" will be undeclared. Optionally you could replace "EXIT_SUCCESS" with "0" and not include <stdlib.h>. "fprint()" should be "printf()". I also believe there are non-code mistakes.  I am no grammar expert but I do not believe there should be a comma in your output string, and there should be no space before the exclamation point. And I know that outside of the US it may be common to spell "neighbor" as "neighbour" but since I am revising it in the US I will use the US spelling:

Code: [Select]

Of course this assumes that your compiler is bug free as well and that you are using an ANSI C compliant compiler.
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #85 on: 9 July 2002, 22:34 »
lol - Void, you made me roll over the floor here    

Indeed, i once saw the word 'neighbour', and started using it.
I'll start using 'neighbor' from now on  
I'm an absolute sucker for C, i've tried it (in linux) but it was really too complicated for me. Things like QuakeC or (don't be scared) basic work for me. I even didn't remember it was 'printf' instead of 'fprint'.
The EXIT_SUCCESS was a variable i remembered from an svgalib example. EXIT_SUCCESS, should, with the
right headers declared, get the value of 0.

But i forgot that  :D
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #86 on: 9 July 2002, 23:03 »
im sure all of this has been mentioned b4 but i didnt read most of this so....

I hate Xp because...

after a few MS updates windows media player will no longer play divx movies. i have to use Power dvd to play vcds.

The system logs your surfing.

if you do change a few of your cards at the same time, (video, Sound, and modem) you have to re-install and in most cases re register the shit.

everytime a program crashes it wants to cry MS about it.

the compatiblity modes for older programs almost never works.

NBA 2001 doesnt work for it, nor will it ever (thanks alot EA Sports)
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #87 on: 9 July 2002, 23:21 »
A recent newspaper warned us about downloading updates for windoze media player: it would upgrade itself without your permission, and you couldn't shut the damn thing off .
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #88 on: 9 July 2002, 23:57 »
Originally posted by -=f00bar=-:
I'm an absolute sucker for C, i've tried it (in linux) but it was really too complicated for me. Things like QuakeC or (don't be scared) basic work for me. I even didn't remember it was 'printf' instead of 'fprint'.
The EXIT_SUCCESS was a variable i remembered from an svgalib example. EXIT_SUCCESS, should, with the
right headers declared, get the value of 0.

QuakeC?  What's that? Sounds like it might be C but with the Quake libraries and headers included.

To be honest, I rarely ever see "EXIT_SUCCESS" used.  Normally people just use "0" to indicate a successful return from a function or the main program.  Or they use a non-zero value for an unsuccessful return.  In fact, normally you would create your own variable (like "rc" for instance indicating "return code") and you would manipulate that variable and when you need to exit from the routine or program you would "return rc;".  But using "EXIT_SUCCESS" would likely be more "proper".  Six of one, a half dozen of another.
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Why do you hate Windows XP
« Reply #89 on: 10 July 2002, 00:11 »
outside of the US it may be common to spell "neighbor" as "neighbour"
"neighbour" is the correct spelling. I suspect that Microsoft themselves invented "US English" (an oxymoron if ever i heard one!) Sorry but "neighbor is incorrect. Same with "color" and "center", i'm sorry to say! Try writing the correct spellings in yr html and see how far you get though! i can't imagine a browser that treats "colour" and "centre" with the merit that they deserve!

Apart from that, top marks for your bugless code, VoidMain, you really pay attention to detail, and after all, like you say, "neighbor" is right since you're writing it in the US, at least that's what they probably teach in school over their (along with dubious defenitions of words like "pants" and "vest"...) And you're 100% right about the comma too.

PS, i know there are several grammatical errors in this text by the way folks, just before you think to tell me!  :D
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