Author Topic: ,,,hmm  (Read 3689 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 18 December 2001, 07:10 »
Originally posted by VoidMain:
Gump, I wondered how you got those 5 stars.  Now I see how!

Why thank you! I am rather fond of the job I did in that reply, too.  :cool:

BTW, I'd completely missed noticing my rating until you said that . . . makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.  :D
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« Reply #16 on: 6 January 2002, 05:27 »
Actually we have the gamers to thank for the ever increasing hardware specs.  Like gump420 pointed out, Windows does not need the highest spec hardware, I have Win2k running quite nicely (for a MS product) on an AMD K6-2 300 with 96Mb and a 4Mb graphics card.  It works fine for word processing, even runs Autocad2000. It's just no good for playing games:- modern games need 1.5Ghz and 256Mb, 3D graphics etc (or a Playstation ).  It goes in a cycle - hardware improves, games are written to take advantage of it.  Improve the hardware and the game runs better/faster, until the next round of games demand even higher specs.  The guys out there with the top of the range pc's are the ones who play games on them, not the people who use them for work or surfing the net.


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« Reply #17 on: 18 January 2002, 08:03 »
"If it weren't for Microsoft, Computers would not be what they are today."

Too bad they are NOT what they are today.  Maybe they would be better?  Amigas doing video editing on <50MHz...try that on any M$ O/S.  Cannot be done.  What is the clock speed on the Playstation?  Still better clock for clock.  Imagine having an Amiga class system with the technological advances of today with 2.0+ GHz.  Wow...kinda boggles the mind, huh?  Do you realize how fast 2GHz is?  Do you realize how slow your system is running once you realize how fast 2GHz is?  I do realize that the processor is not the major player in the speed of a PC - even if you had an infinitely fast Processor it would still take its time due the the other bottlenecks in a system.  BUT...with 2GHz on tap Windows is just a total PIG.

  Windows is like the Space Shuttle...It takes minimal power to send man into space.  But to generate that power takes energy.  To make that energy takes fuel.  That fuel has weight which causes you to use more energy, which causes you to carry more fuel...which is more weight..etc.  A gigantic SNOWBALL until you actually have enough fuel to carry all of the weight to do a simple task of getting the man (or a satellite)  into space.  Run Linux at 2GHz...or for that matter run any other O/S at 2GHz.  Comparable to M$? decide!

Yeah, I will say that Microsoft had its place, but they have overstayed their welcome and have become like a rabid dog; attacking anything in their path.  Sure, they helped us all follow a path to what we believed were "new" standards.  But they have eradicated the true standards with their standards and ruined everything else in the process.  Look at has totally changed and revolved around M$.  They put stuff into their products that force other manufacturers to follow because they "must" maintain compatibility with M$.  This philosphy of needing to maintain compatibility with M$ in order to survive is true, and that my friends, is the sad part.

In response to the comment earlier that Bill bought DOS.  Well, that could not be the furthest thing from the truth.  What REALLY happened?  Check this out...After the initial attempts with other companies (like DR),  IBM knew that there was a suitable "core" of an operating system out there that would fit their needs into getting an O/S off the ground within their very shore time table, but it needed modifications.  They knew of Bill Gates and his capabilities as well as the company that wrote the operating system application.  The problem for them was that if they approached the company with their plans for a PC around the other companies operating system, the price for the O/S would go through the roof (because IBM had deep pockets and was desperate).  So rather than IBM trying to license the O/S directly they told Bill Gates to use their (IBM's) money to buy the O/S and modify it for IBM and then license it back to IBM.  The money that young Mr. Gates bought the O/S from was not even his money - it was IBM's money!  I guess IBM tried to rip off the company that wrote the code that Mr. Gates bought and they got their just reward.  What goes around comes around.  I got this story first hand from a friend of mine who was one of the corporate execs that was on the team that went to Mr. Gates  to make the deals.  Here is a really crappy part of the whole thing.  A few years ago, this gentleman had requested meeting with Mr. Gates to ask for a Job with Microsoft (he had been part of the layoffs at IBM a few years earlier).  Bill Gates did agree to meet with him (after all he owes part of who he is to this man).  Guess what?  Mr `I'm so f*cking rich I can buy the world' Gates told him no.  His whole reasoning was that he needed to get away from the past at M$ and get on with the future and that having around someone from that era would not be good for the company.  What a load of SHIT!  Hey - thanks for everything NOW GO FUCK YOURSELF!  Sadly enough this guy is one of the nicest old guys I know.  In fact, he fixes up old PC's for FREE and gives them to low-income families that cannot afford one.  Bill Gates as a person will...WILL pay - probably not in this life, know.

(what a resouce we have in VoidMain, no?)

And there is my $.02  :D
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« Reply #18 on: 18 January 2002, 08:29 »
Wow! I am impressed BoogerHead!  And thanks for setting the record straight on my comment earlier about MS "buying" DOS.  In fact as I read your post I remembered seeing a very good show on that exact topic (I think it was on PBS).  You were *right on* as I remember it.  

Speaking of Amiga.  That reminds me of my Commodore days.  Started with a VIC-20 (20k of RAM) and the C-64 (wow! 64k of RAM) and they had built in ROM-BASIC. My timeline memory isn't the greatest on this but yours seems to be pretty good. When did the VIC-20 come out in relation to the PC w/DOS?  Was it after?  If it was before, where did the BASIC code come from that they used?  

I know Apple, Atari and some others predated the Commodore but I never had experience with them.  Did they also use ROM-BASIC?  And didn't the Amiga come out of Commodore, or Amiga bought out Commodore, or are the two companies in no way related?

I would love to meet that friend of yours and help him with his "feed the world" efforts with the free computers thing.. They surely would not include MS software.  Just to hear the stories.  I worked with someone simililar to that who was at the first computer shows when Apple released their first machine and he got a contract as a distributor.  He also invented the first ISDN modem, made a lot of money, then lost it all in other bad deals.  He is also a great guy and now just has a low key tech position.  If you met him you would never know but I love to hear his stories.

[ January 17, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #19 on: 20 January 2002, 21:17 »
I was not intending to correct anyone about the M$ not buying the software - I believed that they actually did buy it until I was corrected by Jack.  Regarding the BASIC - this was basic, not DOS.  Yes they (M$) had a basic available, but IBM wanted a true DOS that would allow storage onto media, as well as systems that could be updated without sending them back or having a tech go out to replace PROMS.  IBM wanted a business class machine, not a playtoy (which most machines out with only BASIC were not designed for business).  As you can see from the introductory price of these machines, business were the only ones who could truly afford them.  Alas MS-DOS was born and they rest is...history.  
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« Reply #20 on: 20 January 2002, 10:17 »
The only reason I brought up BASIC was because there was a question as to how it ended up in MS' hands in an earlier thread...
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« Reply #21 on: 20 January 2002, 10:25 »
Originally posted by <EclipticZero>:
Do any of you understand a thing about how Windows works? or are you all just saying Windows sucks because you like to agree with all the "l33t hackers" who use Linux?

I understand how Windows "doesn't" work which is why I are one of those "l33t hackers" who use Linux.
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« Reply #22 on: 21 January 2002, 02:51 »
 And didn't the Amiga come out of Commodore, or Amiga bought out Commodore, or are the two companies in no way related?

The Amiga was designed by a company called Hi-Torro (who became Amiga Inc) in the mid 1980's.  Atari loaned some money to them when they ran short of capital.  Commodore paid off the loan and aquired Amiga in 1985, forming Commodore-Amiga as a subsidiary.  It was Commodore that briught Amiga to production, and then killed it off through poor management, lack of advertising, and concentrating on building PC clones.  SeeThe History of the Amiga
for a detailed account.

Two points that may be of interest:
1. The early Amigas shipped with a version of MS Basic (which sucked badly).  Commodore got a very good deal on the licencing, probably the lkast company to screw MS
2. There is a free Amiga emulator available for Windows and Linux called UAE
You need a copy of the Amiga ROM to run it though.


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« Reply #23 on: 21 January 2002, 04:24 »
Amiga's "Video Toaster" was a pretty cool product.  I had a coworker who was as nutty about Amiga as I was/am about *NIX.  He used to put in some pretty good jabs...

[ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #24 on: 21 January 2002, 15:29 »
Originally posted by killerangel0101:

ok i am tire of this linux or unix whatever i want a fucking OS  the doesn't hide shit from me

You mean like keep it configuration data in a binary file, I hate that anout windows too.

Most linux configuration is in plain text files in /etc

and OS   is all about fucking  internet

Linux was developed over the internet

i like programming and

All linux distro come with a complete set of programming tools

fucking playings games. linux and unix whatever  they don't have games

You don't call Quake 3 a game ?????

It even performs better under linux

  and i don't like there desktop there color or boot up whatever is lame .

Then change your window manger or even easier configure it to use different colours, Most window manager even have GUI tools to do this.

(Edited to fix really bad UBB coding)

[ January 21, 2002: Message edited by: joel ]


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« Reply #25 on: 29 January 2002, 22:11 »
Originally posted by killerangel0101:
ok i am tire of this linux or unix whatever i want a fucking OS  the doesn't hide shit from me and OS   is all about fucking  internet i like programming and fucking playings games. linux and unix whatever  they don't have games and i don't like there desktop there color or boot up whatever is lame .

Translation: I obviously don't deserve to use a computer. I should go back and play with my Windows toys.