Originally posted by <EclipticZero>:
I totally agree that Microsoft are trying to take control of the Internet, but to be perfectly honest, I don't see why they shouldn't. If you haven't noticed an improvement from Microsoft's old products and their new products then there's seriously something wrong with you. I'm not here to say Windows is the best, I'm only here to ask curious questions why you think Microsoft sucks.
Okay, let's go for a dose of something called reality here. Say Microsoft is successful in taking control of the internet. You know all that free stuff you can download? It'd be gone. You know those low prices you can get when you shop online? Also out the window. But, most importantly, you know how you can go online and read anybody's opinion (take this site for instance)? I guarantee you, that would be the first to go.
Microhack is NOT a benign or altruistic company. Similarily, they do not want control over they exchange of information online so that they can do everybody favors. They want to be able to tax that exchange, censor the stuff they don't like, and leverage the internet to expand their monopolies and ensure their continued existance.
If it weren't for Microsoft, Computers would not be what they are today.
This is where you begin to REALLY show your ignorance. First of all, Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak is the person responsible for the desktop computer. He had a dream and he built it, and that is the spark that ignited the flame. The other Apple cofounder, Steve Jobs, had a very big hand in bringing a graphical interface to a personal computer (called the Macintosh). And you know where Bill Gates got the idea? Apple. Bill Gates licensed parts of Apple's OS for Windows (he didn't even invent DOS, his prior OS - he bought it). However, Apple was too generous with the terms of that agreement and got royally screwed; the important part is, though, that Apple made the computer what it is today, and M$ pretty much stole the idea out from under them.
If Microsoft does take control of the internet, which it is obvious that's what they're trying to do, how do you know they'll screw it all up?
The best proof for that is their track record. Microsquish doesn't just suck at security; they have no concept of security whatsoever. One of the big reasons they want to take control of the internet is so that they can take control of the information, namely your information. Think identity theft is scarey now, just wait until .NET really gets underway.
.NET sounds fantastic, infact, having all of these new .NET services should be interesting to hear about. My Photos for example will be able to help the average computer user add, remove and even share photos with the family and friends.
The truly sad thing here is that Microsoft will not be doing anything new with .NET. What they do is take a free idea and add a price tag to it. You don't need Windows XP to share photos or do anything else on the internet; heck, you can probably even find a way to do it easier for free without having to buy XPee.
In any case, the services provided by .NET are not the purpose for it's existence; they are the lure. The purpose is to drive all competition out of the OS marketplace by making it so the internet can only be used from a Windows machine. That is what .NET is really about. (And if you think you'll be able to access any .NET service from Linux or Mac OS, then I have some prime lakefront real estate on the moon you may be interested in.)
Of course, a lot of us novice computer users may not need this; however, Microsoft are obviously trying to help out the average computer user improve skills by making it easier.
No, they are not trying to help the average computer user. In fact, their entire mission rely's on the ignorance of that same average user. The one thing that would truly challenge Macrohard's power would be for the average computer user to educate themselves so they wouldn't become dependent on M$.
Same goes with My Calender, which is also an interesting service. To me it sounds like you know quite a bit about computers; however, there are shitloads of people who know nothing about it, and that's where Microsoft's Blackcomb comes in and helps these people.
I can see why you don't like Microsoft, after reading your previous message and that's fair.
Thanks for responding VoidMain, all appreciated.

They key to Microsoft's success in taking over the internet is in convincing people like yourself that you need them, when the truth is that they are dependent on you.
So, do us all a favor, and go buy an iMac. I can personally guarantee you that there is nothing you can do a Windows box that you can't do with a Macintosh. (You won't miss out on anything on the internet, either.)