Author Topic: Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs  (Read 5335 times)


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #15 on: 30 April 2004, 06:38 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:
I like the way you put it, xeen.

Very true.  There are too many sheep who think they need xp, or whatever is new.  Look at how many poeple thought they needed windows me when actually 98 can still do everything me can do.

To create a new standard, it takes something that's not just a little bit different; it takes something that's really new and really captures people's imagination


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #16 on: 1 May 2004, 12:37 »
i hate the dude on the apple video he think he knows it all... i would love to  kick his ass  and take his money and his apple computer and run run run    

[ May 01, 2004: Message edited by: mc0282 ]

huh, what?


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #17 on: 1 May 2004, 18:11 »
Originally posted by mc0282:
i hate the dude on the apple video he think he knows it all... i would love to  kick his ass  and take his money and his apple computer and run run run      

Yeah, but compare it to microsoft promotional videos. Apple actually puts effort and talent into their videos, whereas microsoft uses the guy from The Joy of Painting to do voice-over.
Windows: 32 bit extensions and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprocessor written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #18 on: 2 May 2004, 08:12 »
Am I missing something?

What exactly do a bunch of anti-islamic links have to do with Microsoft's new version of Windows?
You're just jealous cause the voices only talk to me...


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #19 on: 2 May 2004, 08:23 »
Originally posted by Rio:
Am I missing something?

What exactly do a bunch of anti-islamic links have to do with Microsoft's new version of Windows?

Absolutely nothing. That member (formerly known as Great_Satan) has been trolling this forum for more than half a year now. I've PM'ed Refalm to ask him to sort this out.


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #20 on: 2 May 2004, 23:30 »
Btw i am little bit drunk of beer now, and even this dont make me look Longhorn look good for me. This is damn crap,


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #21 on: 2 May 2004, 23:38 »
I hope they
"The gentleman is dead, the feminists killed him" Anonymous


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #22 on: 3 May 2004, 11:08 »

Number two looks like your everyday rip-off of Apple?s metal look and boring too.

Looks to me like a rip-off of KDE. Compare that blue and white background to KDE's "default_blue.jpg" wall paper. Damn little difference.

Furthermore, it has a shutter panel on the right-hand side of the screen, which is a QNX rip-off.

No originality there at all: and far uglier than the originals. Looks like another WinME in the making.  :D
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[ May 03, 2004: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #23 on: 3 May 2004, 23:29 »
Reporter: "So Mr.Gates, what are you going to call your new OS?"

Gates:"Win FS, for Windows File System."

Reporter:"How do you come up with these sexy names?"

Gates:"Well, it's really kind of a random thing. Longhorn was kind of random too."


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #24 on: 5 May 2004, 02:57 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
That black stuff was a pretty good idea, but the latest Longhorn build proves what kind of idiot the designers at Microsoft are.

It was only temporary in that very early build. There hasn't been a leaked build yet with Aero enabled so the UI won't look nearly as good as it will when it's finished.
Originally posted by WMD:
Oh...why did the build number (3718) decrease?  Can they not count?   :confused:  

How stupid are you? That's like someone showing you a picture of Windows 95 and you're thinking it's newer than 98.

Originally posted by solarflare:

Why do Microsoft make everything look complicated??

It looks complicated? It's the same fucking interface except for a bar on the side. If you honestly think that is complicated, I hope you never work with anything more complex than a toaster because you'll just be lost
Originally posted by solarflare:

Longshit looks crap - not even anti-aliasing on the text under the icons!

Again, Aero has not been enabled on any leaked builds yet. Save your bullshit for the release.
Originally posted by solarflare:

Mac OS X has nothing to fear from this crap!

You're right. Mac OS X is already a piece of shit. The only place it can go is up
Originally posted by MindFlyer-Paladin9:
I am still unclear as to if longhorn will be totally dependent on the internet and if there will be a monthly/yearly fee to keep using it.

That rumor was destroyed by Microsoft a year or so ago.
Originally posted by Refalm:
The whole GUI isn't logically build, and it's hard to get work done.

"logically build"? Well, for one, your grammar sucks. Two, the UI is the same as Windows XP but with a side-bar. Third and last of all, It's an ALPHA release. You shouldn't even consider trying to do work on ANYTHING ALPHA.
Originally posted by Refalm:
All Longhorn is, is a Windows XP skin with a .NET toolbar and a modded explorer.exe and crappy effects that are fun for a while, but which you want to disable anyway to get work done faster.

It's not just XP with a skin. You, sir, are very ignorant and miss-informed. Most of the changes have been done behind the scenes. Explorer is not just "modded"; it's a complete re-write in C#. The effects are just kind of there from XP. Aero and Aero Glass will give a programmer the ability to fully accelerate the UI's graphics with the gpu but those are not yet enabled in the leaked builds.

Again, while there are reasons to hate Microsoft, a leaked ALPHA release of an OS several years away from a full release is just not one of them.
Originally posted by xeen:

Don't forget more DRM

It won't be as extensive as you're implying.
Originally posted by yourmom:
Reporter: "So Mr.Gates, what are you going to call your new OS?"

Gates:"Win FS, for Windows File System."

Ignorance strikes again! The new OS is currently codenamed "Longhorn". WinFS is VERY different. WinFS will make searching, finding and organizing files a lot easier than anything currently available for Windows, Apple or Linux.
Originally posted by yourmom:
Reporter:"How do you come up with these sexy names?"

Gates:"Well, it's really kind of a random thing. Longhorn was kind of random too."

The codenames are not random. The names for APi and certain Microsoft made "technologies" are pretty much self-explanatory. They have pretty decent names that tell you exactly what it is. The code names created by Microsoft (Longhorn, Whidbey, Orcas, Whistler) are names of areas (those are actually areas in the mountains I believe).

I’m not trying to say Windows is the best OS and Microsoft rules, I’m just a little perturbed at the ignorance on this forum. If you’re going to rant about something Microsoft has done, at least do it intelligently and not blindly ignorant like this thread.

[ May 04, 2004: Message edited by: Kasracer ]


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #25 on: 5 May 2004, 07:38 »
How stupid are you? That's like someone showing you a picture of Windows 95 and you're thinking it's newer than 98.

Got a point there...I was gonna mention this earlier but forgot. Pictures are just from an earlier build..that's all.

It looks complicated? It's the same fucking interface except for a bar on the side. If you honestly think that is complicated, I hope you never work with anything more complex than a toaster because you'll just be lost

Please expect a long counter response on that statement from me sometime in the upcoming week (too tired and busy today).

You're right. Mac OS X is already a piece of shit. The only place it can go is up

If you expect people to take you seriously, at least have the courtesy of making a GOOD explanation with examples about why Mac OS X is a piece of shit, why it's so horrible that is has nowhere to go but up, and why it's apparently not worthy of comparison to Windows. Granted, all OSes have their problems, but I seriously doubt you can make an OSX vs XP list with the OSX side with more problems. I'd be really interested in reading that, if you do make such a comparison. FYI: I'm not trying to be biased, just curious. I don't even use a Mac and have only used it like 3 times in my life.

BTW, also please don't make that "why OSX is shit" post in this thread. Start a separate thread in the MacOS section for that.


That rumor was destroyed by Microsoft a year or so ago.

Obviously someone has a hard time understanding sarcasm.

"logically build"? Well, for one, your grammar sucks. Two, the UI is the same as Windows XP but with a side-bar. Third and last of all, It's an ALPHA release. You shouldn't even consider trying to do work on ANYTHING ALPHA.

See my second comment in this post.

It's not just XP with a skin. You, sir, are very ignorant and miss-informed.

How the fuck can you call someone ignorant and miss-informed, when you are about to for the second time in a row you make some pretty outrageous claims without providing any evidence?

Explorer is not just "modded"; it's a complete re-write

Where the fuck did you hear/see/read this?? Please do not make such claims without proof. Maybe you're right (I doubt it seriously) and maybe you're wrong. But without any proof this is utter nonsense because MS has not re-written Explorer since Windows 95, but has just been adding patches/mods to it. Back up any claims you make if you want to be taken seriously.

in C#

Ignorance strikes again! The new OS is currently codenamed "Longhorn". WinFS is VERY different.

Again you seem to be having trouble identifying sarcasm. I have to admit though, that joke by "yourmom" was pretty lame. (No offense).

WinFS will make searching, finding and organizing files a lot easier than anything currently available for Windows, Apple or Linux.

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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #26 on: 5 May 2004, 08:17 »
Originally posted by xeen:
Please expect a long counter response on that statement from me sometime in the upcoming week (too tired and busy today).

If it's arguing against my responce, then don't bother and go back using your toaster.
Originally posted by xeen:

If you expect people to take you seriously, at least have the courtesy of making a GOOD explanation with examples about why Mac OS X is a piece of shit, why it's so horrible that is has nowhere to go but up, and why it's apparently not worthy of comparison to Windows.

Originally posted by xeen:

BTW, also please don't make that "why OSX is shit" post in this thread. Start a separate thread in the MacOS section for that.

Make up your fucking mind

I used Mac OS X for a few years working in graphic design. It's a fucking horrible OS, I don't understand how anyone enjoys using it. I'd rather use my Gentoo box for graphics development.
Originally posted by xeen:
Where the fuck did you hear/see/read this?? Please do not make such claims without proof. Maybe you're right (I doubt it seriously) and maybe you're wrong. But without any proof this is utter nonsense because MS has not re-written Explorer since Windows 95, but has just been adding patches/mods to it. Back up any claims you make if you want to be taken seriously.
This is why I called everyone here ignorant. It was on at one point. I didn't think I needed any proof because I assumed the posters here would have already known this, but they apparently do not. Next time you're using your "leaked" Longhorn builds, when an error comes up in Explorer, actually read it. A System.Exception will be thrown from the .Net Framework.

Explorer is seperate from Internet Explorer which may be receiving the MSN rendering engine used on the Macintosh last year (it's better than IE's).
Originally posted by xeen:
No comment.
Journaling FS don't count dammit, however; I do think Microsoft made that claim at one point or another.

BTW, Sarcasm doesn't work via the internet


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #27 on: 5 May 2004, 08:20 »
I used Mac OS X for a few years working in graphic design. It's a fucking horrible OS, I don't understand how anyone enjoys using it. I'd rather use my Gentoo box for graphics development.

It works better when you turn on the computer.


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #28 on: 5 May 2004, 21:48 »
Originally posted by Laukev7:

It works better when you turn on the computer.

lol  :D


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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
« Reply #29 on: 5 May 2004, 10:02 »
I used Mac OS X for a few years working in graphic design. It's a fucking horrible OS, I don't understand how anyone enjoys using it. I'd rather use my Gentoo box for graphics development.

Ok..I really didn't think I'd be calling you a total dickhead so soon, but you completely ignored what I said to you.

I said you are free to have an opinion that Mac OSX sucks shit. However, if you expect do be taken seriously then be courteous enough to provide specific EXAMPLES of how it sucks. "It's a fucking horrible OS" is YOUR opinion which you have NOT backed up with any facts. Again, if you say it is shit than please start a thread in the Mac OS section and explain with concrete facts and examples how OSX sucks. (BTW like I said before, I'm not in any way biased toward OSX as I have never even used it).

"It's a fucking horrible OS, I don't understand how anyone enjoys using it." is nothing but an opinion, and one which anyone can say about anything.

You have now lost any credibility you've had since you have failed 3 times in a row in at least 2 threads to provide any facts for any of your claims or any reasons for any of your opinions. Now all you're doing is posting facts with no supportive information, which leads to pointless back and forth arguments.

I'm not trying to be mean to you. But if you don't start backing your claims up with some supportive information, you will soon be considered a troll.