This thread really fucking sucks.
Originally posted by xeen:
Happens too often with Windows Media Player. WHen the piece of shit crashes, too often the OS goes down too. Don't tell me this isn't true because it happens to me at least once a week. Doesn't happen with other media players though.
Okay, I don't use Windows Media Player and no one really should. It sucks.
Media Player Class > *
Originally posted by Siplus:
this is the half-asses responce that everyone defending window's virus problem gives. it's almost comical to think that you actually believe that when linux or osx or whatever overtakes windows that all the virus writting kiddies will be able to continue to affect a unix-based system.
windows is vulnerable to virii because MS didn't make it secure enough. it is insane to become 'infected' by reading email! there is no reason a system should be allowed to become that weak
So you're saying that if Linux was more popular then windows it wouldn't have any? HA! Well, for one, several different Linux mail clients have been patched because of security vulnerabilities, so don't mention OE and not those as well. Secondly, do you honestly think that someone who can write a virus wouldn't be able to if they were exposed to the unix-y environment for several years?
As it stands,
most (not all, there are a shitload of really stupid unix users) of the people who run a nix system know what they're doing. This is also another reason why infection isn't a likely and since most people using nix seem to hate Microsoft, why not write some viruses for Windows instead of Linux? It has happened several different times ya know.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
I call you an idiot for being so damn ignorant. That and the fact you still \ grammer troll. One thing to be un-original, another to be both unoriginal and repetative.
I troll about grammar because your grammar is so fucking horrible. Also, you're a fucking hypocrite calling me ignorant when you have done NOTHING but spout facts that are horribly incorrect showing your
own ignorance.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
I've checked the list. There are no real virous threats out there for MacOSX and/or Linux. No they would not be fucked since it has to happen first in the wild.
Since this MacOSX virous thing is in the news at least provide a link, otherwize as usual your talking out of your arse.
You really are in the dark about the current world arn't you? .00002 seconds with Google shows the last Mac OS X vulnerability. I'm not going to post links for each and everything just so you can be an even bigger, lazy, idiot who would find some words in the article to twist around to make yourself sound right anyway.
Take some initiative
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Lack of knowledge is one thing but bad M$ software is a nother.
You haven't used any MS software lately have you? Also, MS != M$.
So far I've only seen idiots and zealots refer to MS as 'M$' and you are only proving my theory.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Of course not! You had a career that lasted one day. And yes it is tied to the OS. I've seen outlook crash and bring down the OS so has billions of other people. Google to see...
The word "career" was ment to show an overall, long usage of Windows and not an actual career as you keep making it sound like (I put it in quotes ealier so stupid people like you wouldn't get confused but you must have not gotten the memo. I'll get you a copy of that).
Also, it is not tied to the OS. Try to prove that it is. Go ahead, try it (because it isn't. In fact, I know several different programmers who are currently
working[/i] on Outlook). Using the Win32 API, MFC and the registry does not tie a program into the Windows Operating System otherwise a good 70% or more Windows applications would be considered tied into the OS. The Office programmers arn't even allowed to see the source code to the Windows operating system without very high permission and even then, they can only see small parts. Office is not compiled into Windows. They couldn't be farther apart. I also have
NEVER seen Outlook crash the entire OS and I've worked at helpdesk for a lot of computer illeterate people.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Sure, keep blaming other people. I'm not comparing Open Source with windows. What I am comparing though is the quality of the OS. It seems then that even M$ windows programmers don't know what they are writing in. Only the virus makers.
The quality of the OS? Wow, you really do not understand what Linux is and how Linux and Windows are programmed. First off, there is over a thousand people working on coding Windows right now. You have to go through vigurous testing just to get into MS and the interview questions are really hard that would stump even expert programmers (I know, I've seen the questions. Some are really fucking hard (I'd show you some, but you wouldn't understand anyway. You don't know anything about programming or you'd realize you are wrong in a lot of different comments you've made)). Managers, lead programmers, ect.. all setup what is going to be done, how it is going to be done, what the best way is to do it, and anything else they possibly need to plan ahead for. They meet with programmers, decide how to implement things and the programmers go to work.
Whether you realize it or just too blind by your ignorance, Windows has become a quality OS. Almost all of the old C gook is gone and Windows is mostly C++ (sadly, Linux is still mostly C

but hopefully that'll one day change). Windows can be made to look and feel and work exactly like OS X and even some Linux GUIs. Using SFU puts console commands and other unix tools at the disposal of Windows and the SFU is created at a layer where the Win32 API resides so it's very efficient. I've also never seen Windows 2000 or XP crash because of a specific flaw in the OS code. The very few times that I have seen it crash, it was either due to bad hardware or horrible drivers.
Also, most virus writters are not very smart. Some of the viruses out there are written in VB (haha) and some of the others are too easy to spot. Some virus writters are very good at what they do though, however; if their target was Linux, the outcome would be the same in that reguard because of their skill level.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Good for you that your laptop works. many people I know can't stand windows just because it did crash on a brand new system. So if 3rd party drivers were at fault then why does a brand new system crash?
First off, I've worked in retail and I've never seen a customer bring back a Laptop or PC because it "just crashed omg it was brand newz". I've never heard any complaints. In fact, I seen a guy come in to buy Windows XP to upgrade his Windows 98 which he used for two solid years without any crashing and it was used almost everyday. Secondly, the same fucking thing can and
does[/i] happen on Linux with 3rd party drivers. I take it you don't have an nvidia card and/or you missed the bad batch of drivers they made for Linux because a lot of people had bad problems with them. They would crash the entire system.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
No OSX hasn't done this comming right off the shelf.
No one said it did.....
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
If it is bad ram then why does the same machine work flaulessly in Linux/Unix???
You have no troubleshooting skills at all do you? Wow, you're really useless.
Also, Most != ALWAYS 100% OF THE TIME
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
I've also used windows since Windows3.1 and guess what ever since Windows 95 and up I've seen millions of error messages. Usualy because of a currupt registr, a bad dll file somewhere in the system or one has forgot that windows does need a scan check and a defrag every couple of days.
Lots of 1D 10 T errors, huh?
Also, there is
NO filesystem on Linux or OS X that can make defragging a thing of the past. If you believe there is, then you need to contact the programmers of each filesystem for Linux and OS X because they say their filesystems need to be defragged or formatted regularlly. But since you're such an awesome alternate OS user, you already know this :rolleyes:
Also, with NTFS, Windows never needs to do a disk scan unless something
very very bad happens. The samething is true with reisferfs.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Post another comment and that will be the dumbest thing you've heard so far.
1. That was a horrible retort. Did you think of that all by yourself with your huge IQ (and by huge, I mean 10)?
2. I can't hear myself post. Text != Speak
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
You got bitched at because your not providing facts. You just provided free links to pick up bad softare. Thats not a fact. Now how about that OSX artical you keep mentioning?
1. All of the information (except the TCP/IP benchmarks) can be freely found in the MSDN and I already explained why I did not provide direct links. I honestly did not think you were this dumb.
2. I already mentioned it. It was in the news. A person with the IQ of a 5 year old could put it into google and find it in .00002 seconds. I can't honestly believe you actually need me to link you to an article. Are you really
that stupid that you can't find it yourself?
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
I agree. So why do OEM's crash. Why are they so unstable? Arn't they pre-built with windows in mind?
Wow, just wow.... You have no fucking clue what OEM means (that or your grammar is so horrible that you cannot use it in proper context) so I am going to assume you mean pre-built computers that ship with an OEM version of Windows. If that's the case, no they are not unstable otherwise they would never sell.
You need to understand that the market would not put up with that bullshit. I've honestly never seen a pre-built computer crash in a very long time and I've worked as a help desk, I've setup many many different computer labs in schools, ect.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Haha, yes you should take your own advice. Just shut the fuck up you stupid moron.
And your the only one whinning here. See posts you have made above.
Seriously man, you are really dence. You remind of the kid that would get called stupid and retort with "I know what you are but what am I?".
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
If your talking about bliss, then you really are an idiot! The 'Thompson hack' and Bliss were consept viruses to bring awarness that it is possible to infect Linux/Unix. But if you followed the link you would realize why it is virtualy impossible in the real world to infext Linux/Unix/OSX vs M$ Os'es.
You use unix but don't even know that the Thompson hack was real? It is
very real and he even admits to it in not only the article I linked to, but in several others.
It is
very possible to infect ANY OS. To think it's virtual impossible is just foolish.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Sure, what I provide is 'biast.' But what ever you say is fact even when your planly talking out of your arse!
The first link is comparing apples to oranges. It can't be done. I am also not talking out of my "arse". All of my information is backed up with the MSDN and a quick google search never hurt no one (except maybe your ego).
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
That is just as dumb as saying that the world is flat!!!
You have absolutely no grasp on parallelisms, do you?
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Apache is the most widly used server OS on Linux and guess what its not nearly as vulnrable as Windows and IIS.
1. Apache is
NOT an OS. It is a piece of server software.
2. This comment by you brings to light the ignorance you have when it comes to networking and running a server. Apache has had a
SHITLOAD of holes (which have been patched) over time. Possibly as many as IIS. Currently, both the security and performance of both is virtually the same (if you don't believe me, or you think I'm wrong, go learn because you do not know).
I love how you accuse me of pulling things out of my "arse" when it is clear you have never touched a web server (or, if you have; I feel sorry for anyone who used it) but make comments about Apache and why it is "more secure" than IIS.
In actuality, I like Apache a lot more then IIS. The fact that I can take configurations and knowledge to any OS I choose with the program is just awesome. Even my web site is being run by apache.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Linux IS more secure. You can believe what you want but you cant change the facts.
1. I never said it wasn't. Bringing on more popularity would bring more malicious code.
2. I personally think *nix can be much more secure than Windows (again, I never said it wasn't).
3. Windows can be
very secure and I'm sure after XP SP2, the average home user will be a lot more secure.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Well Linux, it seems is, surpassing OSX on the desktop. It has already surpassed windows on the server
Linux doesn't hold enough market share on the desktop to surpass OS X yet, and I don't see it happening in the near future either since Apple seems to be gaining popularity.
Also, Linux never "surpassed" Windows in a server environment. Windows was never used much as a server. It was all Solaris and unix. In fact, I don't think there ever was a time when Windows was used more on servers than any flavor of *nix.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
No doubt. That and coupled with a weak OS like M$ spells trouble.
Too bad it's not a weak OS and MS != M$
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
maby. but its a hole-ass explination compared to yours.
No, sorry. It isn't.
Originally posted by Rio:
Very good discussions going on thus far. Makes for a very entertaining read, with good points on both sides.
This is true if you do not count -=Solaris.M.K.A=-, who not only has a horrible name (honestly, who the fuck uses stupid symbols in their name? This isn't CS) but he also does not seem to comprehend the idea of being wrong.
Originally posted by Rio:
But a major pet peave of mine....the plural form of virus is viruses....not virii.
This is true and I mentioned this earlier I believe...
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
This is a link of a BSOD gallery. It is actually one of the members. WMD I think. But as you can see there are tones of them everywhere including on home machines
99.99% of the time a BSOD occurs is either when hardware is faulty or someone is using a suck ass driver.
As long as you're using post NT versions of Windows, you should never see a BSOD unless you have shitty hardware or shitty drivers. Pre-NT versions just sucked and shouldn't be used.
Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Yet another news story of another M$ virus. What if Linux was there? Would the damage be the same?
Thats been explained by my 'biast' artical.
But look at what M$ has caused. How is the users to blame when it doesn't even need user intervention to get infected?
Wow, you really are an idiot arn't you? This has been covered, you lost, drop it already. Jesus it's like beating a dead cow in the road with a stick. IT'S DEAD!
Also, you do not blame MS for that. You blame the fucking stupid network administrator. Any decent network admin can protect their users from virtually all viruses (including sasser).
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Kasracer ]