Author Topic: Fanboys?  (Read 1919 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 16 March 2002, 21:55 »
one of the reasons that unix was free was because the deal that bell labs made with the federal government from the monopoly suit. they really did not have a choice or they would of charged for the program.they also developed other stuff which i cant remeber off hand. so bell labs is not a saint either. people love to make money.


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« Reply #16 on: 16 March 2002, 22:41 »
Originally posted by joe_mojo:
one of the reasons that unix was free was because the deal that bell labs made with the federal government from the monopoly suit. they really did not have a choice or they would of charged for the program.they also developed other stuff which i cant remeber off hand. so bell labs is not a saint either. people love to make money.

I meant the *actual* creators of UNIX, and not the company they worked for.  Ken Thompson most notable in creating UNIX, and rewrote "C" which was originally created by Dennis Ritchie.

And here's an interesting map of how all of today's UNIX OSs branched from the orginal:
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« Reply #17 on: 18 March 2002, 16:06 »
A linux system, once installed, should never need fixing, especially when operated by a novice user because they can't screw anything up (it's not like they know how to log in as root and type rm -rf /)
well if they can't fuck it up, how are people going to make money fixing it ?   ;)      :D  
(actually i bet some people think that's a serious question! shame...)

As to how advanced a computer user is, computers are a complicated thing these days, and you do need to be clued up to use one.
If you are only doing bog standard stuff like looking at web pages, listening to mp3s and typing yr dissertation or whatever, you can use any OS and any set of programs and if you are happy using that set of software then great! i just opine that linux gives you more options to springboard from in case you want to learn more...
Myself, i find that the more i learn about computers, the more i find out i still don't know, on a logarythmically increasing scale!

[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #18 on: 19 March 2002, 10:01 »
And so, as expected. Another conversation is turned completely around into a "My os can beat up ur os" brawl, with some old fashioned name calling tosed in (seems like a fanboy trait to me). Not that I Really expected much else.


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« Reply #19 on: 19 March 2002, 13:09 »
well if you're so superior, then why don't you fuck off?

that comment should make you feel even more self righteous than you already did!   ;)  

If you can't get a "my OS is better than your OS" brawl going on in the "windows operating systems" section of the "" forums then WHERE CAN YOU?
I suppose you expect everybody to say:
"oh hang on, this guy's right, my OS is a bunch of crap compared with windows.

yeah right, wake up, FelTch101...

Fett101, Junior Member (how apt) said this:
What other OS would they use otherwise. Only macs can run that OS. And Linux would give any newbie a headache.

Sounds like somebody's pretty eager to join in with the "whose OS is better" argument eh? if you're so much better than everybody else here, then why didn't you just rise above it like the good catholic saint you obviously are?

(what a fucktard.)

[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #20 on: 19 March 2002, 22:13 »
well if you're so superior, then why don't you fuck off?

Simple. The entertainment value.

I suppose you expect everybody to say:
"oh hang on, this guy's right, my OS is a bunch of crap compared with windows.

Nah. I expected a few people to address the main topic, and some other bs. Nowhere did I actually insult any OS.


Petty name calling. Remember. I'm rubber, and ur glue.

Sounds like somebody's pretty eager to join in with the "whose OS is better" argument eh?
NO, I was stating an opinion, and did not "dis" any OS in that statement. Ur just too razzed up to see that.
(what a fucktard.)
More name calling.


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« Reply #21 on: 19 March 2002, 22:22 »
By calling us fanboys you imply a level of incompitance, futility and ignorance to our claims. Fanboy would denote someone with unresonable belifes or aligances, yet we all think what we do, from experience and because of very valid reasons, how does this make us fanboys?

If someone were to somehow convince me that WinXP was better than OSX and that M$ was an Ethical company, then ya, I'd switch. But the fact's are glaring, and we are all reacting.

[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]



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« Reply #22 on: 20 March 2002, 15:37 »
yes well, feltchy, at least i put a proper name on here in the first place, it's hardly name calling when yr name is actually just some stuff and some numbers,

plus, what a load of crap! you started up a topic called fanboys, and then ranted on about fundamentalism et c, in the hope of stirring up an argument! no problem there, i'm here for the entertainment value too, but it's pretty pathetic to do that, then lie about it afterwards, especially when the evidence is there for all to see...

actually insulting the posters, as you did, is definitely more serious than just insulting someone's choice of software, so button it, fucktard.

In case you're wondering (i suppose you aren't but who cares?) my occasional name calling is for my entertainment value, and it only gets dished out to priveleged individuals such as yrself.
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« Reply #23 on: 21 March 2002, 05:04 »
what can linux provide that windows doesnt?


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« Reply #24 on: 21 March 2002, 21:15 »
Enlightenment. Piece of mind. Happiness.

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #25 on: 21 March 2002, 10:30 »
what can linux provide that windows doesn't?

Security, for one thing. Linux doesn't run all the most popular WinViruses such as Code Red, Nimda, etc. Nor does it come with an E-mail client that's really just a virus magnet. For the last several years, two and three (or more) times a year some script kiddie has launched some worm or virus that has spread from one Win system to another, going half way around the world in a matter of hours. The last *NIX worm that did that was the infamous Morris Worm, some twenty years ago. Linux systems aren't so wide-open as there are so many distros and ways to configure a Linux rig a security hole in one doesn't mean it exists in others. One Win rig is so much like another, that they all share security holes. Secondly, Linux doesn't have spyware. You download that really cool MP3 player for Win, and the next thing you know, you're running a web server without ever knowing it - until the spam starts hitting your inbox, or your browser starts taking you to places on the web you never intended to visit. And only God knows what's being served up and for what purpose. Unless you're stupid enough to give some unknown app root priveledge, spyware can't phone home without your knowing about it. Install Linux and you don't have to worry about daemons that go running home to mother every time you go on-line.

With Linux, you don't have to spend the $70.00 or so for the protection you should have had all along. Nor do you have to keep sending Symantec, McAfee, etc. those yearly subscriptions for anti-virus updates.

Since Linux is open source, there aren't any nasty little surprises hidden in there. The governments of both Germany and Denmark are seriously considering ditching all Win systems for official business. There was another thread here where the notorious NSA key is discussed. And since Linux is open source, there is a large community of developers and users who are quite knowledgeable, and willing to help out. You won't have to pay MS tech support to fix their broken software. Nor does the threat of a Linux company's demise need be a cause for concern. The company may go under, but the distro won't. Therefore, you won't find yourself at risk of being left out in the cold, as Win users were threatened by Ballmer that MS would pull Windows if he didn't get his way in court.

Using Linux isn't an insult to one's intelligence every time you boot up. There are no talking paper clips, and wizards are used judiciously. So you don't have these idiot boxes popping up every time you try to do some simple task. Unlike Winders, which keeps its users dumb, Linux gives you the opportunity to learn and grow if you so choose.

There's no WPA - use Linux however you want without being treated like a criminal.

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[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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« Reply #26 on: 21 March 2002, 14:26 »
Originally posted by LukeHashJ:
what can linux provide that windows doesnt?

is this a serious question? or are you trying to make a point?

if it's a serious question, then spend 15 minutes searching on google to find out the myriad things that windows can't do that linux can. remember that linux is a community effort, and many of its features were designed by people who couldn't get their windows box to do what they wanted it to do, so they wrote the feature into linux (because you can with open source systems, that's the real biggie.)
I can't be bothered listing off a bunch of ad/disadvantages, so go and search for yrself.

If on the other hand you have already made up your mind and are just trying to be antagonistic then why don't you just fuck off?   :D  

Actually it is interesting to me that you ask this question since you say (elsewhere) that you have had linux installed for a month. i've had mine for 3 weeks now, and i'm only just getting into it. just starting. it has so many features that i am almost drowning in my own learning. Have you ever booted into yr linux installation? did you try the OS out? really give it a chance? it takes a lot longer to learn than windows just because it's not so dumbed down, and as VoidMain says it can be daunting to login to linux when you know you can just boot up yr familiar windows instead.

Linux is not for everybody, but for those whom it is for, it's a lot better than windows.

As to why, as i said, seek and ye shall find.

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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