Author Topic: Fanboys?  (Read 1918 times)


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« on: 11 March 2002, 14:56 »
Browsing this forums (me being a Winhell user) Is frighteningly similar to browsing a fundamentalist Christian forum as an atheist. Or a PS2 forum as a Gamecube fan. Post after post of fanboy crud, with some small exceptions here and there. Many of them somehow believe that the world should suddenly outlaw Windows, and all PC's be burned (much akin to the Nazi's marshmellow roasting parties) Claims of simply touching a copy of XP at the store, and your computer at home bursting into flames, engulfing your house, and killing your cat. (with little or no proof) Sure, Windows has some kinks, and advanced users can do better, but the common computer owner doesn't care that much about his OS. They just wanna d/l thier Mp3's and write thier e-mails to try to get a spot on Springer.

So.. um. Keep up the good work. It's quite entertaining.


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« Reply #1 on: 11 March 2002, 15:08 »
interesting that someone with this opinion chooses to call their topic "fanboys".

firstly, you're exaggerating.

Secondly, what do you expect from a site that's called ""?

Thirdly, if you want to use windows, fine, use it. Get your mp3s and your word processing done and feel good inside about it.

The problem most people here have with Microsoft is not their software, but their business practices. Understand?
True, their business practices lead them to release a lot of bad software, but it isn't because they can't release good software, it's to keep people begging for bug fixes and upgrades.
Microsoft have a strong commitment to stopping people using operating systems other than their own, they create file formats that are supposed to only be usable by M$ programs, and they send lawyers to hunt down other software companies. They also release inconsistent and outdated versions of other vendors' free plugins et cetera to defame those vendors' reputations.

What i'm saying is M$ want us to have no choice in what software we use.
The people here say "fuck that, give me a choice!"
so we are really saying "fuck Microsoft, they have been fucking us for years." and if, after all that explanation you STILL don't agree with me then....

fuck you   :D

[ March 11, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #2 on: 11 March 2002, 17:42 »
i think WinXP is a nice desktop OS... so its Win2K... but i still hate microsoft... i use Win2K for games, everything else is linux.  Its not because i think linux is better, its because microsoft is evil

oh PS, you sexist pig, its Fanpeople! :-P

[ March 11, 2002: Message edited by: kinky ]

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« Reply #3 on: 11 March 2002, 18:13 »
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« Reply #4 on: 13 March 2002, 16:48 »
There's plenty of people like me who don't post much but are perfectly rational about MS.

I don't like their software nor their "buisness practices" (that coin is used plenty here). I like this forum because most people in the world love MS and they don't know why, they have no experience with other products, they stand up for MS with no feet to stand on.

Here few like MS, but at least everyone has a reason for hating them, and I happen to agree with most of them.


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« Reply #5 on: 15 March 2002, 06:01 »
Yeah, I like to call them "Stupid fucks", but that's me. As for Winblows? Sure, I use it. But I didn't pay for it. Same with IE, (since Netscape sucks ass) which I got for free. It isn't a huge deal to have FREE MS stuff. I don't pay for this shitty software, I get it for free. I'm not supporting "Hitler Jr." nor do I like Microfuck, it's just easy free shit that I can get my hands on.
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« Reply #6 on: 15 March 2002, 06:57 »
Hiya guys, Im new here and I have to say a few things to get started off on the wrong foot  ;)

Sure, I hate MS. I dont like how they add a whole bunch of usless crap to thier OS, I dont like how they try and trick you into getting the newest OS by saying they arent going to support the older ones. I dont like how MS forces you to buy upgrades as a new OS.

But you gotta admit, it is the best thing running right now. Ive used Linux and Unix. Sure the way it was designed is better, but there is nothing I need that runs on them. Netscape sucks bigtime, the configuration isnt easy, or even possible to someone who doesnt want to learn computing, and while I am sure that the others are quite stable and great for networking, they cant compare to my stripped down version of Win98.

I dont want, nor need to learn every thing about an OS to use it. Do you know everything about your TV? I use my PC at home for recreation, and there is no other OS that can provide it as well as Windows. I dont think Bill Gates is a jerk. He has worked very hard to get where he is. How would you like it if someone came along and wanted to take what you have built and break it up due to the complaints of inferior compitition?

There is no serious compition for Microsoft, and that is why everyone uses it. While Linux is trying, I dont believe it will ever be as popular as Windows cuz there is no serious attempt at making it that way. Netscape started it all, but lost it due to bad Corp. management. It is not my problem if no one offers me a better product.

My FuckMicrosoft comes when I install and then have to remove .megs of usless info to make it run better. But, its still the best out there...

I recieved a new copy of XP from a friend who I fixed a PC for, and have played with it over the last 3mo. I will be removing it soon. XP gotta be the most worthless OS it has been my displeasure to try. After countless hours of tweaking the OS, it still runs slow. File execution just doesnt have it. Its boot speed is fantastic, and its got to be the best looking OS ever made, put it just doesnt perform. Back to my install of Win98 First Edition. Under 300megs and runs fast as hell!

My suggestion is for the BB to put up a tweak forum to make the Win OS run better instaed of ones that just cry about it. Id be happy to help out, and soon many of you would be saying Win aint that bad.....


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« Reply #7 on: 15 March 2002, 07:08 »
I think some of you are on drugs. First, load up linux on your machines before you start crying about winblows. I personally like my winx box, but i don't like people looking at my stuff. I also like having full control of my computer, which winx doesn't allow you like linux does. But I don't sit at my desk typing an email on a winblows machine and at the same time, grutting out that it sucks. change OSs!!! Oh yeah, i almost forgot, real smart posting on the web about free win products. real nice.. really..


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« Reply #8 on: 15 March 2002, 07:59 »
Originally posted by Calum:

The problem most people here have with Microsoft is not their software, but their business practices. Understand?
True, their business practices lead them to release a lot of bad software, but it isn't because they can't release good software, it's to keep people begging for bug fixes and upgrades.
Microsoft have a strong commitment to stopping people using operating systems other than their own, they create file formats that are supposed to only be usable by M$ programs, and they send lawyers to hunt down other software companies. They also release inconsistent and outdated versions of other vendors' free plugins et cetera to defame those vendors' reputations.
[ March 11, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Well its interesting' but not exactly true.
All major airports use Unix, may buisneses use Unix to run thier mechinary. these are thinkgs that MS cannot do as well, and arent even trying to do.

As far as the relese of unfinished software, everyone does that. Electronic Arts and Motor City Online, Blizzard and any of the games. These are just two examples. If unfinished software was held till it was done, then no software would be released.

M$ file types? C'mon. I cant read any Linux file types on my Win OS, then arent they doing the same? MS designs files for MS. This isnt air. It is a product. MS has the right to protect thier interests as much as you do when you build a fence around your property. And methinks Microsoft doesnt have to worry about making sure everyone uses thier software. Other companys are doing a good enough job at that them selves.

Look at Redhat, Mandrake, and other Linux products sold in stores. Arent they re releasing anothers software under thier own name for a profit?

Security holes? Why is MS so buggy and Linux isnt? Cuz more people use MS products. Period. there are just as many holes in Linux. Some one will find a way. but why bother when only 2% of PC users use Linux? This will increase when Linux becomes more popular.

P.S. Fuck you too  ;)


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« Reply #9 on: 15 March 2002, 10:09 »
Microsoft have a strong commitment to stopping people using operating systems other than their own

What other OS would they use otherwise. Only macs can run that OS. And Linux would give any newbie a headache.

Get your mp3s and your word processing done and feel good inside about it.

No doubt a secret pshycological attack trying to defame me by lowering me to just another windows simpleton who just want's his napster. (or maybe I should get out more)

oh PS, you sexist pig, its Fanpeople! :-P

That doesn't take into account all the other living creatures on this planet. Fanbeings is more like it. (hrm. Penguins being the most noticed by most of u)

Sure, I hate MS. I dont like how they add a whole bunch of usless crap to thier OS

I have just recently istalled Mandrake and when I first took a peek at the "star menu" I found several browsers, text editors, mail programs and oh so much more. I'd call having 5 browsers useless crap.

And as a end note. There are many of you who justify stealing micosoft software by saying "you don't want to support the axis of evil" and a good bit more B.S. If ur gonna steal software, at least have the grace to admit ur stealing software.


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« Reply #10 on: 15 March 2002, 10:26 »
Maybe *you* steal software.  M$ software isn't worth stealing...
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« Reply #11 on: 15 March 2002, 17:53 »
wow! dickhead central!
(except VoidMain OF COURSE)
I dont think Bill Gates is a jerk. He has worked very hard to get where he is. How would you like it if someone came along and wanted to take what you have built and break it up due to the complaints of inferior compitition?

This puts everything else you have to say in context, if you don't know why then there's no point me trying to explain.
all that bullshit above about stealing software

If all the software is free to start with, it is impossible to steal it. I wonder why linux is becoming so popular?

If you guys are worried, then tough.
You want to stop me even having the right to say what i think. I just want everybody to have a choice available to them. In this light, who sounds more reasonable?

Remember somebody suggested a flytrap forum to attract all the dickhead posts so as to leave the rest of the forums free for the rest of us? well whoever it was got their wish...

[ March 15, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

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« Reply #12 on: 15 March 2002, 19:50 »

If all the software is free to start with, it is impossible to steal it. I wonder why linux is becoming so popular?

Ok, while I totally agree with you here, lets look at it in a buisness sence. Windows isnt free. It was created(Stolen/ whatever) by Microsoft. Produced, distributed, released by one company. All the risks for developing it where on their shoulders. Peoples salarys, and stock earnings are all gambling on its outcome. Free OS's dont have that problem. Im talking buisness here...

Linux, for example, is a Unix clone. It is all based on that software, but just different enough to avoid copywrite laws. The OS is free, but what about he guys who wrote Unix? Where are thier profits? where are their earnings to grow on? They took the risk, and the Linux crowd is standing on the shoulders of giants.

I would like to see Linux gain alot of ground, not because it is free, but because it is written better. But, the simple fact is that Linux doesnt have the ease of use for the computer idiot. And with the lack of support for Linux and easy to use apps, Linux is dead in the water. The general public doesnt care what is happening in their OS, they want to boot up and run. Linux cant offer that right now. "Special" installation and configuration is required. Forget it.

Believe me, I see all of your points, but I see it from the eyes of peoples PC's I fix every other day. They got no clue, nor the desire to have one. The average user is a PC idiot. Microsoft makes it easy. Not better, but easy.

I dont know if you realize how advanced you are compared to the average PC user.....

[ March 15, 2002: Message edited by: SPoT ]


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« Reply #13 on: 15 March 2002, 20:52 »
Originally posted by SPoT:

Ok, while I totally agree with you here, lets look at it in a buisness sence. Windows isnt free. It was created(Stolen/ whatever) by Microsoft. Produced, distributed, released by one company. All the risks for developing it where on their shoulders. Peoples salarys, and stock earnings are
all gambling on its outcome. Free OS's dont have that problem. Im talking buisness here...

Hmmm .... at my company we primarily (practically only, except for a few exceptions) use open source software, I recieve my paycheck every month, as like a lot of other people working professionaly with open source/linux. Your point is?


Linux, for example, is a Unix clone. It is all based on that software, but just different enough to avoid copywrite laws. The OS is free, but what about he guys who wrote Unix? Where are thier profits? where are their earnings to grow on? They took the risk, and the Linux crowd is standing on the shoulders of giants.

The guys who wrote unix got payed for it by Bell labs (afaik), Linus Torvalds started linux as a univeristy/college project, on average students don't get paid for their work. Linus is now probably employed by some company who benefits from the development of linux (don't quote me on this though, I have no idea where Linus works or what his job his). The unix "guys" still make money of all the proprietry unix implementations which are still heavily used in resource intensive corporate/research environments. And over the years linux has evolved so much that you can hardly compare it to unix anymore.


I would like to see Linux gain alot of ground, not because it is free, but because it is written better. But, the simple fact is that Linux doesnt have the ease of use for the computer idiot. And with the lack of support for Linux and easy to use apps, Linux is dead in the water. The general public doesnt care what is happening in their OS, they want to boot up and run. Linux cant offer that right now. "Special" installation and configuration is required. Forget it.

ok here is an example of the average SuSE linux installation :

clickety clickety click , click, click , click reboot click click done (with (if supported) all hardware recognised and working, no need to download and install video card/sound card/ modem/ printer and whatnot drivers) with all desktop programs (mail clients, browsers, office apps) already installed, from one handy dvd (no cd switching)

as for a real world example :

my crappy compaq pressario with integrated video was a bitch to get working on win9x (I spent 3 days searching the internet for the Trident Cyberblade integrated video drivers in 640x480x16 colors because of some unhappiness between VIA and Trident)

When I installed SuSE on that box it just recognized all my hardware, no problems at all.

(technically I could have used the compaq recovery cd's but that also installs loads of crap which I never need nor would ever use)


Believe me, I see all of your points, but I see it from the eyes of peoples PC's I fix every other day. They got no clue, nor the desire to have one. The average user is a PC idiot. Microsoft makes it easy. Not better, but easy.

A linux system, once installed, should never need fixing, especially when operated by a novice user because they can't screw anything up (it's not like they know how to log in as root and type rm -rf /)

Installation of software is a breeze (and far more easier then under windows, because you don't have to reboot 3 times just to install a program)

There are also linux distributions especially geared at windows users (redmond linux is one though they changed names lately and I can't remember, there is also no free download, it's very cheap however)


I dont know if you realize how advanced you are compared to the average PC user.....

It's not how "advanced" someone is, it's their willingness and ability to learn new things, furthermore when someone does reach the "advanced" stage they will find out that is a lot easier to get their pc running the way they want it with linux then it is with windows (somehow win xp's crappy irq steering springs to mind which shares my irq 9 with 6 devices including my geforce 3, (which totally sucks speed wise), my sound card and 2 NIC's)

There is only one thing people need to know when migrating a novice user from windows to linux and that is RTFM!!!!!

my 2 euro cents
If you can't learn to do something well, learn to enjoy doing it poorly.


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« Reply #14 on: 16 March 2002, 05:06 »
Where is the profit for the creators of UNIX when it comes to Linux?  I think before you open your mouth you should do a little research. There's boatloads of information on this subject out there for the reading.  Unlike Bill Gates, the creators of UNIX are not motivated by money. And there are "many" UNIX like OSs out there (Solaris, AIX, IRIX, HP-UX, etc, etc, etc). But the companies who developed those "UNIX like" operating systems didn't do it to make a profit from said operating systems.  They did it to sell their proprietary hardware, yet be compatible with UNIX and all other UNIX like operating systems.

Take those good goals, create a negative image of them, and you have Microsoft's strategy for the design of their operating system.  Be compatible with no one, advertise the piss out of it so as to wipe out the competition, make as much money as possible.
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