Yes, they dumped redhat for win2k...weird, huh? They said win2k servers are more secure, reliable and 'user friendly'..rofl
And yes, I think one of the reasons is that Microsoft provides excellent tech support for big companies...if something's wrong, our dumb sysadmin is just calling the tech support...
Nobody could be that fucking st00pid. I guarantee you that the real reason they ditched Red for Win 2K servers is because they fell for MS's bogus claim that Win 2K is
sooooooooooo easy to administer that you don't need "those geeks" (read: IT specialists who actually know what they're doing.) to administer the system. Why, just look at that purdy GUI, the point 'n' click simplicity, yada, yada, yada: do your own admin. :rolleyes:
And that's how Code Red, Klez, Nimda, Fizzer, and those other script kiddie worms spread half way around the world in a matter of hours, from one Win server to another. All "administered" by untrained dumb-asses who were "assured" by Microsoft itself that it is so easy it makes real sys-admins irrelevant.

So go ahead, pink-slip all those nerds who
actually know a thing or two about computers. Save a bundle!
Believe me, they're gonna get
precisely what they have coming. When that happens, tell them to get a MSCE (
Expert) to fix it for them.
Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
--Daffy Duck
[ May 21, 2003: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]