Author Topic: windows file system (wfs)  (Read 1751 times)


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windows file system (wfs)
« on: 5 August 2003, 21:48 »
how secure do you think the new "wfs" file system from Redmond will be.

they say it will be that along with longhorn will be the most secure ever.

( didnt redmond say that about the highly anticipated XP? )
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windows file system (wfs)
« Reply #1 on: 5 August 2003, 10:03 »
About as secure as Windows 2000 was when Microsoft's servers crashed by themselves shortly after they challenged hackers to break into their systems.


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windows file system (wfs)
« Reply #2 on: 5 August 2003, 11:31 »
ROFL, I had not heard of that one...

I think the only "security" inherent will be that Windows will now secure itself and stop other OS's from using it's partitions.  How long did it take to reverse engineer NTFS?  And now as soon as it's done they make a new format to try and fuck over the competition.  Filth.

Anyway, unless a filesystem is encrypted how is it more "secure?"  What, they're going to have permissions on each file that only a "super user" can modify, no ones thought of that one!  Hey how about some ownership on files too Bill ya dumb fuck.  The files will still be readable by any cracker with that uber scary cracking tool the "file manager" so wheres the security?
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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windows file system (wfs)
« Reply #3 on: 5 August 2003, 13:23 »
im telling you let him setup the world on a single switch. we all know everyone who reads 10 mins. of faq's will have access to it.
i cant wait for my turn.
How can you say im crazy? You wouldnt know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.  -- mike muir/suicidal tendencies


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windows file system (wfs)
« Reply #4 on: 5 August 2003, 13:30 »
I see your point - should secure us all a nice little earner if major banks use Microsoft software.  ;)
Yesterday it worked
Today it is not working
Windows is like that


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windows file system (wfs)
« Reply #5 on: 10 August 2003, 23:04 »
lool this comes at no surprise to me.
For different reasons   :D  ... I've been hacking WinNT, Win2000, WinXP running IIS, SQL Server using simple script kiddy methods. Even some versions of Apache for Windows can be hacked without any real hacker knowledge.

It's all so easy. Maybe the reason for their crappy software is that no good programmer would want to work for such a piece of s*** of a company.


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windows file system (wfs)
« Reply #6 on: 11 August 2003, 00:27 »
Its so secure that the file formants you are using now, wich includes WinXpiss!, will no longer be able to be read by longhorn or any of its programs

The incryption would be so strong that the FBI and CIA would be the only ones to read YOUR files whenever whereever they want.  (Thanx M$ for that convenence!)

and so secure that only RedMond and the RIAA will have total control of the machine.

And so safe that every cracker will poke fun at you every chance they get!  :D
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