Author Topic: Changing Icon of The .EXE file in Visual Basic 6.0 (and red hat 8.0 licence)  (Read 2052 times)


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hey, void main, regarding the link you just posted, why are allowed to call red hat downloads 'red hat'? from what i hear the red hat licence prohibits use of the name red hat or their logo for sites offering the cheapo (download) version of red hat. are offering it as XYZ XYZ linux, have stopped offering the cheap version altogether and after i asked this same question at they replied that they were about to stop calling it red hat too (what a coincidence!   :rolleyes:  ) so how does get away wit it?
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Originally posted by Calum:
hey, void main, regarding the link you just posted, why are allowed to call red hat downloads 'red hat'?

Um, maybe because it's Red Hat?


 from what i hear the red hat licence prohibits use of the name red hat or their logo for sites offering the cheapo (download) version of red hat.

As in cheapo, do you mean "free"? Never heard that before. There are hundreds of mirror sites to download Red Hat, just look at the Red Hat download page on their own site.

quote: are offering it as XYZ XYZ linux, have stopped offering the cheap version altogether and after i asked this same question at they replied that they were about to stop calling it red hat too (what a coincidence!      :rolleyes:     ) so how does get away wit it?

Looks to me like those sites are charging for it? And possibly changing it? If I were Red Hat I would probably request the same thing under the same circumstances.

Just did some research and found a trademark section on Red Hat's web site:

I believe these sections are the reason your quoted companies are changing the names:

And there is nothing that I could find anywhere regarding making copies and offering them for free. It appears to me that this is ok (as long as it's the downloadable/free version, the other versions contain proprietary software from other vendors that may not allow copying, also in the above reading).

Now the cool part is, you can download Red Hat's stock distro, remove their ICONs (and a few other minor items), put your cool logo on it and sell it as a new and complete distro and charge whatever you want for it. I think that's pretty damn good, in fact that's how Mandrake got started.

[ December 18, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]

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Labelling it "xyz linux" is ridiculous though. They could simply state that the isos were downloaded from red hat, without actually calling it "red hat"
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I don't think Red Hat even wants them to do that. It looks to me like a lot of people were buying these CDs from these burning houses and then coming to Red Hat wanting help/support.
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Well regardless of what the website calls them, people are going to catch on quickly to the fact that they have in fact bought "Red Hat" when they boot up and "Red Hat Linux" appears on their screen.

I can't believe RH want to turn down the publicity of having their software distributed for them under their name. That's one of the major advantages of FS to the companies that make it.
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i see! so it's only these people who resell the red hat download edition that need to change the name?

i just sent off for a copy of xyz linux for
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Interesting. I am curious if these burner houses would have contacted Red Hat before hand like the web site states, whether Red Hat might just have given them permission to sell the CDs and call them Red Hat?  If nothing else they may have given them guidelines to follow. To be totally clear that they are selling the download version and not the boxed set containing the official manuals w/support etc... It almost looks like they never even talked to Red Hat about it. But according to the online trademark restrictions they are doing the right thing by changing the name until they have written approval to use it.

On a side note, assuming they just pulled the logo RPMs you could always download/install them after you install your copy.  
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Technically they could stop you from distributing the logos as they're not covered by free software licences, but they can't stop you from saying "I downloaded these isos from" or "we can't name this distribution but the words "Red Hat" appear frequently in the source code."
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flap, i see from your signature that you are a fan of George Bush quotes. he really generates the highest number of fascinating quotes i have ever heard from any one person!

and void main, logo rpms? you mean i just rpm -Uvh them and hey presto, all the red hat logos appear all over my desktops and stuff? i wonder if i could do this with another distro, say download the logo rpm for SuSE or Corel linux or something, and install that on my new xyz xyz linux system?
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Originally posted by Calum:
and void main, logo rpms? you mean i just rpm -Uvh them and hey presto, all the red hat logos appear all over my desktops and stuff?

Roger that chief.


 i wonder if i could do this with another distro, say download the logo rpm for SuSE or Corel linux or something, and install that on my new xyz xyz linux system?

Possibly but doubtful. Depends on how they have their Window manager configuration directories set up. Certainly with a little tweaking anything is possible.
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flap, i see from your signature that you are a fan of George Bush quotes. he really generates the highest number of fascinating quotes i have ever heard from any one person!
George W. Bush quotes: Columbia Central
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Loopers, since you're obviously new to the MicroSnot conspiracy, I'll give you a hand.  The only way to change the icon of the executable, created from Visual Basic is to have a windows Icon file.  You have to set the "Icon" property of the particular form.  Now you might be asking "How do I get/create an icon file?".  The only way I know is to use Visual C++, it has it's own icon editor.

Therefore, if you want to create Winblows apps, avoid Visual Basic like the plague, used Visual C++.

Personally, I prefer using Linux with the Qt libraries.  Qt is 100% C++, has libraries for XWindows, Sockets and more (none of that incline C crap).


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how's he going to learn the way out if you direct him further in?
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