Author Topic: SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!  (Read 1600 times)


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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« on: 4 March 2004, 20:36 »
Confirmed by a leaked memo:

Somehow, I'm not surprised.


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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #1 on: 4 March 2004, 23:23 »
Of course, we all suspected it.


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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #2 on: 5 March 2004, 02:20 »
I'm not surprised either.  
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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #3 on: 5 March 2004, 04:30 »
When will people ever learn? The whole school system over here has been taken over by these nasty windows boxes. I can't believe the teachers allow it - just goes to show how LITTLE people know about computers these days.

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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #4 on: 5 March 2004, 14:53 »
quote: When will people ever learn? The whole school system over here has been taken over by these nasty windows boxes. I can't believe the teachers allow it - just goes to show how LITTLE people know about computers these days.

Welcome on our wonderful forum! Anyway, the first experience teacher have with computers these days is Windows. Some schools run Macintosh's and even some Linux, and those teachers look very weird when they see a BSOD  :rolleyes:

Don't call them "windows boxes". You can run Linux on a PC too  


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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #5 on: 5 March 2004, 19:05 »
and what is so bad about microsoft wasting money? I'm sure they have so much to waste. in fact, by starting a war, they will have a lot to loose, and nothing to earn (including dollars...)


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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #6 on: 8 March 2004, 12:50 »
wait i thought we knew this from the start
just say know


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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #7 on: 8 March 2004, 06:58 »
yeah they were the true suspect from alot of ppl and they tried to cover it up by saying they were purchasing licenses from sco for unix code that was in NT code. HA!
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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #8 on: 8 March 2004, 12:18 »
There's a good article on the inquirer summing up the SCO situation so far.
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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #9 on: 9 March 2004, 10:45 »
The SCO doo-doo has just gotten a bit deeper: seems the SEC is getting interested.        

 Although the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) never officially makes public when it investigates an organization, an SEC staff member told NewsForge that complaints and tips about suspected under-the-table funding, stock-kiting, illegal insider trading, and money-laundering involving Microsoft or Microsoft-connected individuals to the financially struggling SCO Group have been coming into the agency with regularity since last August. The SEC "does not take such complaints lightly," the source said.
Analysis: Microsoft, SCO have a lot more explaining to do


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[ March 09, 2004: Message edited by: jtpenrod ]

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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #10 on: 9 March 2004, 10:49 »
SCO = Screwed Claims Organisation


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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #11 on: 15 March 2004, 18:52 »
This is hilarious. Once again Paul Thurrott, king of Microsoft sheep who runs is blindly taking Microsoft's side:

Microsoft and SCO Ties Pump Up Conspiracy Theorists
   I'd be the first to point a finger at Microsoft if any actual evidence existed to support claims by open-source fanatics that the company financially backed the SCO Group's ill-advised lawsuits against Linux-using and Linux-backing companies such as IBM and Novell. But those claims aren't true. Although everyone loves conspiracy theories, some people clearly love them a bit too much. Here's what we know so far. SCO is suing Linux makers such as IBM and Novell and large Linux customers, alleging that Linux includes source code stolen from UNIX, for which SCO owns the intellectual property rights. This ownership is, itself, debatable, but let's skip that little technicality for the moment. SCO's business is, shall we say, negligible, until you consider the money some companies--such as Microsoft and Sun Microsystems--have paid SCO for UNIX licenses. Then, consider the news that a hedge fund called BayStar Capital made a $50 million investment in SCO last year. Senior executives at Microsoft (which didn't actually pay BayStar or put any money into the company's SCO investment) introduced BayStar to SCO. End of story, right? No, not quite. SCO would have been hard pressed to fund its Linux lawsuits without that BayStar investment. So did Microsoft secretly fund the SCO lawsuits, as open-source backers so desperately want to believe? Sorry, but this series of revelations doesn't prove that assumption. I wouldn't be surprised to discover it's true, but we're not there yet.



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SCO's anti-Linux initiative funded by Microsoft!
« Reply #12 on: 16 March 2004, 00:22 »
Originally said by Microslave Paul Thurrott:
This ownership is, itself, debatable, but let's skip that little technicality for the moment.

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"Yes there's nothing wrong with going around being rude and selfish, killing people and fucking married women, but being childish is a cardinal sin around these parts." -Aloone_Jonez