Author Topic: Why I use MS products.  (Read 1735 times)


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Why I use MS products.
« on: 24 May 2003, 02:44 »
I don't like MS, actually I hate MS and I get frustrated that I have to use Bill's crappy software.

Here's why:
> I'm a webdesigner. IE has a market share of over 90% - how can I ignore that? Of course Mozilla is better, but I can't make sites just for the 2-3% that use Mozilla.

> Also, I like to play a nice game from time to time. On which OS can I play the latest games? On Linux or MacOs X? I don't think so.


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« Reply #1 on: 24 May 2003, 03:22 »
First of all, FUCK MICROSOFT.

Secondly, Websites can easily be designed to support and look great on both Mozilla and Internet Explorer. You're damn right Mozilla is "better".

Thirdly, you can play the latest games on Linux. Here are some links:

The problem isn't that Linux doesn't support the latest gaming technology. The truth is, Linux just needs people that will develop games for Linux.


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« Reply #2 on: 24 May 2003, 04:00 »
Originally posted by pandronic:
I don't like MS, actually I hate MS and I get frustrated that I have to use Bill's crappy software.

Here's why:
> I'm a webdesigner. IE has a market share of over 90% - how can I ignore that? Of course Mozilla is better, but I can't make sites just for the 2-3% that use Mozilla.

Web designers should be writing to HTML standards.  Web desingers should not write to MSIE, not to Mozilla, not to Opera, not to safari, etc.   It's that simple.

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[ May 23, 2003: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

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« Reply #3 on: 24 May 2003, 10:21 »
i hate it when websites make pages that don't follow any sort of a standard. ocasionaly you will come across a page that appears to have no wording until you actually select where the words should be and you'll be able to see the black letters. a buddy of mine had a site on geocities that he wanted me to look at. i thought the page was totaly blank until i highlighted the text. the entire page appeared black in Mozilla and Opera. i looked at the source of the page and it had <font color="#000000"> around all the text... so why did the text appear as being green in Internet Explorer?

[ May 24, 2003: Message edited by: ShawnD1 ]


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« Reply #4 on: 24 May 2003, 13:35 »
Maybe that website had style-sheets which said the text should be green...

For the people that didn't now: don't use <font> tags when you're already using style-sheets. I know it sounds logic, but many web developers seem to forget that.


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« Reply #5 on: 24 May 2003, 23:57 »
Originally posted by ChakanTGM:
First of all, FUCK MICROSOFT.

The problem isn't that Linux doesn't support the latest gaming technology. The truth is, Linux just needs people that will develop games for Linux.

I agree, it's most likely that linux would be a better gaming platform than Winslows, but for example how can I play the latest GTA3 Vice City on Linux?


About the webdesign bit - I can't create HTML that doesn't work on Explorer (even if it doesn't follow any standard) because I can't afford to lose that much traffic. For example an online store. It's in my best interest to make the site work excelent on Explorer to maximize my profits. Of course I should make it work in all other browsers (and usually I support at least Opera and Mozilla), but this is just to be fair.


And another thing - I use Photoshop - and I can't afford to buy a Mac, even though I know it's better - so I'm stuck with Win.


The problem with this subject is that a lot of people would switch from Windows if there were viable alternatives - but as you all know the best applications are still written for this pile of junk   :mad:


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« Reply #6 on: 25 May 2003, 00:06 »
About the games in Linux: Wine is adding Direct3D support. You can't play GTA Vice City yet, but it's starts now. It isn't much now, but maby in a year, you might be able to play the latest games for Windows in Linux for free.

Until then, try WineX (screenshot). WineX costs $ 15, but you'll be able to play many Windows games in Linux.


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« Reply #7 on: 25 May 2003, 10:06 »
you cant rely on getting WINE to work. when i try to compile it will have a compile error with the generic message error 13: leaving folder /home/shawn/wine/sources


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« Reply #8 on: 25 May 2003, 13:30 »
I'll give it a try.


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« Reply #9 on: 1 July 2003, 04:03 »
Last time I checked, Mandrake (not the best, but I use it occasionally) has some sort of gaming distro that will allow you to play most of the newer games. (The Sims is the main one) I don't have it myself, but I've heard it's pretty good. No clue if they still have it, or if someone else made a gaming distro, but I just figured I'd tell you.

And for the other reason you use MicroSlut's products, you need to realize HTML works on Mozilla too... only sites that don't appear correctly are made by newbies who don't know better...



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« Reply #10 on: 1 July 2003, 04:05 »
Originally posted by [xile@localhost]$:
Last time I checked, Mandrake (not the best, but I use it occasionally) has some sort of gaming distro that will allow you to play most of the newer games. (The Sims is the main one) I don't have it myself, but I've heard it's pretty good. No clue if they still have it, or if someone else made a gaming distro, but I just figured I'd tell you.

And for the other reason you use MicroSlut's products, you need to realize HTML works on Mozilla too... only sites that don't appear correctly are made by newbies who don't know better...


um. this has nothing to do with this topic, but, i used to write xile before it evolved into my current manifesation; ecsyle. i no longer paint though, so it doesn't matter.


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« Reply #11 on: 1 July 2003, 04:33 »
The topic started because pandronic uses Winblowz to play newer games (I mentioned the Mandrake Gaming distro as a solution to that) and because he is a web designer (where I mentioned that HTML works with all browsers...)

That is perfectly on topic  


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« Reply #12 on: 1 July 2003, 04:36 »
Originally posted by pandronic:
> I'm a webdesigner. IE has a market share of over 90% - how can I ignore that? Of course Mozilla is better, but I can't make sites just for the 2-3% that use Mozilla.

Last time I checked Mozilla and other web browsers can interpret HTML fine... (unlike IE  ;)  )
Originally posted by pandronic:

> Also, I like to play a nice game from time to time. On which OS can I play the latest games? On Linux or MacOs X? I don't think so.

Wine will run most games. Plus almost every Linux distro comes with a ton of games
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« Reply #13 on: 1 July 2003, 04:40 »
Originally posted by [xile@localhost]$:
The topic started because pandronic uses Winblowz to play newer games (I mentioned the Mandrake Gaming distro as a solution to that) and because he is a web designer (where I mentioned that HTML works with all browsers...)

That is perfectly on topic    

sorry, i meant my post has nothing to do with the topic....


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« Reply #14 on: 1 July 2003, 04:55 »
Originally posted by ecsyle:951:

sorry, i meant my post has nothing to do with the topic....

Oh =) just a misunderstanding then.

Wow... this post really went off topic