Author Topic: People are Idiots  (Read 2577 times)


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People are Idiots
« on: 27 October 2002, 21:26 »
I stumbled on this thread at a gaming forum. Link:

A person aasks whats better, 98 or XP

Uhh.. XP by a long shot.

1. A lot more stable
2. It has NTFS which allows for better file security and reliability
3. It supports the latest hardware
4. Better memory management (which ties in with #1)
5. Easier to use
6. Better networking capability

Maniaman here are some problems with Linux:

For the average user its very hard to use, full installation TAKES UP MORE space than Windows and heres the kicker you can't do anything with it.

Have fun surfing the web, since thats about all you can do.

Then the same person posts this BS:
Can I ask you a question Mr.Linuxman?

What OS are you using to play your games on? Because it ain't Linux.

I agree with you that there are some nasty things in Windows XP such as MSN Messenger but the average user couldn't care.. its easy to use and does what they want it to do.

Yes I can remove Internet Explorer, Outlook Express, and MSN Messenger.

Why would the average user want to change the OS kernel?

Your virus point is BS, there are viruses for Unix and Linux... why are there so many for XP? Because its popular.. if Linux was in every house it would have the same problem.

I have used every MS operating system and the bottom line is is if that you watch what you install then you should have no problems excepting faulty hardware.

Bottom Line: People are idiots
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« Reply #1 on: 27 October 2002, 21:41 »
What do you expect?
These are people who paid $1000.00 (average) for a gaming console (computer). They have to defend this decision.

If you notice, the post criticizes a FULL linux install for being bigger than a windows install, which is just the OS.....nuff said.

read the sig...
*meow!* I didn't say Linux was easier, I said it was better, Dumbass!


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People are Idiots
« Reply #2 on: 27 October 2002, 10:52 »
that guy's a moron.
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« Reply #3 on: 27 October 2002, 13:42 »
Ex Eleven / b0b 2.1 worte:

No, no, no, IDOIT do use Windoze.
If he is smart, he uses linux.
mac == easy
*nix == power
windoze == nothing


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People are Idiots
« Reply #4 on: 27 October 2002, 14:23 »
Originally posted by Ex Eleven / b0b 2.1:

hah! i bet most windows users can't even spell 'idoit'!!!
 :D   :D   :D
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« Reply #5 on: 27 October 2002, 17:49 »
Well surely he is right about XP being better then W98, except for spyware possibilities, 0ldsk00l compatibility, and that registration stuff. Of course being a pir8 gets rid of that registration problem.
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Doctor V

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« Reply #6 on: 28 October 2002, 07:06 »
People who use windows out of a false sense of necessity, like lazygamer, I can understand, its just those pro-M$-Windows people that really tick me off.  Why on earth would anyone love those shithole Monopolists so much.  Don't they ever care that they are being ripped off by them, paying 400$ for an OS when they can get a better one for way less or free.  Not to mention that M$ monopoly power has given them the ability to turn winblows into watchdog.  I mean if someone says , "I hate M$ but I use windows because thats what my computer came with and I want to use apps that work on it", thats not great but not evil.  But retards who say stuff like "Go Microsoft / Windows is the best / innovation blah blah Intellectual Property blah blah" deserve to be scalped.


V 0.8.7


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« Reply #7 on: 28 October 2002, 21:15 »
Originally posted by Doctor V 0.8.7:
its just those pro-M$-Windows people that really tick me off.  Why on earth would anyone love those shithole Monopolists so much.

I believe that's called "having an opinion"

[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]

Doctor V

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« Reply #8 on: 28 October 2002, 21:31 »
Originally posted by fett101:

I believe that's called "having an opinion"

[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: fett101 ]

I agree, everyone has a right to their own opinion.  It would be someone's right to hold the opinion that jumping off a high cliff without a parachute is a fun thing to do, but its my opinion that such a person would be very intellectually challenged.

V 0.8.7


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« Reply #9 on: 28 October 2002, 21:34 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
Well surely he is right about XP being better then W98, except for spyware possibilities, 0ldsk00l compatibility, and that registration stuff. Of course being a pir8 gets rid of that registration problem.

When I had XP Pro on my machine, I never registered/activated it or whatever it and it never "stopped working" for me, not defending M$ or anything just saying. I am assuming that M$ made it necessary for the registration/activation with SP1???

Oh yea I have a Full/Legal copy


[ October 28, 2002: Message edited by: Engineer ]



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« Reply #10 on: 28 October 2002, 13:08 »
Originally posted by Doctor V 0.8.7:

I agree, everyone has a right to their own opinion.  It would be someone's right to hold the opinion that jumping off a high cliff without a parachute is a fun thing to do, but its my opinion that such a person would be very intellectually challenged.

V 0.8.7

and engineer, wait two years and then see how much it has stopped working.
two years is the average turnaround time for a new version of windows. Now let's see, do you plan to pay for a full/legal copy of whatever the next version of windows is too? maybe you don't think so now, but in two years' time (or one year and a bit now i suppose) you might be thinking about it...
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« Reply #11 on: 28 October 2002, 17:10 »
Originally posted by Calum-21.2:

(pic snipped)

and engineer, wait two years and then see how much it has stopped working.
two years is the average turnaround time for a new version of windows. Now let's see, do you plan to pay for a full/legal copy of whatever the next version of windows is too? maybe you don't think so now, but in two years' time (or one year and a bit now i suppose) you might be thinking about it...

I am in school now, and I paid $5 for my copy of XP. I don't plan on buying any more M$ suites, OS or other. I have 98, 98SE, 2KPro, and XP Pro so if for some odd reason I have to go back to Windoze (doubtful) after I learn linux I have the disks. But I said I had it on my machine  ;) , I went back to 2K Pro, so I can have it to fall back on until I get good with Linux.

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« Reply #12 on: 28 October 2002, 18:00 »
i'm not counting you out, just attempting to show that a 'my copy of windows xp is fine, so suck it' type of attitude may well fall prey in the future (also, don't take it personally, i am sure that's not what you meant, but you never know what meaning some readers of the board might bring to our posts!)
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« Reply #13 on: 30 October 2002, 22:25 »
I know that I am going to sound like an idiot so please don't pounce on me.  I am definately pro Linux and hate everything Microsoft.

Unless I am wrong (which I probably am) I think that the guy talking to "LinuxMan" in the first post has a point.  If Linux were as popular as MS there would be many more viruses out there for Linux.  Am I missing something?
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« Reply #14 on: 30 October 2002, 23:20 »
The UNIX, Linux, permissions architecture makes it incredibly difficult to have a serious virus capable of hevy damage. Such a virus would have to run in root mode, something no one does other than for maintenance purposes. Logging out, rebooting etc. Kills all tasks, and a virus would be wiped from active memory.

It's not impossible, but it is very hard. Worm's and Trojans may be more of a threat, but only if you give them admin, or root permisions.

In windows, the OS is very pourus. There are a hundred and one loopholes easely exploited. That and curddy software like Lookout makes Windoze a virus trap.

[ October 30, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax v6.9 /Dave ]