I just thought i would write down all that happened while i installed, and played with windows:
MoR's Windows Log.
1:40 AM: Booted off win98 start-up disk, deleted NTFS partition, that was labeled as non-dos in Fdisk. I then restarted, made a 3 GB Fat32 Partition. Restarted then formated the new partition. Didnt have to restart before running setup.
2:00 AM: Ran setup, went part of setup. Agreed to EULA, typed in CD-key, made start disk, ETC.
2:12 AM: Restarted, copied windows files to hard disk.
2:25 AM: Restarted, detecting hardware, detecting plug 'n play. Chose date/time. Creating menu shortcuts.
2:35 AM: Updating system settings.
2:37 AM: Still updating system settings (i'm impatient).
2:38 AM: Restarting.
2:39 AM: Enter windows Password.Building Driver information database (dont remember having to do this in Linux). Setting up personal settings for built-in MS programs.
2:40 AM: On the desktop, windows welcome comes up asking me to register. Changing resolution and colour depth. Getting rid of that damn delete confirmation box. Start>settings>taskbar and start menu> show small icons. Opened the control panel, View>folder options; chose the way i wanted my folders viewed, Show all files, no damn 'web page' view, One click to open stuff.
2:45 AM: Changed sound scheme. I should load/find the drivers for my DVD player, but since i dont need to play a DVD right now, I will wait 'till i want to play one. Installing Diablo II which will ake up 1.51GB.
2:50 AM: While installing I ran msconfig and stopped mstaskscheduler from running at start-up. It asked me to restart, I chose No.
2:50 AM: Gone to get Coffee.
2:53 AM: Watching Spawn, this show kicks ass!!! It is the best. Some chick is eating people. Spawn is after her. She tricked Spawn and tried to kill him, because another hellspawn raped her... but no one can defeat spawn! He smashed a windows as she jumped at him and spontaneously combusted as the natural light hit her (kinda like what might happen to me is i was introduced to the natural light). He went to his grave and dug up some bugs which crawled into his open wound to heal him.
3:00 AM: Diablo is forcing me to install DirectX 7.
3:01 AM: Restarting.... Spicy city is on now
3:02 AM: Forced to run Diablo II video test, it makes the monitor blink a bit, no problem.
3:03 AM: Going to install Quake II.
3:05 AM: For some reason Quake doesnt detect any CD-ROM, but will still let me install it from my CDROM.
3:06 AM: Watching Spicy City while it installs. Two people are going to virtual fuck over the net at some place called 'html hotel'. They are just cuddling now....DAMN. Someones banging on the chicks door and she went offline.The guy is yelling at her, because she ditched him at a party to go online. She is pretty fucking hot (for a cartoon). her cartoon nipples are exposed. She kicked the guy out and he is plotting something evil. She went back online.
3:11 AM: SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT. Windows fucking froze!!! BSOD!!!! Restarting. Right in the middle of isntalling Quake II.
3:12 AM: running scandisk when restarting.
3:14 AM: Trying 'start>settings>control panel>add/remove program' for quake, but cant do it, uninstall file is corrupted. Deleted folder. 'Start>run>regedit' deleted the activision key.
3:16 AM: Installing Quake II again.
3:19 AM: watching Spicy city. This show is quite odd.... thats funny. Its always good to have a healthy mix of beer and coffee in you while isntalling windows

. The chick in spicy city wants to stay on the net. The evil guy is trying to kill her by frying her brain on the net. The other guy is trying to save her (he is now named 'the fat guy' due to being fat).
3:22 AM: I think it may have frozen again. THe progress emter hasnt changed in a while, and a folder popped up. I cant click on anything.\
3:24 AM: attempting ctrl-alt-del...BSOD!!! enter...different BSOD!!! enter...blank screen.
3:25 AM: restarting.
3:27 AM: Last attempt at installing QuakeII.
3:28 AM: "uninstaller setup failed, may not be able to uninstall product", then it continued with the install.
3:31 AM: Froze. ctrl-alt-del...nothing... ctrl-alt-del...BSOD...enter...different BSOD...enter...blank screen.
3:32 AM: Restarting.
3:34 AM: Installing Rise of The Triad: The Hunt Begins.
3:35 AM: very odd. I ran setup.exe, then it opened a dos window, said unpacking, terminated. Then i went to c:\gold\gold.exe and it didnt do anything. I ran c:\gold\hunt\rott.exe and it ran the game.
3:36 AM: Because it is such an old game there was no need for a restart, I am playing it now.
3:40 AM: I just realized that there is no sound with this game... there should be.
3:51 AM: Stopped playing ROTT, bad graphics + no sound= boring.
3:54 AM: installing armoured fist 2 which will take 173MB.
4:00 AM: done installing.... playing.
4:40 AM: finished playing.
4:43 AM: Installing Roller COaster tycoon, which will take 170 MB.
4:46 AM: Installing Roller Coaster tycoon expansion sets (loopy landscapes, and corkscrew follies), which will take 170MB.
4:47 AM: It asks me twice to make sure I agree to its EULA.
4:49 AM: I am beginning search to find the windows EULA, i want to read it. I looked at control panel>system: nope. Start>Programs>accesories>system tools>windows welcome:nope. start>find>files only found the Internet Explorer EULA, which is .chm (compiled HTML format). All that file says is:"how can i tell that my microsoft products are legitimate? Read the EULA" it doesnt say where the EULA is though.
4:53 AM: I had to interupt because two chicks are naked and rubbing against eachother on Jerry Springer.
4:55 AM: there is several text documents name 'license' but they all tell me to go read the EULA, which i cant find. I am searching through the folders using windows explorer now.
4:60 AM: Apparently the control panel is an actual program and not just a folder. I ran a program called control.exe and the control panel came up. There is also a prgram called msicon.exe which wont run..very odd.
5:00 AM: The hosts.sam file is almost exactly the same as hosts file in Linux. Same with ftp.exe (which we all know is stolen from FreeBSD).
5:05 AM: There is another file manager (which doesnt look to be integrated with IE) called winfile.exe. It looks similar to the one in win 3.1. I thought i might have found where to get the EULA, the prgram winver.exe, but it just say windows 98 copyright microsoft when it runs.
5:07 AM: Even windows 98 always had a bugreport tool. Its called winrep.exe.
5:20 AM: It seems that when i tried to rename winfile.exe to explorer so that it would replace windows explore, i somehow fucked it up and used windows system file checker to replace it. I couldnt find the System File Checker anywhere other than when i browsed c:\windows\system\ and ran sfc.exe. Winfile doesnt support long file names, i think this is the same version as what was on win 3.1 and Microsoft said that they wouldnt have a file manager if they took out Internet Explorer, those fucking liars.
5:35 AM: I have noticed about 5 empty folders that were for things that i didnt install with windows. There was Netmeeting, Frontpage, and a couple others that were empty.
5:54 AM: Defragging hard drive just for the hell of it, because i cant find that damn EULA.
5:55 AM: Windows cant defrag because of errors. I am now running scandisk. 1 fragment found already.
5:58 AM: Running defrag again.
6:05 AM: somehow the defragmenter went from 10% done to 0% and just now went back up to 10%
6:10 AM: Defrag seems to have stopped defragging, it hasnt moved past 10%. I guess i will exit it.
7:45 AM: hmmmm... there seems to be something odd. I searched in the windows help which told me that the EULA was online, but also told me where to read it on the computer. You have to go to the windows help folder and read license.txt, but that isnt the actual EULA, it cant be, its only 50 words (at the max).
7:53 AM: set the screensaver, but i cant find one i like. Why cant they have a cool matrix one like Linux? I had to make my own colour scheme since all of the ones that come with windows suck ass. Mine sucks, but it'll work. Why cant they have some cool colour schemes like linux? Get some fucking people in there who arent colour blind!
8:10 AM: I turned monitor off, and read a book.