Author Topic: W2000 VS XP  (Read 3635 times)


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #60 on: 18 October 2002, 18:57 »
Microsoft Win9x was crap...I'll say that anyday. I did not like MS or thier software when I was using Win9x. At that time I first tried Linux and I did not like it either..not because it was crap, but because it couldn't run what I wanted it to run.

Then I turned to Win2K. I tried NT4 in the past and I did not like it because just like Linux, it couldn't run what I wanted it to run. After using Win2K for about a week I started to like MS products again because Win2K was quick(on my system at the time) it was able to run most(most, not everything) of what I wanted it to run and it never crashed on me. Then came is just as reliable as Win2K was but now I'm able to run*everything* that I want to run. WinXP made me feel that MS products are the best for consumers because I've had nothing short of an excellent experience with it. I tried Linux out again and it still wasn't able to run everything I want to run so Linux was not a viable solution for me. Since I started to use Win2K I quickly learned that the OS is as good as the person running it. If you go around and install every junk shareware app, memory hogging bell and whistle and bloated app that does the same thing as a better not so bloated app(like using Easy CD Creator over Nero) you are bound to have a few issues. Of course the issues are caused by the third party software not being written properly, it isn't a fault of the OS.

To get command help in DOS simply type help and hit enter. To get help in apps/games type the executable name(in the directory the executable is located in of course) and use the switch /? or -help at the end of the executables' name depending on the applike say the executable is demo.exe you would type demo -help or help /? respectivley).

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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« Reply #61 on: 18 October 2002, 18:59 »
Originally posted by flap:

Yes it does.

Then why haven't I ever seen it? It wasn't there after installing Win2K SP3, it wsn't there after installing every update that the Windows Update site had to offer. How do you manage to get the compatability layer in Win2K? I'd like to learn something new here. ;P


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« Reply #62 on: 18 October 2002, 19:23 »
I don't know why you've never seen it. I just searched google and apparently it's installed with sp2 but you have to enable it.
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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #63 on: 18 October 2002, 19:26 »
Originally posted by flap:
I don't know why you've never seen it. I just searched google and apparently it's installed with sp2 but you have to enable it.

I know that it was supposed to be there with SP2(and SP3) but nonetheless it wasn't there for me even after installing the Service Packs. I was disappointed by this actually because I have Win2K on an old 450mhz PII box that I wouldn't even think of installing XP on(because the system is too slow for XP in my opinion).

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


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« Reply #64 on: 19 October 2002, 05:57 »
Ok well maybe I've been a little too harsh on you Zombie, perhaps your wind0ze advice is pretty valuable. Although im sure even you can agree that XP user #343545945645 is a dolt.  ;)

I have no problem with DOS. Dos is fucking simple if your not configuring a true dos enviroment. I've just never bothered to try running a program(assuming your talking about the dosbox, I don't know of XP being able to do a true dos reboot), because I assumed the GUI just does the same thing as typing in the .exe file.

Im well aware of the compatibility modes, but it seems that there is many cirucumstances where it don't work worth shit.
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« Reply #65 on: 27 October 2002, 03:55 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I know that it was supposed to be there with SP2(and SP3) but nonetheless it wasn't there for me even after installing the Service Packs. I

It probably is there really, just hiding. For some reason you have to either regsvr it or play in the registry - see
MS Knowledge Base article Q279792


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« Reply #66 on: 27 October 2002, 04:22 »
in the box type
regsvr32 %systemroot%\apppatch\slayerui.dll
and the tab should appear

had to look this up at NTFAQ though, didn't remember how I did it at my last install of Win2K.
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« Reply #67 on: 28 October 2002, 05:19 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

Tell that to the fools who will be using Lindows in the future. IT is to my understanding that everything in Lindows is done when logged in as root.

i've heard that many linux users don't think that lindows is a good os...i've heard ppl say that it doesn't have the good aspects of linux

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« Reply #68 on: 3 November 2002, 05:45 »
if you wanna prevent bout 80%+ of the virii out there, just do this.. (in windows of course)
just open up windows explorer.. click on tools, folder options.. file types.. scroll down to the 2 VBS entries.. and delete both of them...
then when you get an embedded virus, and you accidently click onit... most of them are visual basic. windows wont even open it properly if it cant open properly it cant be executed.. and of the other 20ish percent, nortons can handle them very nicely
just my .02
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« Reply #69 on: 3 November 2002, 06:51 »
or get linux and never worry about 100% of viruses again, and save a shitload of money that would otherwise have gone to norton and microsoft as well! great!

let's see a virus find the WINNT folder in my mandrake 9.0 setup...
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« Reply #70 on: 6 November 2002, 05:28 »
Originally posted by Zombie9920:

I know that it was supposed to be there with SP2(and SP3) but nonetheless it wasn't there for me even after installing the Service Packs. I was disappointed by this actually because I have Win2K on an old 450mhz PII box that I wouldn't even think of installing XP on(because the system is too slow for XP in my opinion).

[ October 18, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

So XP is not faster and less resource friendly than WIn2k?


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W2000 VS XP
« Reply #71 on: 6 November 2002, 07:33 »
Originally posted by i12bcd8d:
if you wanna prevent bout 80%+ of the virii out there, just do this.. (in windows of course)
just open up windows explorer.. click on tools, folder options.. file types.. scroll down to the 2 VBS entries.. and delete both of them...
then when you get an embedded virus, and you accidently click onit... most of them are visual basic. windows wont even open it properly if it cant open properly it cant be executed.. and of the other 20ish percent, nortons can handle them very nicely
just my .02

How bout nimda?  (which actually comes preinstalled with certian m$ software)



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« Reply #72 on: 6 November 2002, 13:57 »
you just need a small dos program called nimdago, of course i bet winNT doesn't even run it properly, it being DOS. i could email it to people, but i won't, because as i said, it's not necessary now that mandrake 9.0 is out. My advice is just to upgrade.
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Doctor V

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« Reply #73 on: 7 November 2002, 05:52 »
You can always find patchs and other such fixes to prevent existing windows virii.  The problem with windows is that there are so many security holes that new methods of attack are being found every day.  There are holes in Linux too, but they get fixes as soon as they are found.  In win, in order to patch up your security holes, your often have to sign opressive agreements that give all of your freedom away to M$.  Linux fixes on the other hand ask nothing of you.  Virii that spread across networks, like CodeRed and Nimda, which happen to be the most far reaching virii, will not be prevented using the method above.  They would be the other 20%.  Think of the day when some script kiddie writes a virus that spreads using the same method but deletes all the files hard drives.



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« Reply #74 on: 7 November 2002, 21:54 »
i just dont understand you people..
YES win xp uses more resourses for the GUI then 2k does... but.. with just ONE rightclick of the mouse on the start button, you hit "properties" and switch to classic start menu.. and you can rightclick on my computer, properties, and advanced, performance and turn off ALL the eyecandy, and you can also do this by right clicking on desktop , properties, windows classic, and take away the effects..and BAM NOT more memory then 95/98 to run the gui..problem solved..and if that doesnt wet your palate.. here's a site to adjust all the windows 2k services so you have MORE memory free and enhanced performance  this works for windows xp and 2k
so when people on here cant use a search engine to inquire bout something that is seemingly botherting them so much..
how can anyone respect their opinion when the facts arent even investigated..
and error reporting can be disabled, auto updates can be disabled, remote registry, remote desktop can be disabled.. Upnp can be disabled..
i mean does anyone, or most on here, even know any kinda tweaks or where to find simple settings before opening their mouth and badmouthing 2 of the best pieces of software M$ ever put out. and dont bother flaming cause i'm NOT SAYING M$ is perfect.. but there 2 pieces of software are great efforts finally putting the 9x/me/nt4 legacy to REST for GOOD
"They were offered the choice between becoming kings or the couriers of kings. The way children would, they all wanted to be couriers. Therefore there are only couriers who hurry about the world, shouting to each other--since there are no kings--messages that have become meaningless. They would like to put an end to this miserable life of theirs but they dare not because of their oaths of service" Franz Kafka