Author Topic: I can't install windows OS  (Read 1773 times)


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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #15 on: 19 April 2002, 12:38 »
Borland- Mac's have Symantech, Metroworks, apples own free development tools which are fully fetured. So why do I care about Borland? Not to mention the fact that Linux and UNIX have literaly thousands of FREE development environments and tools available.
Borland makes Kylix, a programming aid for Linux development that they derived from their Delphi line of programming aids    

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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #16 on: 19 April 2002, 13:29 »
did you guys notice that askarnie posted a couple of other posts yesterday that were totally devoid of bullshit, directly after he/she posted this pile of crap?

I am honeslty beginning to wonder, what with a lot of the people who come here all exhibiting this phenomenon, if there isn't some competition or bet going on somewhere where they dare people to start posting here, but they have to make their FIRST posts as EMBARRASSING and off base as possible.
Maybe the person who shows themselves up as the biggest moron gets $500 or something along those lines.
Otherwise, there's just no accounting for it!  :confused:
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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #17 on: 19 April 2002, 21:59 »
Originally posted by jtpenrod:
Borland makes Kylix, a programming aid for Linux development that they derived from their Delphi line of programming aids   IMG]

Err I just noted that my statement on Borland made t sound like Symantech and Metroworks were Apple's. I meant those in conjuntion with Apples free application development environment, Dev. Tools.


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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #18 on: 23 April 2002, 22:39 »
My computer is in the shop now but the technician say me that the computer hasn't problems, jaja, I think that he is stupid, I can't install any windows and the computer hasn't problems. My computer without OS=a stupid metal box, I can play soccer with it, maybe the solution.


[ April 23, 2002: Message edited by: pepillo ]


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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #19 on: 24 April 2002, 00:37 »
Pepillo, before playing soccer with your metal box...

Did someone ever deleted and redo the "files allocation tables"?

You don't install or desinstall an OS (especialy XP) by simply clicking "uninstall".
It's a whole bigger process which I 'm not even able to do myself but any computer guy can do.
If you vendor is not able to do that he is a nut.


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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #20 on: 24 April 2002, 03:25 »

I finally realised what "jaja" was      

En Ingles, el sonido de risa se escribe "HAHAHA".

Si no areglan tu computadora para poder usar Windows, talves todavia sera posible a usar Linux.

Bueno, ase mucho que no escribo en espa


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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #21 on: 24 April 2002, 14:43 »
(this is why we need forums in other languages btw)

Pepillo, just get the guy in the shop to reinstall windows, or do it yrself (though i don't know exactly how with XP), or just erase windows entirely, and use another system.

I do recommend having BSD or Linux as well on your computer even if windows is working. This way you will have at least one working system. Even if windows cacks up again (which it will) if the other system is working (it will be, i am sure) then you can still use your computer.

I wish i could speak Espanol so i could say something! You will just have to read this in English!
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I can't install windows OS
« Reply #22 on: 25 April 2002, 07:20 »
Originally posted by Calum:
(this is why we need forums in other languages btw)

Pepillo, just get the guy in the shop to reinstall windows, or do it yrself (though i don't know exactly how with XP), or just erase windows entirely, and use another system.

I do recommend having BSD or Linux as well on your computer even if windows is working. This way you will have at least one working system. Even if windows cacks up again (which it will) if the other system is working (it will be, i am sure) then you can still use your computer.

I wish i could speak Espanol so i could say something! You will just have to read this in English!

i wish i could speak fluent Quenta (noroldin), or Valorin.
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