This site isn't in much better shape than WindowsBBS was. This site is running slower than molasses. First, WindowsBBS(being run on Linux/Apache) goes down and now this place(also being run on Linux/Apache) is running slow like it is almost ready to go down. That is enough to make an admin want to put alot of faith into Linux/Apache for a server...LoL :rolleyes: being run on Microsoft IIS hardley ever goes down(the only time it does is when they are upgrading the server) and it is always speedy. ;P Planethardware and thier forums are also run on Microsoft IIS and it never goes down and it is always speedy also. Come to think of it, all of the forums on forumplanet are on MS IIS because forumplanet(the server that hosts all of the gamespy forums) is on MS IIS.
[ October 07, 2002: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]