Its funny that even now, the same myths and FUD can still be debated over and over again.
I agree with jimmy james that networking can be tricky no matter what OS you use. However, in my experiance I have never had any problems in linux. Plenty in windows.
I've NEVER EVER had ANY linux user say RTFM......
That (to me) is a myth.
and for me, windows has really bad driver support and if you want any software that is half decent. Be prpared to pay out LOTS of money or pirte it. Eather case. You might get infected. Or if you are a 'power user' and patch your box. You arn't going to get any work done any ways (dido after the 6 months time line.). Thats after the fact that the average price for a machine (here in canada) is over a grand easy! Also windows does not follow any standards what so ever. If one person has a machine that is running windows 98 and then wants to upgrade to XP you better find out first whether your application can fist be able be supported in XP. Most times the answer is a definate no. Even to application to application. M$ Office 97 vs M$ Office XP. Where only the document itself is being shared, will still not work!
But windows is good. It is good at something. That is to write those viruses, trojans and spyware. It is easy to infect that machine and great for testing such stuff for a n00b that wants to know how that stuff works. Windows is a great hobby OS! You can even wirte one trojan and unlike legit software and or patches etc... It will run on all version of windows, heck you can even discover more ways to do the same thing! Like I have said a great hobby OS.

[ August 31, 2004: Message edited by: kn0wn / BOB ]