Author Topic: Let me try to understand this bit...  (Read 1214 times)

teh mane mahn

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Let me try to understand this bit...
« on: 27 March 2002, 03:23 »
I want to know what Microsoft has done to deserve a web site such as this, with the hatred to go along with it.

Let's try to keep this discussion away from the children at the keyboard.


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Let me try to understand this bit...
« Reply #1 on: 27 March 2002, 03:33 »
How about you take the time to read through some of the older threads and posts and not have other people waste their time by saying things that they've said a couple hundred times before?  As for all the flaming that goes on around here . . . that question has been asked and answered a couple times before as well.


teh mane mahn

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« Reply #2 on: 27 March 2002, 03:40 »
Ahh yes, I did go through some of the other threads. Some useless opinions as Microsoft being a huge empire and no one support them, Bill Gates being a nazi, ect.

But then we have some more constructive reasons. Security holes, multi-tasking, ect.

Some useless ones arose, as well. System crashes, for example, are only apparent in the uninitiated. For some reason, me, my friends, and a whole lotta others on the Internet don't have these system crashes.

So whether or not anyone here wants to provide concrete evidence as to why I should not use Windows, and the disdain given for Microsoft.

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« Reply #3 on: 27 March 2002, 03:57 »
and how did you stop windows from crashing...
let me guess you open a cammand prompt and wrote format c: ?
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Let me try to understand this bit...
« Reply #4 on: 27 March 2002, 04:18 »
Originally posted by teh mane mahn:
So whether or not anyone here wants to provide concrete evidence as to why I should not use Windows, and the disdain given for Microsoft.

Alot of people dislike M$ on ethical grounds, that is my major qualm with them. Their company does nothing but steal others ideas and pass it off as their own. They have a huge marketing machine that uses FUD as a main buissness tactic and does not actually make a better product.

Mac OS X, Linux/*NIX are infinitly better than M$'s windows and yet must remain in the background while M$ floods the airways with their BS.

As if this were not bad enugh, M$ is vieing for control of one of the largest systems of cominication known to man. They want to dominate the internet by foricing their browser on people and imposing things like .NET.

They are openly against open source and are on the war  path in order to destroy it because they belive it is a threat to their software monopoly. For similar reasons they shun the Mp3 format along with others.

M$ does not keep it's users in mind but rather their checkbooks. And instead of establishing a userbase by creating good products they do it by forcing everyone out of the marketplace, imposing stupid retroactive EULA's and wireing phone-home loopholes into their software.

Now, why do you think M$ is so great that a site like this is uncalld for?


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« Reply #5 on: 27 March 2002, 05:58 »
Originally posted by teh mane mahn:

So whether or not anyone here wants to provide concrete evidence as to why I should not use Windows, and the disdain given for Microsoft.

Hmmmm, did someone from here come to you and tell you not to use Windows?  That's interesting. Seems to me that you came here. It would be interesting to hear what brought you here. I think the general attitude is if Windows does what you want it to, and you are perfectly happy with the amount of money that you give to Microsoft and don't care about privacy then by all means, press on.  If on the other hand you are open to trying out something else we're all more than willing to help you. Many of us are fed up with Microsoft for many reasons (not *just* for the inferior products).
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...


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« Reply #6 on: 30 March 2002, 15:47 »
microsoft is a bullshit company... they only do things legally if it will hurt their profits to do otherwise... if they can make more money, by breaking laws and paying fines, then they will do it.

most windows is not a bad OS, if you know how to use and take care of it.  the point of the sight is not just to bash windows... its against microsoft... and they do MUCH MUCH more than Windows
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« Reply #7 on: 2 April 2002, 04:23 »
Teh Mane Mahn... I came to this site, not because I hate windows xp, rather, because I am very much against the business practices and arrogance of Microsft as a company.
As with any open forum, you will find those who have a head on their shoulders and offer viable arguements and support interesting discussion. You will also find total idiots who have climbed on the linux bandwagon because they seem to so desperatly need to "belong".  One track mind. Name calling. I dont think the origional purpose of this forum was to attempt to promote linux or any other OS as being better than windows.  Its like comparing apples and oranges.  All serve a different, and in some cases, speciallized purpose.  Most (or all) of the serious posters on here are adamently against Microsofts business practices, as am I.  That will be their down fall. Not thier inability to produce a good OS


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Let me try to understand this bit...
« Reply #8 on: 2 April 2002, 14:56 »
Some useless ones arose, as well. System crashes, for example, are only apparent in the uninitiated. For some reason, me, my friends, and a whole lotta others on the Internet don't have these system crashes.
why don't you just fuck off?
if you spent your time doing anything other than playing minesweeper, you would notice those system crashes all the time. do you and your so called friends actually switch on your computers?

do you feel threatened by the existence of people who use a different computer operating system than you? that's fucking ridiculous! it hardly impacts on someone's character what OS they choose to run does it? (well, after reading your posts i'm not too sure...)

you can use windows until you die of old age for all i care but don't come acting as if we said you should stop. in case you missed it, this site is mostly pro-having-a-choice.
In a nutshell:
M$ wants you to have no choice and use only their OS.
We say you should use any OS you want and nobody stop you.
(we also say M$ are a bunch of selfish arseholes but since you seem to focus on the stability/reliability thing more, i'll leave the capitalist moneybags thing alone for now)

This in mind, *you* tell *me* why anybody here would want to try and stop you using windows? it's your loss after all.
If you want to try another OS, go for it. On your head be it. You don't have to have somebody tell you what to do all the time, although maybe that's what you think after prolonged exposure to M$ propoganda.
Remember you can still use windows... AS WELL if you want....
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« Reply #9 on: 2 April 2002, 19:02 »
.......Microsoft sux.........


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« Reply #10 on: 2 April 2002, 19:06 »
umm, i'm running WIN2K, and i havent had a crash in a long time... ans NO i dont play minesweeper.
i have a triple boot WIN2K|WINXP|Mandrake 8.1, and yes, WIN XP did crash with me already.
I actually dont mind running windows 2000 pro, but  XP just sux ASS.... plus i hate the activation thing.. u know what i maen.

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« Reply #11 on: 2 April 2002, 23:21 »
Try to read the other posts...there has been technical critiques of M$ in many posts.  I will say it again for your benefit...memory and process management are crap in M$ products....this is the reason you must reboo them so often.

Unix and other OS's don't have this least to the extent that M$ does.

AS/400 is so stable it just laughs at M$ and their second rate OS's.

A single application error can bring down the entire OS in M$.......this is unacceptable.
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Ctrl Alt Del 123

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« Reply #12 on: 4 April 2002, 04:44 »
In reply to psyjax about MS not liking MP3 because it's not open source.

MP3 is NOT open source, you have to PAY ROYALITES to a company which I'm about to butcher, Franhaufer. Why does MS have their own music format? Because you have to pay Franhaufer to use their MP3 decoder.

Ctrl Alt Del 123

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« Reply #13 on: 4 April 2002, 04:50 »
Calum, you mis understood the original poster. She asked "what Microsoft has done to deserve a web site such as this" not "Why aren't you using Windows".


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« Reply #14 on: 4 April 2002, 05:27 »
Originally posted by Ctrl Alt Del 123:
In reply to psyjax about MS not liking MP3 because it's not open source.

MP3 is NOT open source, you have to PAY ROYALITES to a company which I'm about to butcher, Franhaufer. Why does MS have their own music format? Because you have to pay Franhaufer to use their MP3 decoder.

Huh? I didn't say this. Maybe I worded it wrong... ya your right my post was confusing. I ment to say that M$ want's to destroy the MP3 format. They are makeing it difficult for people to encode and use MP3s on their computer.

M$ want's to quell anything that may represent a violation of their copyrights or their partners. Like it or not the MP3 format breaks down alot of barriers in peoples idea of copyright and intelectual property, this is against M$'s agenda.

Weather or not companys have to pay royalties is neither hear nor there. There are plenty of free, open source, and public domain, encoders and decoders, so it's not like one company can force people to truely pay those unreal royalties.

On a similar note... you do know about the royalty problems with the .gif file format. There is a site for it out there, quite interesting stuff.

[ April 03, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]