This comes as no big surprise. :rolleyes: The article appeared in ZD Net, which has long been M$'s bitch, and is
nothing more than an ad masquerading as a tech article. After all, consider this from the article:
The root cause for all this instability is the fact that the Windows 9x operating system kernel is basically a cobbled together version of the prehistoric DOS operating system kernel. While DOS was a whiz kid in its heyday, it really wasn't designed to support a graphical-based user interface or the type of multitasking that Windows 9x aspires to achieve.
In fact, DOS has been a POS since day one. His Gatesness didn't develop it, instead, he bought the thing from Seattle Computing, which originally called it Q-DOS (
Quick and
System (the name says it all

). Q-DOS, in turn, was a half-assed rip-off of CP/M. There was nothing "whiz kid" about it!
And, of course, there is not word one in that
entire "article" about WPA, the onerous License 6, the spyware, the nagware, the Trojan Horse EULA that you must agree to accept and abide by if you install Win XP SP 1 (or Win 2K SP 3). Whatever it is that ZDNet does, "objective journalism" damn sure ain't it.
I wonder just how much Greg Shultz got from His Gatesness for the puff-piece.
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficial design flaws.