Author Topic: "Leave Windows 9X behind"  (Read 2346 times)


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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« on: 4 April 2003, 07:48 »
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #1 on: 4 April 2003, 08:55 »
This comes as no big surprise.   :rolleyes:   The article appeared in ZD Net, which has long been M$'s bitch, and is nothing more than an ad masquerading as a tech article. After all, consider this from the article:

The root cause for all this instability is the fact that the Windows 9x operating system kernel is basically a cobbled together version of the prehistoric DOS operating system kernel. While DOS was a whiz kid in its heyday, it really wasn't designed to support a graphical-based user interface or the type of multitasking that Windows 9x aspires to achieve.

In fact, DOS has been a POS since day one. His Gatesness didn't develop it, instead, he bought the thing from Seattle Computing, which originally called it Q-DOS (Quick and Dirty Operating System (the name says it all    :D   ). Q-DOS, in turn, was a half-assed rip-off of CP/M. There was nothing "whiz kid" about it!

And, of course, there is not word one in that entire "article" about WPA, the onerous License 6, the spyware, the nagware, the Trojan Horse EULA that you must agree to accept and abide by if you install Win XP SP 1 (or Win 2K SP 3). Whatever it is that ZDNet does, "objective journalism" damn sure ain't it.    

I wonder just how much Greg Shultz got from His Gatesness for the puff-piece.   ;)  
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #2 on: 4 April 2003, 14:26 »
1. No more hardware support

The videocard I just bought has Windows 9X, NT, ME, 2000, XP and Linux hardware drivers. You have any idea how many people still use Windows (9X)?

2. No more technical support

From Microsoft. Commercial helpdesk offers support for Windows 9X.

3. Better stability

Half true. Windows 9X crashes at will, but don't think that Windows 2000/XP is any different after you've used it a while. Sorry, but if you want stability, your only options are to get rid of Windows.

4. Better hardware support

As I said, many people still use Windows (9X) and hardware vendors will continue to make drivers for it.

5. Better software support

Digital photo and movie editing software run like shit on Windows (9X). That why you can migrate to Mac OS X or Linux. And most gamers run Windows 98 SE, because Windows 2000/XP actually gives less support for games. Not to mention no support for OpenGL or 3dfx Glide.
Games run better on Windows 98 SE (compared to Windows 2000/XP), when they are not crashing. Games run shitty in Windows 2000/XP without extensive tweaking, and if it crashes, your computer will reboot. I think Linux is the best OS to play games on. It offers support for OpenGL and 3dfx Glide. Direct3D can be done also, after downloading or buying WineX.

[ April 07, 2003: Message edited by: Refalm ]


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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #3 on: 4 April 2003, 14:35 »
i wonder if there is a way to circumvent  the eula, i imean a trigger to switch before it ever apears.  :confused:
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #4 on: 4 April 2003, 15:11 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
3. Better stability

Half true. Windows 9X crashes at will, but don't think that Windows 2000/XP is any different after you've used it a while. Sorry, but if you want stability, your only options are to get rid of Windows.

Oh come off it.  


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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #5 on: 4 April 2003, 22:27 »
Originally posted by avello500:
i wonder if there is a way to circumvent  the eula, i imean a trigger to switch before it ever apears.   :confused:  

haha...i think you are right..even i would like to get rid of that EULA shit that attakes my comp any time M$ wants..haha...i hope i could right EULAs for M$..haha
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #6 on: 4 April 2003, 22:29 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
 You have any idea how many people still use Windows (9X)?

that's true..i've heard many people sayin that win 98 is best product M$ has ever reveald...haha..what do you think about this shit...i think M$ never unvield good
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #7 on: 5 April 2003, 01:25 »
What a joke. This ass-monkey spews out:

"If you're still using Windows 9x, you've probably encountered your share of unexplainable lockups and crashes. The root cause for all this instability is the fact that the Windows 9x operating system kernel is basically a cobbled together version of the prehistoric DOS operating system kernel."

So, I'll run out and buy a NEW "cobbled together" Microsoft product! But wait!!

"If you're running Windows 95, chances are good that your computers don't meet the Windows XP hardware requirements. Besides, the Windows XP upgrade path doesn't support Windows 95. As such, your best bet would be to look at purchasing a new computer with Windows XP preinstalled."

So, I'll run out and spend some more money on a crappy computer from Dell or Getaway with XP installed! How Cool!

Gee, why not just finish by giving Bill Gates a blow job? Of course, that will cost you extra!!


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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #8 on: 7 April 2003, 06:59 »
i wonder if there is a way to circumvent the eula, i imean a trigger to switch before it ever apears.
I once heard of something like that. Unforch, it won't do you any good, since you've already agreed to the EULA just bytearing the shrink wrap off the box the soft came in. If you're talking about an OEM install, then you've already agreed if you boot up, even if that's only to ditch it by doing a Linux install.   :mad:  

No matter what you do, you're screwed.    
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #9 on: 8 April 2003, 00:47 »
Originally posted by Refalm:
1. No more hardware support

The videocard I just bought has Windows 9X, NT, ME, 2000, XP and Linux hardware drivers. You have any idea how many people still use Windows (9X)?

I do, actually.
According to my website's counter (it's only been there for less than a month, but I get a pretty good idea of stats)

Windows XP - 48.76%
Windows 2000 - 16.43%
Macintosh - 14.84%
Windows 98 - 13.07%
Linux - 3.36%
Windows NT - 1.59%
Unknown - 1.06% <<I hope these aren't Windows's pre-95!
Windows 95 - 0.88%

Accuracy +/- .1%
Alternative OSes Bolded


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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #10 on: 9 April 2003, 14:00 »
Thats probably a bit skewed by the "type" of people that visit - you wont be showing a wide demographic.  And one month is a very small sample time.  Google has browser and os stats somewhere i think...
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #11 on: 9 April 2003, 14:38 »
still, it's windows with at least 80% of the share of hits on that site over one month. that's got to be within a certain margin of error, but still, you can't dispute it.
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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #12 on: 9 April 2003, 22:40 »
Don't Opera and Konqueror have set the UA standard on Internet Explorer? That might explain it...


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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #13 on: 10 April 2003, 06:33 »
that guy is full of it.  I still use Win98SE and trust me, theres nothing I cant buy in hardware or software.  they all support win98SE.


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"Leave Windows 9X behind"
« Reply #14 on: 10 April 2003, 06:54 »
Originally posted by mattymanx:
that guy is full of it.  I still use Win98SE and trust me, theres nothing I cant buy in hardware or software.  they all support win98SE.

Do you use anything besides Windows 98, or do we have to convert you