Author Topic: win9x/NT  (Read 1699 times)


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« Reply #15 on: 6 December 2001, 01:10 »
DOS 6.2      = 3
Windows 1.0  = 5
Windows 3.11 = 1
Windows 95   = 3
Windows 98FE = 0
Windows 98SE = 0
Windows NT 4 = 1
Windows 2000 = 2
Windows XP   = -inf
Linux        = +inf

If you run any Windows O/S and would like
to make it go away in a hurry type the following:

C:>@echo /y | format c: /q /u


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« Reply #16 on: 8 December 2001, 02:46 »
Win 9x.....
95: -inf yuck
98: 2
98 SE: 5  (I think it's the most stable for compadiblity of windows if that's possible... uhhh I got a 5 day record uptime  :D )

Win ME -inf ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww  goddamn new computer came with that

WinNT:  -inf
Win2000:  -inf (wouldn't you know the most stable windows is one that doesn't let you run anything?)
XP: -inf (I was expecting better....  it's prolly better than 2k though)
I hate windows but I hate macs too :-X


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« Reply #17 on: 14 December 2001, 22:41 »
Good grief, what a bunch of complainers!  First of all, MS DOS 3.1 ruled... it kept on getting better all the way up to 6.22 and 7.0 (Win95's "DOS")... Windows 98 SE was awesome, and Windows XP is probably the most stable OS I've seen since DOS, besides the fact that it's powerful.  What, you guys can't afford to buy a real OS?  Sure, MS has come up with some crap (Win95, Win98 First, ME), but you have to admit that they've got some quality products out there.  And if you don't, maybe it's time to ask mommy and daddy to buy a real OS for your birthday instead of a tricycle so you know what all the ADULTS in the world are using... grow up, people!


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« Reply #18 on: 14 December 2001, 23:15 »
Originally posted by <Emjarrh>:
Good grief, what a bunch of complainers!  First of all, MS DOS 3.1 ruled... it kept on getting better all the way up to 6.22 and 7.0 (Win95's "DOS")... Windows 98 SE was awesome, and Windows XP is probably the most stable OS I've seen since DOS, besides the fact that it's powerful.  What, you guys can't afford to buy a real OS?  Sure, MS has come up with some crap (Win95, Win98 First, ME), but you have to admit that they've got some quality products out there.  And if you don't, maybe it's time to ask mommy and daddy to buy a real OS for your birthday instead of a tricycle so you know what all the ADULTS in the world are using... grow up, people!

I sense a troll.... but I like killin' trolls. When you say ADULTS you must be referring to the adults in the homes wearing the diapers.  Windows XP is obviously targeted to those and children who are still in diapers.. They should have called it Windows FP (Fisher Price). I have used all of the so called OSs that you mention and any stability that any of them may exhibit directly correlate to their lack of functionality.  DOS was not a multitasking OR a multiuser OS like UNIX had been for a decade before DOS ever graced us with it's presence.

Then Win95 graced us with it's presence 15 years after UNIX where they introduced somewhat of a multiuser environment but still had not one bit of filesystem or user security. Of course WinNT 3.1 and WinNT 3.5 came out in '94 which did have filesystem security and multiuser (sort of) capability (it took them 13 years to figure out someone might want security???).  

To this day multiuser does not really exist on any MS operating system.  Microsoft's version of multiuser is multiple users connecting to a server with file/print sharing (at least up until Terminal Server came out).  Sure you can install the telnetd on an NT server and multiple people can really log into it but what can you really do on an NT machine from a command prompt?  Most of the apps and administration functionality are graphical. In UNIX this is not a problem as you can still run a graphical app on a remote server and have it display it's UI on your local machine.

Microsoft still has little concept of security and that is scary when it is making it's way into more sensitive areas. You obviously have only used MS products so you don't have any experience with a REAL OS.  But I'll try not to be too hard on you because you are probably one of those who wear diapers.

C'mon, let these kids open their minds so they can turn this runaway train around. When they get out into the real world maybe they can make some good decisions instead of being a mush-for-brain mid/upper level IT manager like most that are in place today .

[ December 14, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #19 on: 15 December 2001, 01:27 »
Win 3.1x = 2 ;It wasn't THAT bad.
Win95 = 1 ;YACK.
Win98 = 3 ;A bit of an improvement.
Win98SE = 5 ;Not stable at all, but at least it's not XP, or ME, or MacOS. I'm a gamer at heart, so this is pretty much the only OS for me, god save me.
WinME = -inf ;Worst OS of all time.
WinXP = -inf ;Worst OS runner up.

SuSE Linux = 2 ;Pretty...pretty useless, choked on my soundcard and graphics card, refused to work properly even after I recompiled the kernal and NVidia's and Creative's drivers. The Slashdotters can kiss my ass.

MacOS9.x = -inf ;And you think Microsoft doesn't let you fuck with settings?
MacOSX = 3 ;A major improvement, but with all the ugly ass visual fluff, it reminds me of XP.

P.S. Blocking IE is retarded, took me 2 minutes to get around it. It's not my fault no other browser outside of Opera can display fucking pages correctly.


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« Reply #20 on: 15 December 2001, 08:31 »
DOS - great, considering they didn't even code it
WIN 3x - excellent, considering they stole the idea from Apple. Maybe Bill shoulda did acid like Steve did. They mighta came up with an original idea.
WIN 95 - They musta smoked cracked when they made this piece crap. Start menu was a great innovation, considering Mac has always had a File Menu
WIN 98 - THE COLORS, DUKE, THE COLORS!!! Still blows dogs for quarters
WIN 2000 - a giant leap towards the future
WIN ME - a giant step back. Why the hell didn't they just add the family friendly convenience of 98 with the stability of 2000?
WIN XP - Oh, know they fucking listen, the fucking pricks. Now Im fucking stuck with the fucking Millenifucking Edicktion. They can fucking get down and fucking get busy on my sweaty fucking sack before I shell out for XP.
WIN XP warez - A friend has had it over three months. Hasn't crashed yet. Fucking MacOSX rip-off desktop is annoying but easy to get rid off. Constant software registration is shitty move on their part. I'll download it anyway.


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« Reply #21 on: 16 December 2001, 02:54 »
I love the way that UNIX users call Unix a "real OS" and everything else as just junk.  I've used Linux and MacOS before; though they're nice, they just don't have a big enough user/program base (specifically, Linux/Unix).  Yeah, yeah, you'll tell me that there's fifty million apps out there and tons of ports, but I've used these so-called apps, and there are some cases when I'd just rather have user friendliness and skip out on the ultra-powerful mainframe crunching features.  

Personally, i have an avid dislike of anything to do with Mac; that's probably based more on elementary school than any more recent experience with the system  

And, seriously, if all you can call Windows XP is "FP", then maybe you've only taken a look at what, the box?  Screenshots?  Have *you* actually tried the system out?

VoidMain, perhaps we're just looking at this from two different perspectives.  I know that a huge majority of webhosting is done with Unix, and I can totally appreciate that (I mean, even Windoze users have to use FTP sometimes, and that's completely Unix-based), but I think that for the vast majority of users, Windows Anything (well, except for ME, possibly) is the better choice.  Okay, so they've got a monopoly.  Okay, so their user support base sucks.  Okay, so they charge tons of money for something that should be a lot cheaper.  But for the last ten years I've been pumping $ into Microsoft products like a kid with a roll of quarters, hoping for something good, and I have to say that Windows XP is worth it!  If you don't like the kiddy interface, turn it off!  

Anyway, hopefully I've offended nobody with this last post, and I want to apologise if I did with the one before this... VoidMain, I appreciate your civility... I didn't really deserve it, tho     Peace.


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« Reply #22 on: 16 December 2001, 03:50 »
Originally posted by <Emjarrh>:
I love the way that UNIX users call Unix a "real OS" and everything else as just junk.

I didn't say UNIX is a "real OS" and everything else is just junk.  I just said "Microsoft OSs" are junk.                     Hey, the only reason I am so fed up with MS is because I have so much experience with them. I try to use something else wherever possible. I work more on the server end of things so it's still pretty easy to use something other than MS in this area.

I'm not necessarily biased because of the software itself, but more because of how the software comes about, the tactics of the company and the man that heads it. I fear the day when there is *only* a Microsoft, then where will the prices and motivation for innovation be?  If it weren't for Apple, IBM, Xerox, HP, Mosaic, BSD, and many many other companies and EDU projects to come up with the ideas there wouldn't be a Windows.  Every time another OS comes out with an innovation, Microsoft has to pump out a new OS to keep up.  Now that benefits you does it not?  What if there were only Microsoft?  Nuclear winter comes to mind...

Not only that, but I make about 3-4 times as much being a *NIX engineer than I can being an MCSE. MCSEs are a dime a dozen.  Speaking of MCSE, how great are those certifications?  Every time MS pumps out a new OS your MSCE cert is worthless until you cert on the new system.  Tell me this isn't an MS scam!  It's better than sending out those chain letter spams.

And by the way "FTP" is not completely UNIX based.  It's part of the TCP/IP RFCs, specifically a tool provided by any OS that includes the TCP/IP protocol for utilizing the "ftp" protocol (if that OS chooses to follow the standards).  Of course it was initially developed in UNIX.  And Microsoft wouldn't even be on the internet without TCP/IP (I suppose that was their innovation too huh? Nope, UNIX, but one might think that stellar, ahem,  protocol NetBEUI was a Microsoft innovation, nope, reaped from IBM).

Another reason I hate MS is they completely ignore standards.  Standards are put in place to make operating systems work well together. Microsoft ignores the standards groups and either twist standards or ignore them completely.  They do this for their ultimate goal in ruling the world.

I choose to stop using MS products after using them since DOS 3.x.  I choose to believe that every MS OS is inferior. I also choose to do these things not based on what I hear, but based on my direct experience with MS operating systems, which is extensive. I choose to make my beliefs known on this site known as "". I can't think of a site that would be more likely to share my views.

Now if in the future MS takes a similar path that Apple is doing and put their nice shiny UI on top of a real OS I would likely become a supporter (if they don't screw it up). Since Mac has done it maybe there is hope, they like to steal everyone elses ideas. But I doubt they will for one reason. 1) It would make them more interoperable with other OSs and they don't want to play with others.  Their goal is to wipe out all the others until there is only one.  I have to admit that their method for going about this task has been brilliant.  Get the desktop market first and brainwash all the users.

And no, you certainly haven't offended me. I can't imagine I would have offended you (unless your last name is Gates, Balmer, or Allen).

Hey, this is fun.          

[ December 15, 2001: Message edited by: VoidMain ]

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« Reply #23 on: 16 December 2001, 22:02 »
6 =  needs to go hell and never come back  
5 = Poor
4 = Crappy
3 = Shitty [A bit more crappier than crappy]
2 = What the fuck were they smoking?
1 = What happened to my stores of drainO?
-inf = Typical...

win95 5 poor
win98 5 poor
winme 5555555  this worse  OS I EVER USED IN MY LIFE
win200 5 poor i hope burns
winxp =5 = 6


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« Reply #24 on: 6 January 2002, 05:42 »
If  0=total waste of HD space
and 5=excellent, stable, intuitive (and non-existent)

Win3.1  = 1, awful interface
Win95   = 1, lacks stability
Win98SE = 2, most compatible, tends to crash
WinNT4  = 1.5, if I had a


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« Reply #25 on: 19 January 2002, 02:27 »
Win9x: 1
Win 95 v2 = 1.5 - As long as you wipe your HD and reinstall the OS every so often, it kinda works...
Win 98 FE = -inf
Win 98 SE = -inf
Win ME = 1
Win NT 3.51 - 2
Win NT 4 - 1
Win 2000 = 3.5 - I use it at work, I keep my eye on it, and it works just fine. It really is quite stable despite what people would have you believe. I just keep hitting Windows update when security alerts come up...
WinXP = 2 - Isn't the later version supposed to be better? is this you speak of?
MacOS = 2 - Oops, Netscape brought down my box AGAIN! That's the 3rd time today!
MacOSX = 5 - Finally, what I've been waiting for. From what I've seen it's everything and more. Now I just need to save my money so I can afford a Mac...
Linux = 4 - It's getting there...don't talk to me about drivers, we all know the reasons for that.
BeOS = 5 - Too bad it never had any apps and went away. Back when I first saw the 3d cube demo with running movies plastered on it running on my buddy's old PowerMac, I shit my pants.