Author Topic: Whats the best OS of microsuck?  (Read 3145 times)


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #15 on: 25 June 2003, 16:07 »
i remember a show from about 1994 or so.
they interviewed the man who wrote what was stolen and sold as dos.
first ibm cam to him but he was a hippie type and didnt trust the suits.
then billy and a freind went to see him. he was considering to deal with them until they said they were affiliated with ibm.
he promptly threw them out.
the friend billy brought assembled what he could remember of code and thinking and labeled it qdos,quick and dirty operating system.
bill gates had nothing at all todo with dos.
im sure there is evidence out there to back me up if im wrong it isn't by much.

still say its a trick question.  ;)
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #16 on: 25 June 2003, 19:54 »
Originally posted by cahult:
Did it run you?

Yes it ran me. Ohhh... it ran me good.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #17 on: 25 June 2003, 23:06 »
Microsoft doesn't create Operating systems, they create bugs, which require patches which are bugs which require more patches, ad nauseum.

Coding is going thru a revolution.

Look at the clean coding styles of mozilla firebird, and you see what I mean.

Coding an OS should be about making the  best product.  BillGates has never been about  getting good product out there.

Remember when IBM  created  dr dos and OS/r2  which blew DOS away, and BIll Gates threatened to  pull licensing on DOS if they  did go ahead onthe product, and IBM backed down? Well,  that sure wasn't  about getting  good product to the public, it was about Billgates intimidating and manipulating, something he is very  very good at, and while Gates got more rich, the public missed out on great  technological advancees..

think where computers would be today if it weren't for Bill gates?

Yo0u have no idea ^_^
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #18 on: 27 June 2003, 13:44 »
Windows 2000!


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #19 on: 27 June 2003, 15:41 »
a mozilla OS would be interesting.
maybe it could use magnetic crystals.
How can you say im crazy? You wouldnt know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.  -- mike muir/suicidal tendencies


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #20 on: 27 June 2003, 17:57 »
Originally posted by avello500:
a mozilla OS would be interesting.
maybe it could use magnetic crystals.

this would be try it out.  mozilla is stable as all hell.
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #21 on: 29 June 2003, 17:57 »
Originally posted by jens:
Well I know, they all suck but if you had to pick one wich one should you take???

the one they never made.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #22 on: 30 June 2003, 00:37 »
think where computers would be today if it weren't for Bill gates?

sorry to say, but if it weren't for bill gates, computers would not be as commonplace as they are now. it is reality, i know that i don't like it and you won't either.

yes, we would have better technology, but it would not be mainstream. people would probibly have kept their distance from computers for years to come.

this doesn't mean, however, that what bill gates did/is doing is right. he is inhibiting the modern technology growth, and selling flawed products.

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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #23 on: 30 June 2003, 00:46 »
Originally posted by Siplus: *Capitalist*:

sorry to say, but if it weren't for bill gates, computers would not be as commonplace as they are now. it is reality, i know that i don't like it and you won't either.

yes, we would have better technology, but it would not be mainstream. people would probibly have kept their distance from computers for years to come.

this doesn't mean, however, that what bill gates did/is doing is right. he is inhibiting the modern technology growth, and selling flawed products.

not necessarly.  there were plenty of DOS oss that bill put out of buisness.  one of them could have sprouted up and because a better microsoft.  we might have better technology that is more stable than windows, and is mainsteam.  on the other hand, it could have been worse.  just because bill got lucky does not mean that someone else couldnt have.
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #24 on: 30 June 2003, 01:45 »
Computers being mainstream was not a result of Bill Gates' business practices, but rather a movement he took advantage of. If computer manufacturers had had the choice to install an OS other than MS-DOS or Windows, the same amount of computers would have been produced, except that the computers would have been popularised by a growth of many competitors. If Apple, Commodore, Acorn and others had gone on unhindered, they would have contributed their part of publicity, and the result would have been the same, if not much better. They would have done a much better job of providing computers to the masses, especially Apple (for the US market) and Acorn (for the UK market).


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #25 on: 30 June 2003, 04:14 »
Originally posted by ArmTheHomeless:
Windows 2000.  Its the only Microsoft OS that is even worth looking at.  Still, its not that great, but its a LOT better than the 95 series and XP.  The older NTs are (from what I've heard) are ok, but still 2000 tops them.

My thoughts exactly
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #26 on: 30 June 2003, 04:54 »
Originally posted by usr/bin/maniaman:

My thoughts [that 2000 is the best M$ Operating System] exactly

I am inclined to agree, although NT 4.0 is okay for a MSOS. although for M$, Xenix is pretty good

GNU/Linux still 0wnz it though

[ June 29, 2003: Message edited by: [root@localhost /]$ ]

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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #27 on: 30 June 2003, 06:15 »
no shit
"One World, One Web, One Program " --Microsoft AD
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #28 on: 30 June 2003, 10:12 »
I have to agree with some of the other posters, Windows 2000 probably was Microsoft's best creation.  I'm an OS X and Linux guy, but sitting down at a Win2k workstation isn't a completely horrific experience -- well, unless the install is more than a year or two old, then it starts acting goofy, or not functioning at all.  

The problem is, M$ will eventually quit supporting 2000, so people comfortable with it will be forced to upgrade to whatever the latest offering is -- which will probably be DRM hell.

Let us not forget though that Win2k's stability isn't necessarily attributed to M$, but to Digital's VMS, which contributes a great deal to the foundations of Win2k.  

Oh, and to the poster that credits Bill Gates for widespread computer adaptation, I think that's totally off base.  If anything at all prompted the average individual to buy a computer it was the Internet, something that Gates had nothing to do with.  In fact, there's the infamous quote of Gates where he essentially brushed off the Internet as nothing major.  

The Internet aside, I'd give Commodore, Apple, and to a certain extent Atari credit for the introduction of PCs in households.  They were the first to present friendly machines at reasonable prices, that easily did tasks the average consumer needed.  The c64, to this day sold more units than any other system in the world.  In the 80's, Gates could give a shit about making computers friendly; his whole "computer in every home" campaign was PR and nothing else.  Gates' nose follows the scent of money wherever it may lead, and providing services to businesses  makes much less money than controlling every home in America.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #29 on: 30 June 2003, 10:33 »
IMHO what put a computer in most homes where three things.
1: porn
2: aninimity (sp?)
3: internet commmerce

once businesses saw that there was a potential to earn money online, they began the media blitz. it didnt matter what os was being used, as long as the consumer was made to open their wallet.

actually come to think about it, porn is what made the in-home video industry explode.
mmmmmmmm porn.  :D
How can you say im crazy? You wouldnt know what crazy was if Charles Manson was eating Fruit Loops on your front porch.  -- mike muir/suicidal tendencies