Author Topic: Whats the best OS of microsuck?  (Read 3143 times)


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #30 on: 30 June 2003, 11:33 »
I have tried Windows 2000 to see how much it improved since the 9x series. I must say, it is the best Windows OS made by Microsoft. Not great, but it's their best shot nonetheless; at least the interface isn't as revolting as Luna or Plex. It doesn't cooperate well with other systems, though, and I've had to reinstall it twice because my Linux/FreeBSD bootloaders keep erasing the ntldr.

Another thing is that when you install it, you have to insert four bootdisks before you insert the CD. How ridiculous is that? And there's no way to make an emergency boot disk unless you can boot to Windows 2000, so I was messed up when Grub erased my bootloader the first time. The second time, I tried it, and the bootdisk couldn't repair it (and it was designed to restore the bootloader in emergency cases). I tried countless times to boot with the same four diskettes over and over again, trying to log in through an emergency commandline (which didn't work because Windoze didn't recognise my password).

Clearly, Windows 2000 does not have the flexibility of a UN*X OS, so there's not much you can do if something goes wrong.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #31 on: 30 June 2003, 20:20 »
I'm glad that I've only had to use 2000, and now I know the difference between just getting the job done and doing it well.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #32 on: 30 June 2003, 20:32 »
We heard you, M51DPS.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #33 on: 5 July 2003, 06:14 »
If you want to read all about how MS aquiried DOS here it is.

Lots of info on Gary Kildall the man who wrote DOS, follow the link to DR.
Windows is a poorly debugged device driver loader with a graphical interface.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #34 on: 5 July 2003, 08:47 »
I would also have to agree on windows 2000 as the only microsoft operating system i would be caught dead with.

The only thing Microsoft holds over us is compatibility.  They can't shake a stick at us with anything else.
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #35 on: 5 July 2003, 12:13 »
Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
The only thing Microsoft holds over us is compatibility.  They can't shake a stick at us with anything else.

Everytime I hear that it pisses me off. It's not linux that isn't compatible with the hardware, it's the hardware that isn't compatible with linux. Bitch at the manufacturers about it. That's like microsoft saying, "haha, hardware manufacturers only make stuff for us, so you must suck". That's basically what they are doing. I still have to say that dos is my favorite... but it doesn't support much hardware. In fact, I think everything that works in dos works in linux. (correct me if i'm wrong).


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #36 on: 5 July 2003, 13:14 »
Whats the best MS OS ..........I have an old 98 update CD that I accidently cracked in half so now it's the best one I've so far


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #37 on: 6 July 2003, 05:59 »
Im forced to use Windows XP at my school.

I sware most of us are living in software communism
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #38 on: 6 July 2003, 06:48 »
Originally posted by mushrooomprince:
Im forced to use Windows XP at my school.

I sware most of us are living in software communism



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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #39 on: 6 July 2003, 15:32 »
My point is that when anyone goes out to get a Dell/Gateway/HP/Compaq/Sony computer they are pretty much forced to purchase it with a Windows Operating system.  

Thats what i ment by software communism.  

You know ? Like how in a communist country you have little or no choices on anything because of the way the government is set up ?
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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #40 on: 6 July 2003, 17:27 »
Originally posted by Emiko:
You must be confused..  Microsoft never made an OS did they? I thought they just stole OS's.. oh well...

hahaha yeappp
DAyttttttt dagilinnnnnnnn...ACin Turkiye nin onunuuuuuuuuuu....


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #41 on: 12 July 2003, 00:32 »
Bill got lucky and outsmarted all of us. He took advantage of all the chances he had. Please continue reading so you will get mad. So, there is no chance of everyone switching to another operating system because consumers and business have already invested so much in it and their software would be uncompatible and even more buggy if they switched.  Plus there is very little game or any other development going on for any other operating system so no regular consumer is going to switch to something they dont understand. This means all of you are wasting your time while you are having no effect in your rambling. Also, you might as well boycott intel,amd,compaq,ibm,gateway,dell,falcon,ibuypoweremachines,nvidia,ati,toshiba,sony(makers of the playstaion 1&2),yahoo,google,THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and every other country, state, city, county,province,company,person,and yourselves because they and billions more support microsoft software. I hope you are mad someone on your website .001 percent agrees with you. Continuing the Xbox is more powerful has more good games(halo,halo 2,brute force,xsn sports lineup,sudeki,amped,armada 2,capcom vs snk,dead or alive 3,jet set radio future,marvel vs capcom2,midtown madness 3,panzer dragoon orta,quantum redshift,star wars,tao feng,true crime streets of LA,and the upcoming title Conker live and uncut)than any other console. You tell because Xbox sells more games per console than Gamecube and Playstation 2 combined. Xbox has a 733 mhz processor. Gamecube has a 400. Playstation has a 175. Xbox live is the best online system ever created except for the subscription fee and you cant get on the internet.
I have not even said even half of what I could have said but I am going to leave you all alone for now. Exspect me to return again later.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #42 on: 12 July 2003, 00:46 »
If Microsoft software was backward compatible,stable and met your individual needs. Would you buy it?

[ July 11, 2003: Message edited by: bigmicrosoftlittleothers ]


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #43 on: 12 July 2003, 00:48 »
Originally posted by bigmicrosoftlittleothers:
Bill got lucky and outsmarted all of us. He took advantage of all the chances he had. Please continue reading so you will get mad. So, there is no chance of everyone switching to another operating system because consumers and business have already invested so much in it and their software would be uncompatible and even more buggy if they switched.  Plus there is very little game or any other development going on for any other operating system so no regular consumer is going to switch to something they dont understand. This means all of you are wasting your time while you are having no effect in your rambling. Also, you might as well boycott intel,amd,compaq,ibm,gateway,dell,falcon,ibuypoweremachines,nvidia,ati,toshiba,sony(makers of the playstaion 1&2),yahoo,google,THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA and every other country, state, city, county,province,company,person,and yourselves because they and billions more support microsoft software. I hope you are mad someone on your website .001 percent agrees with you. Continuing the Xbox is more powerful has more good games(halo,halo 2,brute force,xsn sports lineup,sudeki,amped,armada 2,capcom vs snk,dead or alive 3,jet set radio future,marvel vs capcom2,midtown madness 3,panzer dragoon orta,quantum redshift,star wars,tao feng,true crime streets of LA,and the upcoming title Conker live and uncut)than any other console. You tell because Xbox sells more games per console than Gamecube and Playstation 2 combined. Xbox has a 733 mhz processor. Gamecube has a 400. Playstation has a 175. Xbox live is the best online system ever created except for the subscription fee and you cant get on the internet.
I have not even said even half of what I could have said but I am going to leave you all alone for now. Exspect me to return again later.

Nice try.

Have you been keeping up with the news? More & more BUSINESSES & GOVERNMENTS are switching to linux. Windows is losing the battle. The xbox is a joke. More powerful? more powerful than what? certainly not the game cube. or even the playstation 2. How could th xbox even compete? It isnt even designed to be a gaming machine. it is a cheap ass computer built with cheap ass parts. As for game selection. all of the games i want are available for playstation2 & game cube. More people are using open source techs now. And the trend is growing. as you are a troll (well, on your way to becoming a troll) i do Exspect you to return. Gates didn't outsmart "us", he stole ideas and took advantage of people to get where he is. He is someone i have no repsect for, and have no quips about boycotting. Fuck bill gates. Fuck microsoft. They offer product that is below average and buggy. they care nothing for the advancement of coomputers, they want money. and lots of it. Fuck those greedy bastards. I do not share their goals. You have def shown yourself to be a sheep. or a cow, as their next os implies. go ahead, keep grazing on their asses, do what your told. I for one, have my own mind and can actually make choices myself. I do not need a Corporation to tell me what is good and bad.


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Whats the best OS of microsuck?
« Reply #44 on: 12 July 2003, 00:49 »
Originally posted by bigmicrosoftlittleothers:
If Microsoft software was backward compatible,stable and met your individual needs. Would you buy it?

[ July 11, 2003: Message edited by: bigmicrosoftlittleothers ]

No. not when i can get Red Hat linux for FREE.