Author Topic: Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0  (Read 1292 times)


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Boy !
This is best browser I have ever used.
I used  IE crap,Opera Crap,Netscape Cool,Mozilla Cool .
Bur Firebird comes winner.Just download it and few simple addons and you will understand what i mean.

1)no 'find; dialog box invocation required ,its one addon does single character serach in instant
2)looks that will kick sh*t out of IE
3)still no multitabbbing?Go kill yourself IE
4)no crap ads to buy as Opera has.
5)no cluttering of client area as Opera does
6)no security holes as crap IE has
7)addons are not compulsory and we can choose them
  Now thats democracy!
8)no tool is out of reach.
9)no stupid stubborn IE type things .customise at time you want
10)no crap rediretion to MSN.COM which eats my poor 4kb bandwidth

IE 6.0 you are dead and gone ,at least for people with dignity.


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #1 on: 28 August 2003, 18:14 »
and why is it then that 90% of people still use IE?

can it simply be that IE comes with 90% of computers and firebird must be downloaded?


luckily for me, IE doesn't work on my operating system, of course firebird is fine.
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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #2 on: 30 August 2003, 07:41 »
Originally posted by swapnil:

IE 6.0 you are dead and gone ,at least for people with dignity.

Where have you been for the last 3 years?


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #3 on: 11 September 2003, 01:32 »
What's so bad about Opera? The ads are there for two reasons, first so they can provide a free browser of sorts, and second, so they can make money to continue development of their product. The browser only costs $39 and is currently on sale for $29. I can think of many pieces of crapware that are overpriced much more than that (*cough* Windows, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Fireworks, Office *cough*). When you really get down to it, $40 is not that unreasonable for arguably one of the most used applications on your sytem, your browser.

Second, the toolbars may be cluttered, but that can very easily be changed. You can customize them yourself, or if you're feeling really lazy, just set it to Opera's "minimalistic" default.


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #4 on: 11 September 2003, 02:04 »
I use the free version of Opera and it is perfectly acceptable and still miles ahead of IE. I've dabbled with a few others Mozilla, Netscape and firbird but Opera wins for me just because of the multi tabbing.
Exploder does not even come close to any other browser, it is complete and utter shite and yet, go try and convince a Window$ user to at least try another browser and they are like "Oh no, I like Exploder, I don't want to change and besides everybody else uses it.". What a loadyshite. I still find it hard to convince people away from Exploder and Lookout. What is wrong with them ?   :mad:
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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #5 on: 11 September 2003, 02:11 »
Why use opera for the multi-tabbing when firebird and mozilla have it?
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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #6 on: 11 September 2003, 02:23 »
Opera has mouse gestures (Mozilla only has it as an add-on, and is copied on Opera), fast forward and rewind buttons (similar to Safari's snapback, but in both directions), customisable interface (you can place the address bar, navigation bar, tab bar, etc. at the top or the bottom), can import bookmarks from Konqueror, Explorer and Mozilla/Netscape, and has more skins available for it than Mozilla. Also, it's just as fast as Mozilla.


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #7 on: 11 September 2003, 02:40 »
Exploder does not even come close to any other browser, it is complete and utter shite and yet, go try and convince a Window$ user to at least try another browser and they are like "Oh no, I like Exploder, I don't want to change and besides everybody else uses it.". What a loadyshite. I still find it hard to convince people away from Exploder and Lookout. What is wrong with them ?

I've learned one secret that will keep just about any idiot away from IE... tell them about the security exploits, THEN translate it into plain english - "If you browse porn and warez sites with IE, you may get a virus or worm or have a hacker get into your system." After that, converting them is easy.

I've found the browser that flows the easiest with them is Firebird, it's extremely slim and fast and it also resembles IE ever-so-slightly. Now, if they really can't stand change, I usually find that Mozilla with a spoofed IE startup screen and the Internet Explorer 5 skin will work wonders.

Oh, and one other tip for converts... even if they are well aware that it's not IE, use TweakUI to remove the IE icon from their desktop (in Win2k and below) and give Firebird/Mozilla's shortcut the IE logo. Somehow they just can't seem to associate icons by name, only by appearence.


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #8 on: 11 September 2003, 03:02 »
IE is a standards breaking pile of steaming crap that ain't worth the man hours or disk pace it steals.

I have one machine with IE on for  testing work, othet than that I won't allow it infect my net work.
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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #9 on: 11 September 2003, 08:21 »
Being one of those people who are in the process of converting I ran into a problem using mozilla and mozilla firebird and a dislike. The problem was I couldn't log on anywhere unless I excepted cookies. Whether I excepted them all or only for a session they stayed with me after I went off line. Having IE makes me look over my shoulder all the time. And the dislike is that I couldn't customize the tool bar the way I wanted to. Reading the post here gives me the idea to try opera. Shame about the cookie problem(probally operator error) cause firebird was fast..real fast compared to snail IE. Is there away around the cookie problem and will my system go haywire if I remove IE and outlook express completely(don't trust miscrosoft at all, trust microsoft=oxymoron)


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #10 on: 11 September 2003, 08:37 »
I'm not aware of the cookie problem so I don't think I can help you sorry.  It's still in alpha, so you could report the bug to and / or search the site for news of the bug and any fixes.
You CANNOT remove IE or Outlook from MS as far as I'm aware.  If you get Service Pack 1 theres an "set program defaults" thing added which lets you remove all the shortcuts.  Thats it.
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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #11 on: 11 September 2003, 21:06 »
I certainly agree that Firebird does lack in the cookie configuration department. I've done a quick search to see if there are any Extensions that can overcome this shortcomming, but there don't appear to be any.

I know Mozilla can do the type of cookie management you want (which is to accept all cookies and delete them after the session is over), but that still does leave the toolbar problem. I know that using one extension you can add the home button, which seems to be the one thing people miss the most and through editing configuration files you can remove the throbber. Aside from that though, it is pretty limited in terms of customizing, which is actually one of the reasons for the split over to Firebird in the development tree.

If theese are the options you're looking for, as well as the customized toolbar, I think you'll probably enjoy Opera a lot. Privacy configuraiton is definately one of it's strong suits. The only pitfall is a bit of instability, for that reason I'd recommend the 7.20 beta... I've been running it since it was released and it's one of the few builds that hasn't crashed on me yet, even with constant and heavy use.

Good luck!


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #12 on: 11 September 2003, 21:41 »
How does Firebird's stability right now compare to Mozilla or Opera?
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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #13 on: 11 September 2003, 21:59 »
I'd definately say that Firebird is the more reliable browser at the moment. So far, I haven't hit a single crash on it and again, I've been using the 0.6x line since it's initial release. The only thing I've come across are a few extensions that cause it to "burp" a little.

Opera on the other hand, I've experienced a lot of stability problems with past 7.1x builds (both final 7.11 and betas), but I haven't had any problems with the 7.2 beta so far.


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Mozilla Firebird 0.6 clips remaining wings of IE 6.0
« Reply #14 on: 11 September 2003, 11:00 »
the only problem with fire bird i have had is where it takes a while to load up after clicking the icon, may just be me but it is a far amount of time say 3-6 secs