And if you notice they are comparing ASP.NET to ASP. One Microsoft technology over another. This is in no way a comparison to open source. If you'll also notice they put a lot of people out of work.
This really isn't an issue. After all, had they gone Linux, they
still would have put some of their staff out of work. With Linux, you don't need an army of MCSEs to molly-coddle the servers to keep them working. Linux servers just work, and work, and work. They'd require a much smaller support staff with Linux.
The very shittiness of MS soft does, indeed, put
lots of people to work. Hell, it's even created entire
industries dedicated to nothing more than overcoming the many manifest short-comings of MS. Had MS done their job right the first time, there'd be no Symantec, or MacAfee, or Zone Alarm. We wouldn't need all that AV soft, with the attendant need for repeated subscriptions for virus updates.

Nor would there be any near as much need for elaborate firewalls to keep these systems somewhat safe.
Whatever will such companies do without MS?
Live Free or Die: Linux

Their fundamental design flaws are completely concealed by their superficail design flaws.