Author Topic: Help me install Windows 98SE  (Read 1124 times)


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Help me install Windows 98SE
« on: 14 August 2002, 16:18 »
Ok after much stress and a few wasted hours I've come to the conclusion that I need the help of the people on these forums to install W98. Why 98? 0ld$k00l compatibility and a dos re-boot option(I think) that XP lacks.

I'll just list the facts.

1)Windows 98SE is not the orginal MS disk, it's a pirated copy(actually, it's not even a literal copy, the files are unzipped in a directory on a backup disk)  

2)When I try to install W98, everthing is ok until it finishes setting up the installer. Then it informs me that it can't install to this disk. It thinks I have it partitioned wrong or am using disk compression.(it is formatted and can actually store files though)

3)I lack an MS-DOS, I used a windows 98 bootdisk to install it from.

4)The boot from CD option don't work with the windows 98 cd.

5)The first time I tried to install it, I used a different startup disk. It was a so-so MS-DOS startup disk I made that day. I made it into a new startup disk during the install, thinking that a W98 startup disk would be better. Then setup just had to finish rebooting and I let it. Sadly it didn't want to boot from the partition I made for it. So I used the startup disk again and examined everything. I typed "win" and it loaded half-way, then had an error. It's possible that me changing the DOS disk confused the poor installer. If that is the case, then I just need to make another homemade one. However, I would perfer if you guys could link me to an excellent one on the net.

6:If I want W98 AND XP on, I need to install them first, THEN install Mandrake. It might be a little bit easier if Grub/Lilo's stranglehold on my boot for drive C could be eliminated. I messed around with re-installing Mandrake some. Doing thing such as formatting the Mandrake parition in hopes that it would "let go"(as that might be why W98 is grumpy) and allow me to tell Fdisk to make the wind0ze partition the active booting partition(the "non-dos" partition is the boot). Then with XP and W98 each having their own little greedly boot worlds(switch with bios) I could install Mandrake, configure the bootmanage, and ALL THREE OS's could be one big happy family.

7:Windows 95 VS Windows 98. 98 has the same level of oldskool compatibility as 95, correct? Perhaps I should make a small W95 partition for extra oldskool insurance, incase W98 is unfriendly sometimes? I need to know the answer before I do the big system install marathon, cuz I don't wanna go through this again for quite awhile.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #1 on: 14 August 2002, 16:48 »
Try this one
As for Win95 and 98, I'd go for 98 since it provides a little more stability than win95.

If you wnat all 3 OSes on your puter you have to first install 98, then XP (I'd recommend Win2K instead) and then Mandrake.
Mandrake takes a hold of your MBR like no other OS I saw, once you install it it's almost impossible to replace your MBR, you have to wipe it first.
Do this with fdisk /mbr.
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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #2 on: 14 August 2002, 18:12 »
Why does XP have to go on second? It's already on, and seems content to have it's own boot cubby hole on it's partition.
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #3 on: 14 August 2002, 19:32 »
I don't exactly know why, I think it's because the Win 98 install will overwrite your MBR, Win98 doesn't have a bootloader.
If you install it on a different partition, you might be able to acces your WinXP Partition (if it's not NTFS formatted) and edit your boot.ini file.
It might even be possible that XP doesn't let you install Win98, dunno for sure though.
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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #4 on: 15 August 2002, 01:15 »
help me install windows 98?

phone up Microsoft helpdesk for gods' sake!!!

does this look like the Microsoft proliferation society?
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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #5 on: 15 August 2002, 04:15 »
But Calum, this is the wind0ze forum. No I won't phone the helpdesk, im a pirate, and I have to pay money to use tech support. Surely you don't want me fattening MS's pockets do you?  

Just consider this a wind0ze technical problem that everyone bitches about.  :D
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #6 on: 15 August 2002, 04:50 »
Yep, for the moment I'm stuck in Win95 hell. I would prefer not to be but, some people have to spend some time in hell.

If you use an M$ software package past the next two upgrades I'm sure the accountants in Redmond are writing you off as a tax deduction. I'm sure they think you are costing them money. Doubly so for me as I am using an even older software package. Make that triple time for me. My 'business computer' is running DOS 6.22 and Win3.1! Take that Bill!

Sorry I can't help with the Win98 problem, I've never used that OS.
Bitter? I'm not bitter. After seeing what Bill Gates and MicroSoft has inflicted upon us. I wish Bill would choke on a cheese sandwich and put us out of his misery.

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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #7 on: 15 August 2002, 05:00 »
i pirated copy! This will be reported to [email protected]... unless you were a Bob, then i would not have to report you. Will you join us Lazygamer?
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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #8 on: 15 August 2002, 05:48 »
awwww, one copy of windows, with my friends he would have a warez score of about $100. i got into the $20k range before i heard about linux. then i got rid of most of my warez cuase i liked linux and it could do everything without needing all the pharking warez.
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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #9 on: 15 August 2002, 13:49 »
20K?! /gives cookie

My Warez score is probably.... under $2000, possibly under $1000.

MOR answer me one question about the Cult of Bob. How is it the members(such as yourself) can get away with being intellectually advanced enough to be intelligent, well skilled, anti-MS Linux d00dz? Such advanced thought would mean violating your rules, and being blasphemous. I don't think your leader would like this very much.  ;)
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #10 on: 15 August 2002, 15:38 »
shit! 20k?!?! is that US dollars? i'm probably around 4 - 5k australian dollars


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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #11 on: 15 August 2002, 15:59 »
This is a long rant.

I understand that this is an Anti-Microsoft forum, but it's also a coping forum. So that means wind0ze/Linux users help each other make the horrible windows experience as easy as possible. Most of us must use Windows for some reason, most of the regulars here probably lack a windows free computer. Now I can understand the ideals behind "This is not a wind0ze forum", but it's not like I was asking dumb n00b stuff about installing W98. I had a technical problem that was really wierd and frustrating. Interestingly enough, this problem was caused by Mandrake(no offense to Mandrake or Linux though).  

Why would I not just go to another forum? That is because I realize there is some really great people here. Judging by the windows mass audience, help on another forum would likely be lower quality, and take longer to receieve. Oh yah, there's also that little thing about how the fanboys would try and bite off my balls for mentioning my 0.1K of warez.  ;)

On a side note, W98 install works fine now. I just have to reboot and enter the reg code. I used a bootdisk(found from
called techw0rm, and it rocked. It had a program that pwns Fdisk. It read my Linux partitions, and allowed me to disintigrate them. Once again no offense to Linux or Mandrake.

Yes, I'll re-install it again, or perhaps try Suse. Don't worry, im not a ghey MS fanboy traitor.  ;)
For every hot Lesbian you see in a porno video, there is a fat, butch-like, or just downright ugly lesbian beeyotch marching in a gay pride parade, or bitching about same sex marriages. -Lazygamer on homosexuality


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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #12 on: 15 August 2002, 22:03 »
No, this is not an M$ support forum. This is not a forum about how to make Windows work better for you.  It is a forum to help you get rid of Windows.
Someone please remove this account. Thanks...

Master of Reality

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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #13 on: 15 August 2002, 23:06 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
MOR answer me one question about the Cult of Bob. How is it the members(such as yourself) can get away with being intellectually advanced enough to be intelligent, well skilled, anti-MS Linux d00dz? Such advanced thought would mean violating your rules, and being blasphemous. I don't think your leader would like this very much.   ;)  

for any effort i ex-ert doing anything, i rest a whole bunch to make up for all that effort. I slept for 3 months only waking to eat before i made The Bob Hub and most of the pages in it are copied or directly linked to the cult of bob HQ.

now for the 5th number of your IP: 142.17*.**.** and you live in Canada.
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Master of Reality

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Help me install Windows 98SE
« Reply #14 on: 15 August 2002, 23:11 »
Originally posted by lazygamer:
This is a long rant.

I understand that this is an Anti-Microsoft forum, but it's also a coping forum. So that means wind0ze/Linux users help each other make the horrible windows experience as easy as possible. Most of us must use Windows for some reason, most of the regulars here probably lack a windows free computer. Now I can understand the ideals behind "This is not a wind0ze forum", but it's not like I was asking dumb n00b stuff about installing W98. I had a technical problem that was really wierd and frustrating. Interestingly enough, this problem was caused by Mandrake(no offense to Mandrake or Linux though).    

Why would I not just go to another forum? That is because I realize there is some really great people here. Judging by the windows mass audience, help on another forum would likely be lower quality, and take longer to receieve. Oh yah, there's also that little thing about how the fanboys would try and bite off my balls for mentioning my 0.1K of warez.   ;)  

On a side note, W98 install works fine now. I just have to reboot and enter the reg code. I used a bootdisk(found from
called techw0rm, and it rocked. It had a program that pwns Fdisk. It read my Linux partitions, and allowed me to disintigrate them. Once again no offense to Linux or Mandrake.

Yes, I'll re-install it again, or perhaps try Suse. Don't worry, im not a ghey MS fanboy traitor.   ;)  

go to
you can get quality help there like this:

but dont mention anything other than microsoft products or the hillbilly webmaster will kick you out. the webmaster told me exactly "you was helping not anyone mentioning linux" when i asked why i was banned.
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'It takes more than a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head to stop Bob'