I think they figured that the more users gave the three fingered salute, the more they would see this action as a normal occurance, and they wouldn't notice when the system goes down and needs a soft boot. Next is getting the MOBO manufacturers to rewire the on/off switch to send a message to the kernel to logon. haha. "Please press the Off button located on the front of your computer to log in to Microsoft Windows CraPee

" don't forget the animated graphical logo, in case users (who have been accustomed to those darned crashless OSes) forget how to press the On/Off switch.
One problem I have with the KDE task monitor -- it doesn't pause the things that are non-essential like the windows versions do. Most of the time, when I need to kill something that way, it is because something is churning the disk so hard that the interface is left out in the dust. At least the CTL+ALT+[<- BACKSPACE] works very effectively in dumping the x server. And of course the SysReq Hack if something starts to get a little frisky at the console. I love that thing. ALT-SysReq-e and the only process that is left standing is "init".... BTW, maybe it's just a slack thing, but CTL+ALT+DEL is to log off KDE, ALT+ESC launches the task monitor -- er, sysguard, and CTL+ALT+ESC brings up the "kill" mouse cursor.