Fill out your member profile or your opinions don't mean shit, because you didn't even take the time. :mad:
This goes for both of you, Madmarky and Microsoft Zombie.
I would toss out the whole fucking computer if it had any proprietary microsoft crap!
Microsoft will fuck you over to make more money!
I have a printer and scanner that wont work in anything past WinMe, so what's the difference!
That scanner cost $250, and the printer $200.
So who's gonna support these things? The Linux community, that's who!
Both units are supported in Linux! I was about to give away the scanner!
You know that thousands of people had to buy new printers, etc. for the priviledge of upgrading to XP. because Microsoft doesn't want to waste their time programming drivers,
FACT! for older peripherals.
So what's the difference!
[ September 04, 2002: Message edited by: RudeCat7 ]