What you have to ask yourself is - as soon as Apple released OS X Microshite ditches XP and starts developing thair cow. I thought XP was supposed to be their revolutionary OS?
Win XP
was Macro$ux' "revolutionary" OS, as was Win 2K, Win 98, Win 95... Well, you get the idea. As our Fearless Leader would put it: "Fool me once. Shame... shame on... you. Fool me... can't get fooled again." (It's an old Texas saying

) That's their business model: more hype, more senseless bloat, more bu... err... undocumented features, more powerful hard just to do the same damn thing you did with Win 95 (and probably a helluva lot easier, and more securely -- Win 95 at the very least, wasn't a bloated-up POS, nor was it inflicted with all that nag/spy/ad/ware either.)
Why are Microshite scared shitless of Apple - who have 5% market share?
Not just Apple, but also that op-sys that's designed by all those long-haired hippy types, whose name escapes me at the moment.
During a moment of unguarded candor once, Bill Gates admitted that Macro$ux owed its success, not to the fact that what they were doing was so much better, but rather that the competition was that much worse. These guys aren't that stupid. They know
precisely what they're selling, and are well aware that they're finished if someone comes along with something better. That's why Be, Inc. had to die (and with it: BeOS). They needed to keep Apple around in order to show the US DoJ some "competition" so's they could win that anti-trust suit. M$ is indeed fortunate that Apples cost so much. If Apple could solve that problem, Macro$ux would be in for some
excrutiating times.

(They may very well be in for it anyway, given the company's simply
mahhhh-velous customer relations.

Live Free or Die: Linux
If software can be free, why can't dolphins?