Originally posted by Agent Jimmy James Smith:
being boring and whining about everything is called "sucking"
Doesn't change the fact that your trolling. And yes the first post IS full of shit.
Bloatware. I've never even heard of ANY linux distro being the size as M$ windows!!!! Even WITH the apps!!! Most distros can run on a pentium 2 and 4 and can be suited to the persons needs. Microsoft Nada!!!!!!
If thats innovation. Then the guy hitting himself with a hammer if a fucking genious!
Vapor ware!!!! Actualy no other company I have heard of doing that except the american corperations. But it seems that they think they are above the law untill they get caught *Cough Enron!!!!
Perpetual Upgradeing. Like I said Linux can run on a p2 and or a p4, So saying you need the latest hardware for linux is absoulte BULLSHIT!!!!!
This is one of the fundemental things why linux is just better! And I've never seen ANY ms software that realsed compeling features, exept the spyware. And no if you don't want it, Don't need it, tough because in windows its INTERGRATED!!!! ITS THERE PERMINANTLY!!!
Yes all software has Bugs, but in linux they get FIXED!!! And no, linux has no where near as many bugs as windows has. But then windows intergrated active x!
How many times are you gonna say "wait till linux catches on!" For petes sake! Your never gonna find a worm like Blaster! So give up and get over yourself already!
And finaly NS VS IE, Security holes with no tab browsing, nuff said. Java? Well under linux it works beutifuly, windows, expect that crash!
Just another misinformend troll!! Rationalizing that he/she made the better chice because you KNOW you took it up the ass!