Originally posted by zoolooo:
The only problem people have with Mozilla is realising that Internet Explorer is a browser.
Once you explain that you can access "all of the internet" with Mozilla they are happy.
Stop unwanted pop-ups makes tehm jump for joy and they forget about IE.
The argument about the user being unable to use Mozilla really shows that you have spent absolutely no time or effort in considering alternatives to what you consider crap software.
You decided they couldn't do it? So you didn't bother? It ain't them it's YOU.
MS will only prevail if people have your attitude "I don't like it but I haven't the ken to do anything else". Maybe you haven't.
Bullshit. I can not mandate to a user to use a particular browser !! I could install Mozilla on every PC, inform the user base that it's available and recommend they use Mozilla, that's it.I can't force them to use another browser because I can't uninstall Exploder but I could give them the choice. But, if the user is happy with Exploder, they will probably not use another browser.
Users don't see a problem with exploder so why should they change ? Going round a corporation with the "Microsoft bad, everything else good" mantra just makes you look like an asshole.
Change takes time, you don't just say to a VP of finance, "You can't use Exploder anymore, use this."
Don't think I haven't tried, I don't know how you came to that conclusion that I don't try. I started to use Mozilla myself and I have experienced a problem in Mozilla that I don't get with Exploder or Konquerer. namely, when cursor is over an active field a drop list is supposed to make itself visible. In Mozilla it doesn't, in other browsers it does. I don't know about Netscape though.