I don't use Windows except for a very few functions at work where I have no choice. Most of my work can be done with Linux. I still own a Win98 computer, but it hasn't been booted in months. My "main" home computer is a dual boot RH8/RH9 computer. Of the other 5 computers in my home, only one is a Windows computer. I don't visit this forum much any more, but even when I do, I don't "whing" [sic] about Windows, I'm just glad as hell that I don't have to use it any more. This forum was where I learned enough to get free of that broken excuse of an operating system.
I learned here how to free myself of Windows, and for that I'm grateful. I don't have to live with viruses, trojans, worms, BSOD's, spyware, and all the other joys of Windows. For those who like those things, you have my permission and blessing to enjoy them. I have chosen a different path. I like cherish my freedom. I like knowing what my OS does and having the authority to modify it if I choose. I have choice and I will not relinquish it. I use Linux! And that makes me happy.
I value my data and documents and insist on knowing that I can secure them and that no trolls in Redmond are going to be able to peruse it at their will. You will never hear me "whinging" about Windows, though you may (occasionally) hear me singing the praises of Linux.
I haven't spent enough time in this forum lately to know if you're just another marginally literate little troll or another Linux user who's sick of the anti-Windows traffic here, but if I had to guess from your post here, you should get a life and a real OS. If you're the former, quit kissing Bill Gates' ass and get on with your computing life. If you're the latter... sorry.
My words of wisdom for any trolls here... FUCK OFF and get a life. All Microsoft wants from you is your money and data (so they can get money for that). All Linux wants from you is your ability (if you have it) to contribute to making a better OS. I'm an American and I value my freedom and privacy. I won't willingly forfeit those to my government and sure as shit will never pay money to hand them over to some damned software company in Redmond.
Jim (BashMan) Dishaw