So here is a thought, or two.
There are companies always upgrading. So why don't they offer all those P1XX and 486, etc. with old software to school? They could buy up bankrupt stock at a fraction of the price M$ will charge for software upgrade. And Linux can still run on older machines. So you loose a little speed, hell you kill more birds with that stone, because the kids cannot, or will have a slow time, using the school comps. for games and internet.
Kids need exposure to computers and the general details of how they work, processor; hard drive; external peripherals; OS's; interfaces; apps, etc. They DO NOT need the latest killer apps, or tech. At college it's different, there you are, in theory at least, being taught about how this stuff is in the 'real world'.
Companies should be encouraged to throw off their old stuff at schools. I remember working on engineering draughting tables donated by a local company, because they were deemed too old, and worn. The schools didn't care, they were free and added to the schools options. The local business got a local school taking more notice of engineering, it's called positive feedback. Business has always fed education from it's back end, and it is a system that works. Tech areas get tech biased school leavers. This has been shown time and again in demographics across the world.
Too many companies have forgotten that schools are where their next staff come from. You want to know why your recent recruits are lame, slow, uneducated, inept at individual thought, or why there are so few of them with actual skills, it's because their world is being swallowed by big business, donating their products (not money - THEIR FUCKING PRODUCTS), and sapping their creative energies.
This is it kids, this is what the world is. WHAT say the kids ELSE is there? Nothing this is all WE have. Then whats the fucking point of ME trying, if this already exists all over the world? M$ should not be allowed to donate product. If they truly give a shit about the future education of our kids, they should donate money. Giving products is only acceptable at local levels, and only on older equipment. Schools need facilities, better paid staff, another computer is not going to solve the problems, but to hear M$ tell it they are saving our schools.
That's better, got it off my chest - repeat after me - MUST NOT READ M$ PROMOTIONAL LITERATURE.